
上传日期:2023-01-26 09:59:22
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说明:  由Netlify lambda支持的SEO友好网站启动器在简单、友好的回购中运行
(SEO-friendly website starter backed by Netlify lambda functions in a simple, friendly repo)

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pages\index.vue (5153, 2019-06-17)
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pages\items\index.vue (902, 2019-06-17)
... ...

# nuxt-netlify-lambda-starter :hammer_and_wrench: SEO-friendly website starter backed by Netlify lambda functions in a simple, friendly repo This is a basic starter project for a prerendered [Vue.js]( + [Nuxt.js]( frontend with a [Netlify lambda function]( backend. The Nuxt.js app is pre-rendered for improved SEO. ### [You can view the deployed app here]( ### Features - Home, About, and 404 Pages - `HelloWorld` example Lambda function with associated frontend code - Pre-rendered dynamic pages using a sample `Item` datatype - Integrates with [HotJar]("), [Mailchimp]("), and [Google Analytics]( - Includes [JSON-LD Structured Data]( for outstanding SEO - Pre-configured with [OpenGraph]( and [Twitter Cards]( meta tags for beautiful [unfurls](***b4bb9254) when sharing on social media - Customizable UI using [Bootstrap]( & [SASS]( variables **NOTE:** this project can only be deployed via Netlify with [continuous deployment]( enabled. ### Build Setup ``` bash # Install dependencies $ yarn install # Serve with hot reload at localhost:3000 and serves Netlify Functions $ yarn run dev # Build for production $ yarn run build ``` Note that [Prettier]() will automatically clean up your code when you save. You can adjust this behavior in the `build` section at line `127` in `nuxt.config.js`. ### Pre-rendered Dynamic Pages This project includes a series of pre-rendered pages using a generic `Item` datatype. The data for these pages is maintained in `assets/content/items.json` and they're generated with a custom `generate` field in `nuxt.config.js`: ```js generate: { routes: => '/items/' + } ``` This ensures that each item has a page that's pre-renderd and SEO-optimized. You can clone, modify, or remove the `Item` datatype and associated pages to better suit your needs. ### Environment Configuration The following production environment variables are required for the respective plugins to work correctly: ```bash # Google Analytics Tracking Code GA_TRACKING_ID=UA-XXX-X # HotJar Site Identifier HOTJAR_SITE_ID=1234567 # Mailchimp Script Variables MAILCHIMP_LID=abcde12345 MAILCHIMP_UUID=aabbccddeeffgghhiijj12345 ``` These variables can be configured in a variety of ways - please consult the [Netlify Continuous Deployment Docs]( You can deactivate any of these plugins by modifying the `plugins` field in the `nuxt.config.js` file. ### JSON-LD Structured Data The [JSON-LD Structured Data]( can be updated by modifying the `jsonld()` function in the `layouts/default.vue` file. This feature shouldn't be used anywhere else - one `JSON-LD` snippet should describe the entire site. ### OpenGraph and Twitter Card Meta Tags The `` tags for [OpenGraph]( and [Twitter Cards]( are located in the `head` section of `nuxt.config.js`. **You should change these from their default values**. You can validate your changes using the [Twitter Card Validator]( and the [Facebook Sharing Debugger]( ### Bootstrap + SASS Configuration You can modify the `assets/sass/main.sass` file to optionally include Bootstrap component styles as-needed. **PROTIP** - only include the Bootstrap components your app depends on - this will keep your CSS bundle nice and slim :) You can also modify any of [Bootstrap's SASS Variables]( inside the `assets/sass/variables.sass` file to customize the framework to your liking. ### FontAwesome Vue Configuration The repo includes a minimal subset of icons by default. When you need an additional icon, you must import it directly in `plugins/fontawesome.js` and register it with the FontAwesome plugin. You can learn more about the Vue-FontAwesome library [here]( ### References - [Vue.js]( - [Nuxt.js]( - [Netlify Functions]( - [Bootstrap-Vue]( - [Bootstrap Components]( - [FontAwesome Vue]( - [`netlify.toml` Docs](


