
上传日期:2023-06-21 07:09:30
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  AMD SMI Exporter将AMD EPYC CPU和数据中心GPU指标导出到Prometheus服务器。
(The AMD SMI Exporter exports AMD EPYC CPU & Datacenter GPU metrics to the Prometheus server.)

src (0, 2023-09-13)
src\Dockerfile (288, 2023-09-13)
src\Makefile (1050, 2023-09-13)
src\amd-smi-custom-rules.yml (895, 2023-09-13)
src\amd-smi-exporter.service (287, 2023-09-13)
src\collect (0, 2023-09-13)
src\collect\cpustat.go (4809, 2023-09-13)
src\cpu_data.go (11652, 2023-09-13)
src\k8 (0, 2023-09-13)
src\k8\daemonset.yaml (738, 2023-09-13)
src\main.go (3714, 2023-09-13)

1. [Introduction to the AMD SMI Exporter]( 2. [Building the GO Exporter]( 3. [Library Dependencies]( 4. [Kernel Dependencies]( 5. [Building the container for the GO Exporter]( 6. [Running the GO Exporter]( 7. [Supported Hardware]( 8. [Software needed for the build]( 9. [Objects exported by the AMD SMI Exporter]( a. [At the Core level]( b. [At the Socket level]( c. [At the System level]( d. [GPU Metrics]( e. [Custom rules]( # AMD SMI Prometheus Exporter The AMD SMI Exporter is a standalone app that can be run as a daemon, written in GO Language, that exports AMD CPU & GPU metrics to the Prometheus server. The AMD SMI Prometheus Exporter employs the [E-SMI In-Band C library]( & [ROCm SMI Library]( for its data acquisition. The exporter and the E-SMI/ROCm-SMI library have a [GO binding]( that provides an interface between the e-smi,rocm-smi C,C++ library and the GO exporter code. ## Important note about Versioning and Backward Compatibility The AMD SMI Exporter follows the E-SMI In-band library and the ROCm library in its releases, as it is dependent on the underlying libraries for its data. The Exporter is currently under development, and therefore subject to change in the features it offers and at the interface with the GO binding. While every effort will be made to ensure stable backward compatibility in software releases with a major version greater than 0, any code/interface may be subject to rivision/change while the major version remains 0. # Building the GO Exporter ## Dowloading the source The source code for the GO Exporter is available at [AMD SMI Exporter]( ## Directory stucture of the source Once the exporter source has been cloned to a local Linux machine, the directory structure of source is as below: * `$ src/` Contains exporter source for package main * `$ src/collect` Contains the implementation of the Scan function of the collector. ## Building The GO Exporter may be built from the src directory as follows: * Change the directory to amd_smi_exporter/src ```$ cd amd_smi_exporter/src``` * Execute "make clean" to clean pre-existing binaries and GO module files ```amd_smi_exporter/src$ make clean``` NOTE: Before executing the GO exporter as a standalone executable or as a service, one needs to ensure that the e-smi , goamdsmi_shim, and rocm-smi library dependencies are met. Please refer to the steps to build and install the library dependencies in the respective README of these repositories. The environment variable for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is to be set to "/opt/e-sms/e_smi/lib:/opt/rocm/rocm_smi/lib:/opt/goamdsmi/lib". The user may edit this environment variable to reflect the installation path where the dependent libraries are installed. * Execute "make" to perform a "go get" of dependent modules such as * * * * ```amd_smi_exporter/src$ make``` The aforementioned steps will create the "amd_smi_exporter" GO binary file. To install the binary in /usr/local/bin, and install the service file in /etc/systemd/system directory, one may execute: ```$ sudo make install``` # Library dependencies Before executing the GO exporter as a standalone executable or as a service, one needs to ensure that the e-smi , goamdsmi_shim, and rocm-smi library dependencies are met by ensuring that they are installed in the "/opt/e-sms/e_smi/lib", "/opt/goamdsmi/lib" and "/opt/rocm/rocm_smi/lib" directories respectively. Please refer to , , and for the build and installation instructions. # Kernel dependencies The E-SMI Library, and inturn the GO exporter, depends on the following device drivers from Linux to manage the system management features. CPU energy information is retrieved from out-of-tree amd_energy driver * [amd_energy] ( The amd_hsmp driver for required for all the information * amd_hsmp driver is available in upstream kernel version 5.18. # Building the container for the GO Exporter Once the GO Exporter is built, following steps mentioned in [Building the GO Exporter]( one may proceed to create a containerized micro service of the go executable by executing the following commands: Prerequisite: docker version 20.10.12 or later must be installed on the build server for the container build to succeed. * Execute "make container_clean" to clean pre-existing images and configuration of the container image. ```amd_smi_exporter/src$ make container_clean``` * Build the fresh container image with the following command: ```amd_smi_exporter/src$ make container``` This command will build the container image and will be listed when the user issues the ```sudo docker images``` command. A tarball of the container image file "k8/amd_smi_exporter_container.tar" is also saved in the "k8" directory, and this may be used to deploy the container manually on respective nodes of the kubernetes cluster using the "k8/daemonset.yaml" file. The instructions to deploy the container in the cluster and instructions to run the container by hand are provided in the section [Running the GO Exporter]( point number 3. # Running the GO Exporter NOTE: Only one instance of the GO Exporter may be run on the server, either as a standalone service, or as a containerized micro service (started with "docker run" or as a daemonSet of a kubernetes deployment). Prerequisite: To ensure that AMD custom parameters defined in the amd-smi-custom-rules.yml file are found in the promql queries, add the following rule_files and scrape_configs to the /usr/local/bin/prometheus/prometheus.yml file: rule_files: - "amd-smi-custom-rules.yml" scrape_configs: - job_name: "prometheus" - job_name: "amd-smi-exporter" static_configs: - targets: ["localhost:2021"] Please ensure that the prometheus systemd service is installed in /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service and that it is running with the configs specified in /usr/local/bin/prometheus/prometheus.yml. ## 1. The GO exporter may be run manually by executing the "amd_smi_exporter" GO binary ```amd_smi_exporter/src$ ./amd_smi_exporter``` # ** OR ** ## 2. The GO exporter may be started as a systemd daemon as follows: NOTE: The environment variable for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to /opt/e-sms/e_smi/lib:/opt/rocm/rocm_smi/lib:/opt/goamdsmi/lib ```$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload``` ```$ sudo service prometheus restart``` ```$ sudo service amd-smi-exporter start``` # ** OR ** ## 3. The GO exporter may be executed as a containerized micro service that may be started by hand or as a kubernetes daemonSet, as shown below: NOTE: It is assumed that the user has a running docker daemon and a kubernetes cluster. ## On a server node that is not a part of a kubernetes cluster, one may execute the following command: ```$ sudo docker run -d --name amd-exporter --device=/dev/cpu --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --privileged -p 2021:2021 amd_smi_exporter_container:0.1``` Alternatively, the docker image tarball of the container may be copied to individual kubernetes cluster node and loaded on the worker node. The daemonSet may then be applied from the master node as follows: ## On the worker node, copy the amd_smi_exporter_container.tar image file and execute: ```$ sudo docker load -i amd_smi_exporter_container.tar``` On the master node, copy the daemonset.yaml file and execute: ```$ kubectl apply -f daemonset.yaml``` This will deploy a single running instance of the AMD SMI Exporter container micro service on the worker nodes of the kubernetes cluster. The daemonset.yaml file may be edited to apply taints for nodes where the exporter is not expected to run in the cluster. # Supported hardware AMD Zen3 based CPU Family `19h` Models `0h-Fh` and `30h-3Fh`, and `17h` Model `30h`. # Additional required software for building In order to build the GO Exporter, the following components are required. Note that the software versions listed are what is being used in development. Earlier versions are not guaranteed to work: * go1.17.3 linux/amd*** * docker version 20.10.12 ## At the Core level ### 1. amd_core_energy ### Description: Displays the per-core energy consumption of the processor so far. This object may be queried at the core level or the thread level. The values reported by the threads in a hyperthreaded core will be the same. This object query will report the energy counter values for all threads. To query a single thread (lets say the thread number is 101), the user may use the following query: amd_core_energy{thread="101"} ### Type: Counter ### Property: Read-only ### 2. amd_boost_limit ### Description: Displays the per-core boost limit that the core is operating at. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## Socket ### 3. amd_socket_energy ### Description: Displays the per-socket cumulative energy consumed by all cores so far. This value excludes the energy consumed by the AID (Active Interposer Die).To query a single socket (lets say socket 2), the user may use the following query: amd_socket_energy{socket="2"} ### Type: Counter ### Property: Read-only ### 4. amd_socket_power ### Description: Displays the per-socket power consumed. This is a real time gauge value that is queried at a time interval set by the scrape interval. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ### 5. amd_power_limit ### Description: Displays the power limit at which the processor is operating at. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ### 6. amd_prochot_status ### Description: Displays a binary value of "0" or "1", where "1" implies that the PROC_HOT status of the processor has been triggered. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## System ### 7. amd_num_sockets ### Description: Displays the number of sockets which the processor is seated in. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ### 8. amd_num_threads ### Description: Displays the total number of threads (logical CPUs) in all. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 9. amd_num_threads_per_core ### Description: Displays the number of threads (logical CPUs) per core. ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## GPU Metrics ## 10. amd_num_gpus ### Description: Displays the number of gpus ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 11. amd_gpu_dev_id ### Description: Displays the dev id of the gpu ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 12. amd_gpu_power_cap ### Description: Displays the gpu power cap ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 13. amd_gpu_power_avg ### Description: Displays the gpu average power consumed ### Type: Counter ### Property: Read-only ## 14. amd_gpu_current_temperature ### Description: Displays the current temperature of the gpu ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 15. amd_gpu_SCLK ### Description: Displays the GPU SCLK frequency ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 16. amd_gpu_MCLK ### Description: Displays the GPU MCLK frequency ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 17. amd_gpu_Usage ### Description: Displays the GPU Use percent ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## 18. amd_gpu_memory_busy percent ### Description: Displays the GPU Memory busy percent ### Type: Gauge ### Property: Read-only ## Custom rules The prometheus query language allows the user to customize his queries based on user requirements. The customizations may be added to the /usr/local/bin/prometheus/amd-smi-custom-rules.yml file". Here are a few sample queries that may be built over the aforementioned objects: * > ### amd_core_energy{thread="101"}/1000000 Displays the core energy of core 101 shifted by six decimal points. * > ### amd_socket_power/100 > 650.00 Rule to check if socket power consumption has gone over 650.00 * > ### amd_prochot_status != 0 Alert to check if PROC_HOT status has been triggered


