
上传日期:2015-04-19 07:14:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  以编程方式向正在运行的Nginx实例添加或删除vhost
(Programmatically add or remove vhosts to a running Nginx instance)

index.js (1543, 2015-04-19)
package.json (566, 2015-04-19)
test.js (2189, 2015-04-19)

# nginx-vhosts [![NPM](]( Programmatically add or remove vhosts to a running Nginx instance. To use this you should have your Nginx configuration file set up such that the `http` section has a `include` directive for all `.conf` files in a certain folder on your machine, e.g.: ``` http { ## # Virtual Host Configs ## include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; } ``` The machine configured with the configuration about would use either `/etc/nginx/conf.d/` or `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/` as the `confDir` below. Note that the official [Ubuntu PPA]( for Nginx has it configured this way by default. See also: - - ### api #### `var vhosts = require('nginx-vhosts')(opts, onStopStart)` `onStopStart` is passed to and called from [nginx-reload]( ```js var vhosts = require('nginx-vhosts')(opts, function running(isRunning) { // isRunning is a boolean, true if nginx is running, false if it is not // this function will get called whenever nginx stops or starts // note: .reload() does not trigger this function, as nginx does not // actually stop during a configuration reload } ``` `opts` defaults to: ```js { confDir: '/usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/', pidLocation: '/var/run/' } ``` #### `vhosts.write(opts, cb)` ```js vhosts.write({ name: 'test', port: '8080', domain: 'test.local' }, function(err, stdout, stderr) { // err, stdout, and stderr from the nginx configuration reload }) ``` This writes a new configuration file to the configuration directory and then tells Nginx to reload its configuration. In the above example it would configure Nginx to proxy requests from `test.local` to `localhost:8080` You can also supply your own config file: ```js vhosts.write({ name: 'test', config: 'upstream foo { server } ...' }, cb) ``` Note: it may take Nginx a few seconds to finish reloading the configuration after the callback is called. #### `vhosts.remove(name, cb)` ```js vhosts.remove('test', function(err, stdout, stderr) { }) ``` This removes a configuration file and tells Nginx to reload its configuration. Note: it may take Nginx a few seconds to finish reloading the configuration after the callback is called. ### run the tests There are integration tests available, provided you have the following things set up: - your nginx is configured to store a `pid` file in '/var/run/' - your nginx is configured to `include` confs for `http` from `/usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/` - you have `test.local` in your `/etc/hosts` as an entry for `localhost` ``` npm install sudo npm test ```


