
上传日期:2022-06-16 02:43:22
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这个知识库是关于linux网络编程的过程和许多不同的网络攻击方法。
(This repository is about the course of linux network programming and many different network attack methods.)

.deepsource.toml (56, 2022-06-15)
LICENSE (11357, 2022-06-15)
arp_cheat.c (7040, 2022-06-15)
icmp_smurf.c (2657, 2022-06-15)
images/ (0, 2022-06-15) (332, 2022-06-15)
libnids_sniff.c (4695, 2022-06-15)
netfilter_firewall.c (7255, 2022-06-15)
remote_control.c (8564, 2022-06-15)
sniff.c (6907, 2022-06-15)
synfllod.c (5032, 2022-06-15)
thread_server.c (2582, 2022-06-15)

# network_programing This repository is about the course of linux network programming and many different network attack methods. ## remote control Client sends the commands to server and return the result. **ALL code in remote_control.c .** ## port scan using multi thread Find the target host 's open port and its service using multi thread. **ALL code in threadscan.c .** ## SYN flood SYN flood attack which needs to construct ip header and tcp header. **ALL code in synflood.c .** ## chat using multi thread Using multi thread to deal with different connections from users. **ALL code in thread_server.c and thread_client.c .** ```c pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, (void *)client_fun, (void *)connectd); ``` You can also use multi process which need more resources. ## ARP cheat Send arp packet with fake MAC. And then victim's MAC cache will be changed. **ALL code in arp_cheat.c.** A common use of ARP cheat is to make victim have no access to Internet service. ## sniff using libpcap Sniff packets using libpcap and Print printable characters. **All code in sniff.c .** ```shell gcc -o -l pcap ``` ## libnet construct packet Install libpcap and libnet first. **All code in icmp_smurf.c** which Implements **ICMP Smurf** attack. ICMP smurf attack can construct icmp echo packet to make ping successfully. **ALL code in icmp_smurf.c .** ```shell gcc -o -lnet ``` ## firewall iptables command **All code in .** ```shell iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP ``` ## firewall construct using netfilter Netfilter: Packet filtering in Linux kernel. **All code in netfilter_firewall.c** . Packets captured in kernel are sent to user space and user-defined action. image-20211226183559773 ## sniff with libnids Install libnids first. **All code in libnids_sniff.c** . It can be used to sniff pop3 commands. libnids: network data capture, IP or TCP data recombination, intrusion detection. Libnids common use process: [(libnids学习笔记_stSahana的博客-CSDN博客_libnids]( ![image-20211226182435341](images/README/image-20211226182435341.png) ```shell gcc libnids_sniff.c -o sniff -lpcap -lnet -lnids -lgthread-2.0 -lglib-2.0 ```


