
上传日期:2020-01-27 10:33:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  为您的自动化测试锦上添花的甜蜜报告
(Sweet reports for the icing over your automated tests)

.travis.yml (254, 2019-05-21) (1229, 2019-05-21)
LICENSE.txt (1075, 2019-05-21) (3282, 2019-05-21)
_config.yml (0, 2019-05-21)
build.sbt (2425, 2019-05-21) (1924, 2019-05-21)
project (0, 2019-05-21)
project\ (21, 2019-05-21)
project\plugins.sbt (194, 2019-05-21)
src (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources\logback.xml (1179, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources\templates (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources\templates\default (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources\templates\default\index.html (41581, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources\templates\light (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\resources\templates\light\index.html (41072, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\Boot.scala (4010, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\Generator.scala (4725, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\ResultLoader.scala (1816, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\DonutGherkinModel.scala (3226, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\Duration.scala (1402, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\ExecutionDashboard.scala (2246, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\ExecutionData.scala (2253, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\Metrics.scala (2600, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\Report.scala (2379, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\ReportConsole.scala (3888, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\model\Status.scala (1608, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\processors (0, 2019-05-21)
src\main\scala\report\donut\gherkin\processors\HTMLProcessor.scala (10878, 2019-05-21)
... ...

![]( [![Build Status](]( [![Maven Central](]( [![Javadoc](]( Donut is an open-source framework by the teams at [MagenTys]( & [Mechanical Rock]( and is designed to produce clear and concise test execution reports of your unit, integration and acceptance tests. Donut currently supports any tool that produces cucumber JSON (i.e. cucumber-jvm etc.). For other frameworks like SpecFlow, JUnit, NUnit, RSpec you can use the adapters listed below to generate cucumber JSON, which can then be processed by **donut**. Live Demos => [Only Scenarios](   [Scenarios and Unit Tests](   [Scenarios and Orphaned Unit Tests](   [Only Unit Tests]( ## Quickstart You can either use Donut directly or check out the available plugins: * [Maven plugin]( * [Specflow adaptor]( * [Jenkins plugin]( * [NUnit adapter]( * [JUnit adapter]( ## Release Notes See what's new [here]( ### download ``` wget ``` or download the latest release from: [here]( ### run from command line ``` java -jar donut-.jar -s cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports -n myProjectName ``` or ``` java -jar donut-.jar -s cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports,cucumber:/my/unit-test-reports -n myProjectName ``` or ``` java -jar donut-.jar -s /my/path/cucumber-reports,/my/unit-test-reports -n myProjectName ``` ### options `-n` or `--projectName` is a mandatory parameter, and it should be the name of the project. `-s` or `--resultSources` is a mandatory parameter, and it should be a comma separated list of the paths to the directories that hold the result files optionally prefixed with a format. The format defaults to `cucumber`. Other parameters can also be specified as below: ``` Donut help Usage: Donut reports [options] -s | --resultSources Use --resultSources cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports,cucumber:/my/adapted/nunit-reports -o | --outputPath Use --outputPath /my/path/output/donut -p | --prefix Use --prefix fileNamePrefix -d | --datetime Use --datetime yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm -t | --template Use --template default/light --skippedFails Use --skippedFails true/false --pendingFails Use --pendingFails true/false --undefinedFails Use --undefinedFails true/false --missingFails Use --missingFails true/false -n | --projectName Use --projectName myProject -v | --projectVersion Use --projectVersion 1.0 -c | --customAttributes Use --customAttributes k1=v1,k2=v2... ``` default values: * **outputPath** : by default a `donut` folder will be generated * **prefix** : the generated file is `donut-report.html`, however you can specify prefix i.e. `myproject-` * **datetime** : refers to the start time of your execution. If not specified by the user reports will use `now` * **template** : donut supports 2 themes, `default` and `light`. `default` is the default value ## Use as a dependency * Maven ``` report.donut donut 1.2.2 ``` * SBT ``` libraryDependencies += "report.donut" % "donut" % "1.2.2" ``` * Gradle ``` compile 'report.donut:donut:1.2.2' ``` Example usage of the `Generator` ``` ReportConsole report = Generator.apply(resultSources, outputPath, filePrefix, timestamp, template, countSkippedAsFailure, countPendingAsFailure, countUndefinedAsFailure, countMissingAsFailure, projectName, projectVersion, customAttributes); ``` This will create a `html` report at the outputPath and will return a `ReportConsole` output object: ``` allFeatures: List[Feature] allTags: List[ReportTag] totalFeatures: Int numberOfPassedFeatures: Int numberOfFailedFeatures: Int totalScenarios: Int numberOfPassedScenarios: Int numberOfFailedScenarios: Int totalSteps: Int numberOfPassedSteps: Int numberOfFailedSteps: Int numberOfSkippedSteps: Int numberOfPendingSteps: Int numberOfUndefinedSteps: Int duration: String buildFailed: Boolean ``` ## Build from source ### prerequisites * install java 8+ * install scala 2.11+ * install SBT ([]( ### run from sbt `sbt "run-main report.donut.Boot -s cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports -n myProjectName" ` ### credits * JQuery * Bootstrap * Highcharts * handlebars-scala ## Road map We currently have plans to support: * jasmine * rspec (With the support available for JUnit, you can use this JUnit adapter for rspec -, to generate JUnit xmls, which can then be adapted to JSONs using the donut-junit-adapter * jbehave ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) 3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature') 4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License This project is under an MIT license Powered by: [MagenTys]( & [Mechanical Rock](


