
上传日期:2019-01-12 11:03:09
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Comingsoon新闻稿页面。针对SEO、可访问性、最佳实践和渐进式Web应用程序进行了优化...
(Comingsoon / Newsletter page ??. Optimized for SEO ??, Accessibility ?, Best Practices ???????, and Progressive Web Applications)

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assets\css\index.css (5355, 2019-01-12)
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assets\fonts\Domine-Bold.ttf (146200, 2019-01-12)
assets\fonts\Domine-Regular.ttf (137880, 2019-01-12)
assets\fonts\OpenSans-Italic.ttf (212896, 2019-01-12)
assets\fonts\OpenSans-Regular.ttf (217360, 2019-01-12)
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assets\js\subscription.js (3980, 2019-01-12)
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docs\lighthouse.png (39590, 2019-01-12)
favicon.ico (15406, 2019-01-12)
index.html (3370, 2019-01-12)
manifest.json (372, 2019-01-12)
service_worker.js (367, 2019-01-12)

# Coming Soon / Newsletter A basic coming soon or subscribe to newsletter page with a resum above the input to subscribe yourself. ## ‘ For who is this page This page is made for those people who: - Want to create a blog or have their own newsletter. - Want to start a business or an idea and needs a comingsoon page. It helps them to have a page instantly just forking the project or taking the source code. ## “ Metrics centric I've wanted to build a fast page with a beautiful design so the user could have a good user experience. I know there is room for improvement, but this is quite good for a first iteration as we can see. ![Metrics by Lighthouse]( ## ‘¨ How to customize There are a few thinks to customize: - Color palette - Pattern of the header - Manifest.json (for PWA) - (Not done yet) Where to send the email you want to store ### ¨ Color palette I'm following the structure I use in all the projects: ``` const theme = { palette: { primary: { // green 900: "hsl(125, 73%, 20%)", 700: "hsl(122, 39%, 41%)", // hover, focus, selected effects 500: "hsl(123, 35%, 51%)", // Buttons, Badges, borders... 300: "hsl(126, 49%, 84%)", 100: "hsl(125, 65%, 93%)", // Notifications/labels background }, grey: { 900: "hsl(0, 0%, 23%)", // Titles 700: "hsl(0, 0%, 38%)", // Paragraphs, ... 600: "hsl(0, 0%, 49%)", // Disabled button text-color 500: "hsl(0, 0%, 62%)", // Some details 300: "hsl(0, 0%, 81%)", // Disabled button bg 200: "hsl(0, 0%, 91%)", // Footers of modals, background of other sections... 100: "hsl(0, 0%, 97%)", // Background }, accent: { red: { 900: "hsl(360, 85%, 25%)", 700: "hsl(360, 67%, 44%)", // hover, focus, selected effects 500: "hsl(360, ***%, 55%)", // Buttons, Badges, borders... 300: "hsl(360, 82%, 89%)", 100: "hsl(360, 100%, 97%)" // Notifications/labels background }, yellow: { 900: "hsl(43, 77%, 27%)", 700: "hsl(43, 78%, 60%)", // hover, focus, selected effects 500: "hsl(43, 89%, 70%)", // Buttons, Badges, borders... 300: "hsl(45, 90%, 88%)", 100: "hsl(45, 100%, 96%)" // Notifications/labels background } }, social: { fb: "#29487d", ig: "#e95950", tw: "#55acee", in: "#007bb5", wu: "#4dc247" } }, font: { family: { primary: '"Raleway", Open-sans, sans-serif', secondary: undefined, serif: '"Merriweather", serif;' } } }; ``` Since in this project we just need a couple of colors, I've translated the palette to this: ``` :root { --font-family-primary: "Nunito", sans-serif; --font-family-secondary: "Domine", serif; --primary-700: hsl(209, 91%, 46%); --primary-500: hsl(209, 100%, 50%); --primary-100: hsl(125, 65%, 93%); --grey-900: hsl(0, 0%, 23%); --grey-700: hsl(0, 0%, 38%); --grey-100: hsl(0, 0%, 97%); --accent-red-700: #af0900; } ``` Where 100 is the lightest color and 900 is the darkest. It provides you the opportunity to add as much specification as you prefer. You can or select: - `300`, `500`, `700` - `100`, `300`, `500`, `700`, `900` - `100`, `200`, `300`, `400`, `500`, `600`, `700`, `800`, `900` Depending on how much detail you want. ### Header Pattern I chose using a pattern as `background-image` because I did not wanted a simple linear-gradient. It would make look the site too simple. #### … Remove Gradient Remove the class `Gradient` from the `
` element. Do not forget to remove the class specification from the `index.css` #### ’ Change Gradient For you information, I've used the web application to generate my pattern because they look clean and awesome! HeroPatterns it's and intuitive web app which can generate you patterns with the colors and patterns you indicate. It generates the `css` and it's ready to be pasted into your `.css` file. ### “ Manifest.json The `manifest.json` is a file which is used for _Progressive Web Applications_. Its a way to provide _metadata_ from the file. Remember to change the `short_name`, `name` and `colors`. If you need to include `icons` do it too! It has a format like: ``` { "version": 1.0, "manifest_version": 1.0, "short_name": "CompanyName", "name": "CompanyName", "start_url": "index.html?launcher=true", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "theme_color": "#0083ff", "background_color": "#0083ff", "icons": [ { "src": "favicon.png", "sizes": "32x32", "type": "image/png" } ] } ``` ### “ Where to send the email you want to store If you have this page, It means you want to store somehow email to send information later on. To do so, you'll have to update where to send those. It's as easy as go to the `subscription.js` file and update the variable `storeEmailEndpoint`.


