
上传日期:2016-10-24 22:32:45
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  NVMe驱动模拟器,,

.travis.yml (310, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM (0, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\CONFIG (0, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\CONFIG\QEMU_MAKEFILE\Makefile_pm (13072, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\CONFIG\Stats Comments (247, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\CONFIG\ssd.conf (346, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\CONFIG\vssim_config_manager.c (5257, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\CONFIG\vssim_config_manager.h (1792, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE (0, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\COMMON (0, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\COMMON\common.h (4184, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP (0, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\TOOLS\uthash.h (61388, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl.c (8275, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl.h (749, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_gc_manager.c (6439, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_gc_manager.h (711, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_inverse_mapping_manager.c (19252, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_inverse_mapping_manager.h (2589, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_mapping_manager.c (5064, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_mapping_manager.h (955, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_obj_strategy.c (19135, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_obj_strategy.h (2809, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_sect_strategy.c (5982, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_sect_strategy.h (520, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PAGE_MAP\ftl_type.h (182, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PERF_MODULE\ftl_perf_manager.c (9725, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\FTL_SOURCE\PERF_MODULE\ftl_perf_manager.h (1411, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\MONITOR (0, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\MONITOR\SSD_MONITOR_PM\Makefile.new (3662, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\MONITOR\SSD_MONITOR_PM\Makefile.old (3436, 2016-08-28)
eVSSIM\MONITOR\SSD_MONITOR_PM\VssimStat (0, 2016-08-28)
... ...

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