
上传日期:2023-01-20 00:09:33
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  proyecto-4个极客,,

.env.example (487, 2023-01-20)
.eslintrc (695, 2023-01-20)
.vscode (0, 2023-01-20)
.vscode\settings.json (93, 2023-01-20)
4geeks.ico (19814, 2023-01-20)
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Procfile (62, 2023-01-20) (330, 2023-01-20)
dist (0, 2023-01-20)
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docs\assets\env_variables.gif (892615, 2023-01-20)
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docs\assets\logo.png (13183, 2023-01-20)
docs\assets\reset_migrations.bash (247, 2023-01-20)
docs\assets\rigo-baby.jpg (31327, 2023-01-20)
migrations (0, 2023-01-20)
migrations\alembic.ini (857, 2023-01-20)
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migrations\versions\ (878, 2023-01-20)
package-lock.json (372241, 2023-01-20)
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# WebApp boilerplate with React JS and Flask API [![Open in Gitpod](]( > Documentation:

- React.js front end and python/flask backend for your web application. - Extensive documentation [here]( - Integrated with Pipenv for package managing. - Fast deloyment to heroku [in just a few steps here]( - Use of .env file. - SQLAlchemy integration for database abstraction. ### Styles You can update the `styles/index.scss` or create new `.scss` files inside `styles/` and import them into your current scss or js files depending on your needs. ### Components Add more files into your `./src/js/components` or styles folder as you need them and import them into your current files as needed. ’Note: There is an example using the Context API inside `views/demo.js`; ### Views (Components) Add more files into your `./src/js/views` and import them in `./src/js/layout.jsx`. ### Context This boilerplate comes with a centralized general Context API. The file `./src/js/store/flux.js` has a base structure for the store, we encourage you to change it and adapt it to your needs. React Context [docs]( BreathCode Lesson [view]( The `Provider` is already set. You can consume from any component using the useContext hook to get the `store` and `actions` from the Context. Check `/views/demo.js` to see a demo. ```jsx import { Context } from "../store/appContext"; const MyComponentSuper = () => { //here you use useContext to get store and actions const { store, actions } = useContext(Context); return
{/* you can use your actions or store inside the html */}
; }; ``` ### Back-End Manual Installation: It is recomended to install the backend first, make sure you have Python 3.8, Pipenv and a database engine (Posgress recomended) 1. Install the python packages: `$ pipenv install` 2. Create a .env file based on the .env.example: `$ cp .env.example .env` 3. Install your database engine and create your database, depending on your database you have to create a DATABASE_URL variable with one of the possible values, make sure yo replace the valudes with your database information: | Engine | DATABASE_URL | | --------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | SQLite | sqlite:////test.db | | MySQL | mysql://username:password@localhost:port/example | | Postgress | postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/example | 4. Migrate the migrations: `$ pipenv run migrate` (skip if you have not made changes to the models on the `./src/api/`) 5. Run the migrations: `$ pipenv run upgrade` 6. Run the application: `$ pipenv run start` ### Backend Populate Table Users To insert test users in the database execute the following command: ```sh $ flask insert-test-users 5 ``` And you will see the following message: ``` Creating test users created. created. created. created. created. Users created successfully! ``` To update with all yours tables you can edit the file and go to the line 80 to insert the code to populate others tables ### Front-End Manual Installation: - Make sure you are using node version 14+ and that you have already successfully installed and runned the backend. 1. Install the packages: `$ npm install` 2. Start coding! start the webpack dev server `$ npm run start` ## Publish your website! This boilerplate it's 100% read to deploy with and Herkou in a matter of minutes. Please read the [official documentation about it](


