
上传日期:2023-04-13 09:02:24
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种用于k8s接纳webhook的可编程规则引擎
(A programmable rule engine for k8s admission webhook)

Dockerfile (25, 2023-08-02)
LICENSE (11357, 2023-08-02)
Makefile (4720, 2023-08-02) (483, 2023-08-02) (1608, 2023-08-02)
cmd (0, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app (0, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app\options (0, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app\options\options.go (6022, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app\options\options_test.go (3565, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app\options\validation.go (640, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app\options\validation_test.go (1578, 2023-08-02)
cmd\app\webhook.go (11482, 2023-08-02)
deploy (0, 2023-08-02)
deploy\deploy.yaml (1996, 2023-08-02)
deploy\monitor.yaml (327, 2023-08-02)
deploy\namespace.yaml (65, 2023-08-02)
deploy\rbac.yaml (511, 2023-08-02)
deploy\secret.yaml (254, 2023-08-02)
deploy\webhook-configuration.yaml (1424, 2023-08-02)
docs (0, 2023-08-02)
docs\images (0, 2023-08-02)
docs\images\kinitiras.png (131458, 2023-08-02)
examples (0, 2023-08-02)
examples\addanno-cop.yaml (749, 2023-08-02)
examples\addanno-op.yaml (466, 2023-08-02)
examples\deletens-cvp.yaml (596, 2023-08-02)
... ...

# kinitiras ![kinitiras-logo]( [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( [![Go Report Card](]( [![Go doc](]( [[中文](] A **lightweight** but **powerful** and **programmable** rule engine for kubernetes admission webhook. If you want to use it in clientside with client-go, please use [pidalio]( ## Quick Start ### Add Helm source ```shell helm repo add k-cloud-labs ``` ### Install All resources will be applied to `kinitiras-system` namespace by default. You can modify the deployment files as your expect. Pay attention to the deploy/webhook-configuration.yaml file. The default config will mutate and validate all kubernetes resources filtered by label ` enabled`. **_YOU NEED TO UPDATE THE RULES AS YOUR EXPECT TO MINIMIZE THE EFFECTIVE SCOPE OF THE ADMISSION WEBHOOK._** After all changes done, just apply it to your cluster. ```shell helm install kinitiras-webhook k-cloud-labs/kinitiras --namespace kinitiras-system --create-namespace ``` ### Create policy Three kind of policy are supported. `OverridePolicy` is used to mutate object in the same namespace. `ClusterOverridePolicy` is used to mutate object in any namespace. `ClusterValidatePolciy` is used to validate object in any namespace. For cluster scoped resource: - Apply ClusterOverridePolicy by policies name in ascending; For namespaced scoped resource, apply order is: - First apply ClusterOverridePolicy; - Then apply OverridePolicy; Both mutate and validate policy are programmable via [CUE]( ### Constraint 1. The kubernetes object will be passed to CUE by `object` parameter. 2. The mutating result will be returned by `patches` parameter. 3. The Validating result will be returned by `validate` parameter. 4. Use `processing` to support data passing. It contains `http` and `output` schema. 1. `http` used to make a http(s) request. Refer to: [http]( 2. `output` used to receive response. You should add some properties you need to it. Schema: ```cue // for input parameter, oldObject only exist in `UPDATE` operation for clustervalidatepolicy object: _ @tag(object) oldObject: _ @tag(oldObject) // use processing to pass data. A http reqeust will be make and output contains the response. processing: { output: { // add what you need } http: { method: *"GET" | string url: parameter.serviceURL request: { body ?: bytes header: {} trailer: {} } } } patch: { op: string path: string value: string } // for mutating result patches: [...patch] // for validating result validate: { reason?: string valid: bool } ``` ## Examples You can try some examples in the example folder. The `deletens-cvp.yaml` will protect the namespace labeled with `` from being deleted. The `addanno-op.yaml` will add annotation `added-by=op` to pod labeled with `` in the default namespace. The `addanno-cop.yaml` will add annotation `added-by=cue` to pod labeled with `` in the default namespace. ## Feature - [x] Support mutate k8s resource by (Cluster)OverridePolicy via plaintext jsonpatch. - [x] Support mutate k8s resource by (Cluster)OverridePolicy programmable via CUE. - [x] Support validate k8s resource by ClusterValidatePolicy programmable via CUE. - [x] Support Data passing by http request via CUE. - [ ] kubectl plugin to validate CUE. - [ ] ... For more detail information for this project, please read the [roadmap](


