
上传日期:2019-01-08 16:19:15
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用Rust编程语言编写的Gnu Linux平铺窗口管理器
(Gnu Linux tiling window manager written in the Rust programming language)

.vscode/ (0, 2018-12-26)
.vscode/launch.json (763, 2018-12-26) (32, 2018-12-26) (32, 2018-12-26)
Cargo.toml (734, 2018-12-26)
LICENSE (35055, 2018-12-26)
LOGO.png (33249, 2018-12-26)
Makefile (909, 2018-12-26)
config/ (0, 2018-12-26)
config/global.toml (283, 2018-12-26)
config/keybindings.toml (1690, 2018-12-26)
config/theme.toml (392, 2018-12-26)
data/ (0, 2018-12-26)
data/comfy.desktop (143, 2018-12-26)
data/comfywm.1 (584, 2018-12-26)
data/comfywm.1.gz (406, 2018-12-26)
data/wallpaper.jpg (108862, 2018-12-26)
doc/ (0, 2018-12-26)
doc/Comfy Window Manager.tex (23800, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/ (0, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/Diagramme_de_classes.jpg (202799, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/arbre_de_disposition.jpg (100682, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/architecture_base.jpg (45420, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/architecture_generale_v1.jpg (55100, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/diagramme_de_fonctionnement.jpg (136890, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/exec.jpg (203365, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/interaction_utilisateur.jpg (41679, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/move_active_focus_right.jpg (191774, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/move_active_window_right.jpg (185365, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/set_insert_direction_down.jpg (186813, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/sorties_et_espaces_de_travail.jpg (44414, 2018-12-26)
doc/images/toggle_active_window_fullscreen.jpg (183260, 2018-12-26)
doc/sources/ (0, 2018-12-26)
doc/sources/global.toml (31, 2018-12-26)
doc/sources/keybindings.toml (96, 2018-12-26)
doc/sources/theme.toml (155, 2018-12-26)
lib/ (0, 2018-12-26)
... ...

Comfy Logo
## Comfy Comfy is a Wayland compositor written in the Rust programming language and inspired by i3wm, bspwm and XMonad. It's main goal is ease of use, extensibility and a sane codebase. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ### Prerequisites What things you need to install the software and how to install them - Git ( - Rust compiler and development tools (install using - Make - wlroots dependencies ( ``` meson wayland wayland-protocols EGL GLESv2 libdrm GBM libinput xkbcommon udev pixman systemd (optional, for logind support) elogind (optional, for logind support on systems without systemd) libcap (optional, for capability support) xcb xcb-composite xcb-xfixes xcb-image xcb-render x11-xcb xcb-errors (optional, for improved error reporting) x11-icccm (optional, for improved Xwayland introspection) xcb-xkb (optional, for improved keyboard handling on the X11 backend) ``` ### Installing developpement environement commands A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running **Arch Linux:** ```bash ... ``` **Ubuntu:** ```bash ... ``` **Debian:** ```bash ... ``` **Using Cargo:** ```bash # Pull and update the git submodules git submodule update --init --recursive # Build the application cargo build # If the build was successfull, call the install command cargo install ``` ### Installation A step by step series of examples that tell you how to install Comfywm on your system ```bash # Build the application (this requires caro and make) make sudo make install ``` ## Running the tests Run the following command: ### All test: ``` cargo test ``` ### A specific test: ``` cargo test ``` ### Built With * [Rust]( - System programming language * [wlroots]( - A modular Wayland compositor library. * [wlroots-rs]( - Safe Rust bindings for wlroots. ## Contributing Please read [contributing]( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. ## Versioning We use [SemVer]( for versioning. ## Authors * **Daniel-Junior Dubé** - *Initial work* - [Github](, [Portfolio]( * **Félix Chabot** - *Initial work* - [Github]( See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [license]( file for details ## Acknowledgments * Hat tip to anyone whose code was used * Inspiration * etc


