
上传日期:2023-02-17 22:16:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于处理电子表格和“A1:D10”样式的单元格范围规范的帮助器函数
(Helper functions to work with spreadsheets and the "A1:D10" style of cell range specification)

.Rbuildignore (163, 2018-04-08)
.travis.yml (214, 2018-04-08)
DESCRIPTION (923, 2018-04-08)
LICENSE (37, 2018-04-08)
NAMESPACE (1184, 2018-04-08)
NEWS.md (1557, 2018-04-08)
R (0, 2018-04-08)
R\A1-R1C1-regex-utils.R (3150, 2018-04-08)
R\A1-to-from-RC.R (4389, 2018-04-08)
R\anchor.R (3359, 2018-04-08)
R\cell-addr.R (5232, 2018-04-08)
R\cell-limits.R (5672, 2018-04-08)
R\cell-rows-cell-cols.R (2313, 2018-04-08)
R\cellranger-package.r (166, 2018-04-08)
R\letter-to-from-num.R (1847, 2018-04-08)
R\ra-ref.R (7582, 2018-04-08)
R\to-string.R (4271, 2018-04-08)
R\utils.R (1558, 2018-04-08)
appveyor.yml (860, 2018-04-08)
cellranger.Rproj (394, 2018-04-08)
codecov.yml (176, 2018-04-08)
cran-comments.md (426, 2018-04-08)
internal (0, 2018-04-08)
internal\cell-reference-diagram.jpg (620701, 2018-04-08)
internal\classes-re-cells.md (7653, 2018-04-08)
man-roxygen (0, 2018-04-08)
man-roxygen\param-ddd.R (64, 2018-04-08)
man-roxygen\param-fo.R (159, 2018-04-08)
man-roxygen\param-sheet.R (149, 2018-04-08)
man-roxygen\param-strict.R (595, 2018-04-08)
man-roxygen\reference-sestoft.R (125, 2018-04-08)
man (0, 2018-04-08)
man\A1_to_R1C1.Rd (1692, 2018-04-08)
man\R1C1_to_A1.Rd (1369, 2018-04-08)
man\addr_col.Rd (649, 2018-04-08)
man\addr_row.Rd (643, 2018-04-08)
... ...

[![TravisCI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rsheets/cellranger.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rsheets/cellranger) [![AppVeyor Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/rsheets/cellranger?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rsheets/cellranger) [![codecov.io](https://codecov.io/github/rsheets/cellranger/coverage.svg?branch=master)](https://codecov.io/github/rsheets/cellranger?branch=master) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.21970.svg)](http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.21970) [![CRAN version](http://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/cellranger)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=cellranger) ![](http://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/badges/grand-total/cellranger) Helper package to support R scripts or packages that interact with spreadsheets. ### Installation Option 1: Install from CRAN: ``` r install.packages("cellranger") ``` Option 2: Install the development version from GitHub: ``` r # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("jennybc/cellranger") ``` ### What is `cellranger` for? **Describe a rectangle of cells**. For example, what you’ve got is the string “D12:F15” and what you want is an R object that holds the row and column for the upper left and lower right corners of this rectangle. Read below about the `cell_limits` class. The [`googlesheets`](https://github.com/jennybc/googlesheets) and [`readODS`](https://github.com/chainsawriot/readODS) packages use `cellranger` to translate user-supplied cell range info into something more programmatically useful. **Handle cell references found in spreadsheet formulas**. If you’re parsing unevaluated spreadsheet formulas, use the `ra_ref` and `cell_addr` classes for handling absolute, relative, and mixed cell references. Classes inspired by [Spreadsheet Implementation Technology](https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/spreadsheet-implementation-technology) from Sestoft (MIT Press, 2014). **Convert between annoying spreadsheet reference formats**. Some utility functions are exposed, such as `A1_to_R1C1()`, which converts from A1 formatted strings to R1C1, and `letter_to_num()`, which converts a Excel column ID to a number, e.g. column AQZ is more usefully known as column 1144. ### Describing rectangles via `cell_limits` `cellranger` provides an S3 class, `cell_limits`, as the standard way to store a cell range. You can explicitly construct a `cell_limits` object by specifying the upper left and lower right cells and, optionally, the hosting worksheet: ``` r cell_limits(ul = c(ROW_MIN, COL_MIN), lr = c(ROW_MAX, COL_MAX), sheet = "SHEET") ``` Think of it like `R3C1:R7C4` notation, but with the `R` and `C` removed. More often you’ll get a `cell_limits` object by sending diverse user input through `as.cell_limits()`. That’s what’s going on in calls like these from [`googlesheets`](https://github.com/jennybc/googlesheets): ``` r library(googlesheets) gs_read(..., range = "D12:F15") gs_read(..., range = "raw_data!R1C12:R6C15") gs_read(..., range = cell_limits(c(1, 1), c(6, 15))) gs_read(..., range = cell_limits(c(2, 1), c(NA, NA))) gs_read(..., range = cell_rows(1:100)) gs_read(..., range = cell_cols(3:8)) gs_read(..., range = cell_cols("B:MZ")) gs_read(..., range = anchored("B4", dim = c(2, 10))) gs_read(..., range = anchored("A1", dim = c(5, 6), col_names = TRUE)) ## internal usage in functions that put data into a googlesheet anchored(input = head(iris)) anchored(input = head(iris), col_names = FALSE) anchored(input = head(LETTERS)) anchored(input = head(LETTERS), byrow = TRUE) ``` Read the docs for more information on some specialized helpers: - Row- or column-only specification: `cell_rows()`, `cell_cols()`. - Specification via an object you want to write and, optionally, an anchor cell: `anchored()` ``` r library("cellranger") (cl <- as.cell_limits("raw_data!R1C12:R6C15")) #> ``` The `dim` method reports dimensions of the targetted cell rectangle. `as.range()` converts a `cell_limits` object back into an Excel range. ``` r dim(cl) #> [1] 6 4 as.range(cl) #> [1] "raw_data!R1C12:R6C15" as.range(cl, fo = "A1", sheet = FALSE, strict = TRUE) #> [1] "$L$1:$O$6" ``` Use `NA` to leave a limit unspecified, i.e. describe a degenerate rectangle ``` r cell_limits(c(3, 2), c(7, NA)) #> ``` If the maximum row or column is specified but the associated minimum is not, then it is set to 1. ``` r cell_limits(c(NA, NA), c(3, 5)) #> ``` ### Utilities for spreadsheet annoyances We’ve exposed utility functions which could be useful to anyone manipulating Excel-like references. ``` r ## convert character column IDs to numbers ... and vice versa letter_to_num(c('AA', 'ZZ', 'ABD', 'ZZZ', '')) #> [1] 27 702 732 18278 NA num_to_letter(c(27, 702, 732, 18278, 0, -5)) #> [1] "AA" "ZZ" "ABD" "ZZZ" NA NA ## convert between A1 and R1C1 cell references A1_to_R1C1(c("$A$1", "$AZ$10")) #> [1] "R1C1" "R10C52" A1_to_R1C1(c("A1", "AZ10"), strict = FALSE) #> [1] "R1C1" "R10C52" R1C1_to_A1(c("R1C1", "R10C52")) #> [1] "$A$1" "$AZ$10" R1C1_to_A1(c("R1C1", "R10C52"), strict = FALSE) #> [1] "A1" "AZ10" ## detect cell reference formats with ## is_A1() and is_R1C1() x <- c("A1", "$A4", "$b$12", "RC1", "R[-4]C9", "R5C3") data.frame(x, A1 = is_A1(x), R1C1 = is_R1C1(x)) #> x A1 R1C1 #> 1 A1 TRUE FALSE #> 2 $A4 TRUE FALSE #> 3 $b$12 TRUE FALSE #> 4 RC1 TRUE TRUE #> 5 R[-4]C9 FALSE TRUE #> 6 R5C3 FALSE TRUE ## guess format with ## guess_fo() refs <- c("A1", "$A1", "A$1", "$A$1", "a1", "R1C1", "R1C[-1]", "R[-1]C1", "R[-1]C[9]") data.frame(refs, guessed = guess_fo(refs)) #> refs guessed #> 1 A1 A1 #> 2 $A1 A1 #> 3 A$1 A1 #> 4 $A$1 A1 #> 5 a1 A1 #> 6 R1C1 R1C1 #> 7 R1C[-1] R1C1 #> 8 R[-1]C1 R1C1 #> 9 R[-1]C[9] R1C1 ```


