
上传日期:2013-09-12 06:00:38
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  哪个浏览器向机架请求添加了一些帮助器方法。
(Which Browser adds a few helper methods to a rack request.)

.travis.yml (61, 2013-09-12)
Gemfile (97, 2013-09-12)
LICENSE (1545, 2013-09-12)
Rakefile (190, 2013-09-12)
lib (0, 2013-09-12)
lib\which_browser.rb (3284, 2013-09-12)
lib\which_browser (0, 2013-09-12)
lib\which_browser\version.rb (44, 2013-09-12)
test (0, 2013-09-12)
test\dummy (0, 2013-09-12)
test\dummy\app.rb (775, 2013-09-12)
test\helper.rb (6861, 2013-09-12)
test\test_chrome.rb (540, 2013-09-12)
test\test_firefox.rb (530, 2013-09-12)
test\test_internet_explorer.rb (1875, 2013-09-12)
test\test_mobile.rb (1198, 2013-09-12)
test\test_os.rb (519, 2013-09-12)
test\test_safari.rb (370, 2013-09-12)
which_browser.gemspec (1049, 2013-09-12)

# Which Browser [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/citrus/which_browser.png)](http://travis-ci.org/citrus/which_browser) ### Check for user agents like a boss! Which Browser adds a few helper methods to a rack request so you can write cleaner browser-related logic. For example, the age old battle against IE 5 & 6 can be handled like so: stylesheet_link_tag "ie" if request.ie_lt7? And for a nice browser warning: - if request.ie6? IE6 makes the internet suck. - elsif request.ie5? You've got to be kidding me. Or in your rails controller, decide which layout: render :layout => request.mobile? ? 'mobile' : 'application' Here's some other popular helpers: request.ie? request.ie6? request.ie_lt6? request.ie_gte7? request.mobile? request.ipad? request.ipod? request.iphone? request.mobile_safari? request.blackberry? Installation ------------ As usual, just use the `gem install` command: (sudo) gem install which_browser Or add which_browser as a gem in your Gemfile: gem 'which_browser', '>= 0.2.3' Then run `bundle install` Testing ------- Tests can be run with: git clone git://github.com/citrus/which_browser.git cd which_browser bundle bundle exec rake There is also a sinatra app in `test/dummy` for a demo and real-life testing. Install sinatra (`gem install sinatra`) if you don't have it, then run: cd which_browser ruby test/dummy/app.rb Now open your browser to [http://localhost:4567](http://localhost:4567) and fiddle with your user agent. License ------- Copyright (c) 2013 Spencer Steffen and Citrus, released under the New BSD License All rights reserved.


