
上传日期:2023-02-25 15:26:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  从JSON文件为任何类型的编程语言生成数据结构定义
(Generates data structure definitions from JSON files for any kind of programming language)

LICENSE (1518, 2023-02-25)
cli (0, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist (0, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\archivist.go (1785, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd (0, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\cobra.go (3257, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\generate.go (21845, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\orphan.go (5625, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\paths.go (3259, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\shared.go (11415, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\tpls.go (3477, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\cmd\version.go (1965, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example (0, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf (0, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\chimeracoderConf.go (6885, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\chimeracoderConf_easyjson.go (21984, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\collection.go (1643, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\collectionExtension.go (192, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\complexConf.go (3127, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\complexConf_easyjson.go (14724, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\exampleArrayConf.go (2057, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\exampleArrayConf_easyjson.go (8704, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\exampleConf.go (1780, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\exampleConf_easyjson.go (6754, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\extConf.go (516, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\extConf_easyjson.go (2334, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\floatsConf.go (523, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\floatsConf_easyjson.go (2264, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\githubConf.go (11648, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\githubConf_easyjson.go (46482, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\i18NConf.go (475, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\i18NConf_easyjson.go (2250, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\versionConf.go (614, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\versionConf_easyjson.go (3211, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\workbook1Conf.go (2833, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\workbook1Conf_easyjson.go (12844, 2023-02-25)
cli\archivist\example\conf\workbook2Conf.go (1043, 2023-02-25)
... ...

## Overview Archivist generates data structure definitions from JSON files for any kind of programming language. It also provides a library for golang to reduce the job of managing runtime configs down to just several lines of code. ## Contents - [Features]( - [Getting Started]( - [Basic Usage Example]( - [Meta File]( - Extended Types: [reference](, [datetime](, [duration](, [i18n]( - [Config Group and Subgroup]( - [Overwriting Mechanism]( - [Fast Loading]( - [Hot Reload]( - [Hot Patching]( - [Config Extension]( - [Backward Compatibility Check]( - [Whitelist vs Blacklist]( - [Use Javascript as Data File]( - [Subcommand: paths]( - [Subcommand: orphan]( - [Subcommand: tpls]( - [Generating Data Structure Definitions for Another Programming Language]( - [FAQ]( ## Features #### Code Generator * Guess out the most suitable data type for arbitrary JSON field * Customize data type via [.meta]( file. E.g. replace struct with map[string]... * Support extended data types via [.meta]( file, including [reference](, [datetime](, [duration]( and [i18n]( * Process [.js]( file in addition to .json file, which is much friendly to edit manually * Show all node paths and data types with the '[paths](' subcommand * Detect and drop orphan generated files with the '[orphan](' subcommand * Customize [code templates](, by which any programming language can benefit from #### Library * Load all .json files with only [several lines of code]( * Select config [group and subgroup]( at runtime * Support all kinds of config [overwriting]( manners: file-level, content-level, in-memory, etc. * Support extended data types, including [reference](, [datetime](, [duration]( and [i18n]( * Support [hot reload]( (atomically switch to a whole new config collection) * Support [hot patching]( * Support [backward compatibility check]( * Support [whitelist and blacklist]( * Support [config extension](, which stores organized configs * Thread-safe ## Getting Started Note: To use [.js]( as config file, you must have node.js installed. #### Install from Binary Release Download a binary release suitable for your system, unzip it, and then update your PATH environment variable so that archivist can run from anywhere. #### Install from Source ``` bash go get -u go get -u # To use .js as config file, clone this repository, and then copy cli/script/* to somewhere. # These scripts are used to convert .js files to .json files. ``` ## Basic Usage Example #### Initial State of the `foo` Directory ``` foo ├── conf └── json ├── a.json └── b.json ``` Content of `a.json`: ``` json { "A1": { "A_Struct": { "A_Int": 100, "A_Float": 1.23, "A_Bool": false, "A_String": "hello world", "A_Array": [ 1, 2, 3.4 ], "A_Map": { "1": "hello", "2": "world" } } } } ``` Content of `b.json`: ``` json [ { "Name": "Edwin", "Age": 100 }, { "Name": "Alisa", "Age": 20 } ] ``` #### Generate Data Structure Definitions: ``` bash archivist generate --outputDir=foo/conf --pkg=conf 'foo/json/*.json' ``` Results: ``` foo ├── conf │ ├── aConf.go │ ├── bConf.go │ ├── collection.go │ └── collectionExtension.go └── json ├── a.json └── b.json ``` Code snippet of `aConf.go`: ``` go package conf type AConf struct { A1 *AConf_1910679952 `json:"A1" bson:"A1"` } // AConf_1910679952 represents /A1 type AConf_1910679952 struct { AStruct *AConf_448491524 `json:"A_Struct" bson:"A_Struct"` } // AConf_448491524 represents /A1/A_Struct type AConf_448491524 struct { AArray []float*** `json:"A_Array" bson:"A_Array"` ABool bool `json:"A_Bool" bson:"A_Bool"` AFloat float*** `json:"A_Float" bson:"A_Float"` AInt int*** `json:"A_Int" bson:"A_Int"` AMap map[int***]string `json:"A_Map" bson:"A_Map"` AString string `json:"A_String" bson:"A_String"` } ``` Code snippet of `bConf.go`: ``` go package conf type BConf []*BConf_1771430469 // BConf_1771430469 represents /[] type BConf_1771430469 struct { Age int*** `json:"Age" bson:"Age"` Name string `json:"Name" bson:"Name"` } ``` Besides `aConf.go` and `bConf.go`, archivist generates 2 more files, `collection.go` and `collectionExtension.go`, to simplify runtime config management. Code snippet of `collection.go`: ``` go package conf type Collection struct { Extension `json:"-"` filename2Conf map[string]interface{} AConf AConf BConf BConf } ``` Code snippet of `collectionExtension.go`: ``` go package conf func (this *Collection) CompatibleVersions() []string { // return nil if you do not need backward compatibility check panic("not implemented yet") } type Extension struct { } ``` #### Load config files Note: It is **mandatory** to specify a [config group]( with the `WATCHER_CONF_GROUP` environment variable. Create a `local` subfolder under `foo/json` and put an empty file in it: ``` foo ├── conf │ ├── aConf.go │ ├── collection.go │ └── collectionExtension.go └── json ├── a.json └── local └── placeholder ``` Code: ``` go // Do NOT forget to set WATCHER_CONF_GROUP=local before running the following code. // Make sure WATCHER_CONF_GROUP is set archivist.MustHaveConfGroup() // Create an instance of archivist ar := archivist.NewArchivist(archivist.WithRoot("foo/json")) // Load config files c1, err := ar.LoadCollection(conf.NewCollection) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Set the current config collection ar.SetCurrentCollection(c1) // Modify Collection.CompatibleVersions() to let it return nil // ... // Get the current config collection c2, err := ar.FindCollection("") if err != nil { panic(err) } // Convert c2 to its actual type c3 := c2.(*conf.Collection) // Print out configs fmt.Println(c3.AConf.A1.AStruct.AInt) fmt.Println(c3.AConf.A1.AStruct.AMap) fmt.Println(c3.BConf[0]) ``` Output: ``` 100 map[1:hello 2:world] &{100 Edwin} ``` ## Meta File In most cases, archivist automatically determines the data type of each JSON field. But sometimes, if the data type of guess were not desired, or you prefer to use an [extended data type](, you may give a .meta file to customize that. Suppose you have a file `abc.json`, and you want to change the data type of a JSON field. Just create a file `abc.meta` under the same directory where `abc.json` lies in. Archivist will parse it along with `abc.json` and apply the instructions in it. #### Instruction Syntax of the Meta File ``` path type comment ``` - **path**: path of the field from root. It is not easy to spell out the path of a field, therefore archivist provides a subcommand, [paths](, to simplify it, with which all you need to do is copy & paste. - **type**: data type. Here is the legal types: ``` int, int8, int16, int32, int***, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32 float32, float*** string bool ref@... datetime duration i18n {} [] map[int], map[int8], map[int16], map[int32], map[int***] map[uint], map[uint8], map[uint16], map[uint32] map[string] ``` - `ref@...` means [reference]( - `{}` means struct - `[]` means array - `map[...]` means map, and its key type is `...` - **comment**: comment for the field (optional) #### Meta File Example ``` /[]/Age int32 the number of years someone has lived /[]/Name string ``` #### The Two Towers: .meta and .suggested.meta Sometimes, we need an extra .meta file controlled by someone else other than programmer. For this reason, .suggested.meta file is introduced in. It works in between type guessing and .meta file. In other words, .suggested.meta overrides type guessing and .meta overrides .suggested.meta. #### More examples ## Extended Data Types Archivist supports extended data types via [.meta]( file. #### reference It works like the foreign key of relational database. In the following example, the type of `MyItem` is `ref@d`. Content of `c.json`: ``` json { "MyItem": 100 } ``` Content of `c.meta`: ``` /MyItem ref@d ``` Content of `d.json`: ``` json { "100": { "Value": 1000 }, "200": { "Value": 2000 } } ``` During code generation, archivist adds an extra field, `MyItemRef`, to `CConf`. During config loading, `MyItemRef` is bound automatically to its corresponding config item. Code snippet of `cConf.go`: ``` go type CConf struct { MyItem int*** `json:"MyItem" bson:"MyItem"` MyItemRef *DConfItem `json:"-" bson:"-"` } ``` Code snippet of `dConf.go`: ``` go type DConf map[int***]*DConfItem // DConfItem represents /map[] type DConfItem struct { Value int*** `json:"Value" bson:"Value"` } ``` The referenced config file must meet the following criterion: its corresponding type must be map, the key type must be int*** and the value type must be struct. #### datetime It helps you decode a datetime string that conforms to ISO 8601 to a language specific data type, e.g. `time.Time` in golang. The following example demonstrates how to use the datetime type. Content of `e.json`: ``` json { "when": "2020-01-01T12:00:00Z" } ``` Content of `e.meta`: ``` /when datetime ``` Code snippet of `eConf.go`: ``` go type EConf struct { When time.Time `json:"when" bson:"when"` } ``` #### duration It helps you decode a duration string to a language specific data type, e.g. `wtime.Duration` in golang. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "μs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d". The following example demonstrates how to use the duration type. Content of `f.json`: ``` json { "lifetime": "10d12h15m5s" } ``` Content of `f.meta`: ``` /lifetime duration ``` Code snippet of `fConf.go`: ``` go type FConf struct { Lifetime wtime.Duration `json:"lifetime" bson:"lifetime"` } ``` #### i18n It is an internationalization helper. Comparing with other extended types, i18n is a little complicated. The following example demonstrates how to use the i18n type. Content of `g.json`: ``` json { "Greetings": "KEY_GREETINGS", "GreetingsWithName": "XXX_GreetingsWithName", "Number": "KEY_NUMBER" } ``` Content of `g.meta`: ``` /Greetings i18n /GreetingsWithName i18n /Number i18n ``` Code snippet of `gConf.go`: ``` type GConf struct { Greetings archivist.I18n `json:"Greetings" bson:"Greetings"` GreetingsWithName archivist.I18n `json:"GreetingsWithName" bson:"GreetingsWithName"` Number archivist.I18n `json:"Number" bson:"Number"` } ``` Code snippet of some `.go` file: ``` go import "" // ... trans := map[string]map[string]string{ "en-US": { "KEY_GREETINGS": "Greetings!", "XXX_GreetingsWithName": "Greetings {0}!", "KEY_NUMBER": "Number: {0:0.00}", }, "fr-FR": { "KEY_GREETINGS": "Bonjour!", "XXX_GreetingsWithName": "Bonjour {0}!", }, } archivist.ResolveI18n = func(lang, key string) string { if m1 := trans[lang]; m1 != nil { if str, ok := m1[key]; ok { return str } } return key } fmt.Println(c3.GConf.Greetings.I18n("en-US")) greetingsWithName, _ := c3.GConf.GreetingsWithName.Sprintf("fr-FR", "Edwin") fmt.Println(greetingsWithName) num, _ := c3.GConf.Number.Sprintf("en-US", 12345.6) fmt.Println(num) ``` Output: ``` Greetings! Bonjour Edwin! Number: 12,345.60 ``` ## Config Group and Subgroup Different operating environments may need different configs more or less. The config files under the root directory are base configs. Config group and subgroup are designed to overwrite base configs at file-level and content-level. By convention, each subfolder under the root directory is a config group and each subfolder under a config group directory is a config subgroup. In the following example, _local_, _develop_ and _release_ are config groups, _subgroup1_ and _subgroup2_ are config subgroups. ``` bar ├── develop ├── local └── release ├── subgroup1 └── subgroup2 ``` You can select a config group with the environment variable `WATCHER_CONF_GROUP` and a config subgroup with the environment variable `WATCHER_CONF_SUBGROUP`. Selecting a config group is always required while selecting a config subgroup is optional. Read the following section to learn about config overwriting. ## Overwriting Mechanism - To overwrite a config file at file-level, put a file of the same name under your config group directory. Please note that config subgroup does not support file-level overwriting. - To overwrite a config file at content-level, put a file of the same basename + [`.tweak.json`|`.local.json`] under your config group/subgroup directory. `.local.json` is designed for local changes, which should be ignored by your version control system. In the example below, overwriting happens in the following sequence: 1. `release/a.json` overwrites `a.json` at file-level. 2. `release/a.tweak.json` overwrites the previous result at content-level. 3. `release/a.local.json` overwrites the previous result at content-level. ``` qux ├── a.json └── release ├── a.json ├── a.local.json └── a.tweak.json ``` #### In-memory overwriting Sometimes, config data comes from another source other than the file system. In such case, you can organize this kind of data with `archivist.Overwrite` and pass them to `LoadCollection`. `archivist.Overwrite` is always applied at the latest stage. For more information, please refer to [Hot Patching]( #### Support of File-level & Content-level Overwriting ``` +-----------+------------+---------------+ | | File-level | Content-level | +-----------+------------+---------------+ | Group | Yes | Yes | +-----------+------------+---------------+ | Subgroup | No | Yes | +-----------+------------+---------------+ | In-memory | Yes | Yes | +-----------+------------+---------------+ ``` #### Overwriting Sequences - Without in-memory file-level data: ``` . 1) Base: - - a.json ^ 2) Group - File-level - a.json ^ 3) Group - Content-level - a.tweak.json ^ 4) Group - Content-level - a.local.json ^ 5) Subgroup - Content-level - a.tweak.json ^ 6) Subgroup - Content-level - a.local.json ^ 7) In-memory - Content-level ``` - With in-memory file-level data: ``` . 1) Base - - a.json ^ 2) In-memory - File-level ^ 3) In-memory - Content-level ``` ## Fast Loading easyjson can dramatically increase the speed of config loading. Turn on `--x-easyjson` to enable the benefit. ``` archivist generate --outputDir=foo/conf --pkg=conf --x-easyjson 'foo/json/*.json' ``` ## Hot Reload ``` go // Load config files newColl, err := ar.LoadCollection(conf.NewCollection) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Replace the current config collection ar.SetCurrentCollection(newColl) ``` ## Hot Patching With `PatchCollection`, you can apply a patch to an existing config collection. This function creates a new collection and reuses existing configs as much as possible. It does not call the reload callback, and it does not update the config [extension]( ``` go var overwrites []archivist.Overwrite overwrites = append(overwrites, archivist.Overwrite{ FileLevel: false, Target: "a.json", Data: []byte(`{ "A1": { "A_Struct": { "A_Int": 200 } } }`), }) newColl, err := ar.PatchCollection(existingColl, overwrites...) if err != nil { panic(err) } ar.SetCurrentCollection(newColl) ``` ## Config Extension Sometimes, raw configs does not fit your needs well. You have to write some code to organize raw configs and store the result for later use. Config extension is designed for that. Perhaps you have found that archivist generated a new file named `collectionExtension.go` and added an `Extension` field for the `Collection` struct. After the first code generation, archivist will never touch `collectionExtension.go` again, so you can update the file freely without worrying about losing your code. In short, you can organize raw configs with the reload callback, which is invoked each time after `LoadCollection` succeeds, and store the result into the `Extension` struct. ## Backward Compatibility Check Archivist provides a simple mechanism to check whether the app client needs to upgrade its configs. You can update the `CompatibleVersions` function in `collectionExtension.go` to return a list of versions that the collection is compatible with, and when you invoke `FindCollection`, pass the app client config version to the call. If the version is not compatible with the current collection, an error, `archivist.ErrUpgradeNeeded`, is returned. ## Whitelist vs Blacklist - `WithWhitelist` helps you load only the specified config files. - `WithBlacklist` helps you ignore the specified config files. ## Use Javascript as Data File Note: To use .js as config file, you must have node.js installed. The .js config file must conform to the following format: ``` js module.exports = { // ... } ``` The archivist command supports .js file while the archivist library does not. Before loading configs, you must convert .js files to .json files and put them into proper directories. Fortunately, two scripts are made to do this. They lies in the `cli/script` directory. ... ...


