
上传日期:2021-10-12 01:14:05
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Exporter是一个Burp Suite扩展,可以将请求复制到文件或剪贴板,作为多种编程语言的乐趣...
(Exporter is a Burp Suite extension to copy a request to a file or the clipboard as multiple programming languages functions.)

CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (3348, 2021-10-12)
Exporter.py (70307, 2021-10-12)
LICENSE (11357, 2021-10-12)
Screenshot_Exporter_01.jpg (222807, 2021-10-12)
Screenshot_Exporter_02.jpg (330687, 2021-10-12)

# Exporter Extension for Burp Suite (Community and Pro) ![GitHub watchers](https://img.shields.io/github/watchers/artssec/burp-exporter?color=%2300A550) ![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/artssec/burp-exporter?color=%2300A550) ![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/artssec/burp-exporter?color=%2300A550) ![GitHub followers](https://img.shields.io/github/followers/artssec?color=%2300A550) ![GitHub repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/artssec/burp-exporter?color=%2300A550) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/artssec/burp-exporter?color=%2300A550) Follow us to know more about tips and others extensions ![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/artssec?logoColor=%2300A550) ## Description Exporter is a [Burp Suite](https://portswigger.net/burp/) extension to copy a request to a **file** or the **clipboard** as multiple programming languages functions. It also adds a tab called Exporter where you can search for HTTP Requests. You can export as: - cURL - Wget - Python Request - Perl LWP - PHP HTTP_Request2 - Go Native - NodeJS Request - jQuery AJAX - PowerShell - HTML Forms - Ruby Net::HTTP - JavaScript XHR ## Requirements - [Jython](https://www.jython.org/download) >= 2.7.1 ## Installation (Import function) - Download [Exporter.py](https://github.com/artssec/burp-exporter/blob/master/Exporter.py) - In Burp Suite, under the `Extender > Extensions` tab, click on the `Add` button, select Extension type `Python` and load the `Exporter` py file. ## Usage You can export the HTTP Request from: - Target > Tree and Site map - Proxy > Intercept - Proxy > HTTP history - Repeater - Intruder > Positions and Results - Search results - Scanner results ### Screenshot Right click > Extensions > Exporter > `to File`/ `to Clipboard` or `Send to Exporter`: ![Screenshot_Exporter_01.jpg](Screenshot_Exporter_01.jpg) Also you can send HTTP Requests to the **Exporter tab** and then select the code snippets preferred: ![Screenshot_Exporter_02.jpg](Screenshot_Exporter_02.jpg) ## Changelog v1.0 (Oct 11, 2021) - Bugs fixed: Syntax errors. - Improvements: - Added support for HTML Forms, Ruby Net::HTTP, JavaScript XHR. - Added a tab called Exporter, where you can search and filter URLs, also export from there to a file or copy to the clipboard. - HTTPS requests support. - New POST requests support such as multipart/form-data or XML requests. ## Reporting bugs and collaboration - Please, use the GitHub [Bug Report](https://github.com/artssec/burp-exporter/issues/new?assignees=artssec&labels=bug&template=Bug_Report.md&title=). - If you want to collaborate, use the GitHub [Feature Request](https://github.com/artssec/burp-exporter/issues/new?assignees=artssec&labels=enhancement&template=Feature_Request.md&title=).


