
上传日期:2017-11-13 17:23:26
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  React Native包装器,用于Twilio可编程聊天iOS和Android SDK
(React Native wrapper for the Twilio Programmable Chat iOS and Android SDKs)

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Example/android/build.gradle (641, 2017-05-12)
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Example/capture.png (71726, 2017-05-12)
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Example/index.ios.js (198, 2017-05-12)
... ...

# React Native Twilio Chat [![npm version](]( >React Native wrapper for the Twilio Programmable Chat iOS and Android SDKs *Note - this project is currently in development for a beta release. If you are looking for the legacy package for the Twilio IP Messaging SDKs, [see the original repository here](* ### [View migration doc from react-native-ip-messaging here]( ## Installation ``` npm install --save react-native-twilio-chat ``` ### iOS - CocoaPods Install the Twilio Chat SDK and this package via CocoaPods. See the [full Podfile example](./Example/ios/Podfile) for more details. ```ruby pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga' pod 'React', :subspecs => ['Core', /* any other subspecs you require */], :path => '../node_modules/react-native' pod 'RCTTwilioChat', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-twilio-chat/ios' source '' pod 'TwilioChatClient', '~> 0.17.1' pod 'TwilioAccessManager', '~> 0.1.3' ``` **Note: the underlying Twilio SDKs require a minimum deployment target of `8.1`**. If your project's target is less than this you will get a CocoaPods install error (`Unable to satisfy the following requirements...`). Make sure that you add the `$(inherited)` value to `Other Linker Flags` and `Framework Search Paths` for your target's Build Settings. This is also assuming you have already loaded React via CocoaPods as well. ### Android In `android/settings.gradle`: ```java include ':RCTTwilioChat', ':app' project(':RCTTwilioChat').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-twilio-chat/android') ``` In `android/app/build.gradle`: ```java ... dependencies { ... compile project(':RCTTwilioChat') } ``` Register the module in ``: ```Java // import package import com.bradbumbalough.RCTTwilioChat.RCTTwilioChatPackage; ... // register package in getPackages() @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new RCTTwilioChatPackage(), ... other packages ); } ``` **Note:** You might have to enable multidex in your `build.gradle` file and increase the heap size if you're getting errors while buliding. The minSdkVersion must also be at least 19, per the Twilio SDKs. ```java android { .... dexOptions { javaMaxHeapSize "2048M" } defaultConfig { ... minSdkVersion 19 multiDexEnabled true } ``` ## Usage ```javascript /* Initialization */ import { AccessManager, Client, Constants } from 'react-native-twilio-chat'; // create the access manager const accessManager = new AccessManager(token); // specify any handlers for events accessManager.onTokenWillExpire = () => { getNewTokenFromServer() .then(accessManager.updateToken); } // create the client const client = new Client(token); // specify any global events client.onError = ({error, userInfo}) => console.log(error); // initialize the client client.initialize(); // wait for sync to finish client.onClientSynchronized = () => { client.getUserChannels() .then((channelPaginator) => console.log(channelPaginator.items)); } /* Individual Channel */ // an instance of Channel is passed down in the app via props let channel = // specify channel specific events channel.onMessageAdded = (message) => console.log( + ": " + message.body); channel.onTypingStarted = (member) => console.log(member.identity + " started typing..."); channel.onTypingEnded = (member) => console.log(member.identity + " stopped typing..."); channel.onMemberAdded = (member) => console.log(member.identity + " joined " + channel.friendlyName); // sending a message { this.setState({body}); channel.typing(); }} onSubmitEditing={() => { channel.sendMessage(this.state.body)} } /> ```` ## [Documentation](docs) ## Contributers Thank you for your help in maintaining this project! Haven't contributed yet? [Check out our Contributing guidelines...]( - [bradbumbalough]( - [johndrkurtcom]( - [jck2]( - [Baisang]( - [thathirsch]( - [n8stowell82]( - [svlaev]( - [Maxwell2022]( - [bbil]( - [jhabdas]( - [plonkus]( - [mattshen]( - [Kabangi]( - [benoist]( ## TODO * [x] Copy code from `programable-chat` branch on old package * [x] Copy issues and PRs over * [x] Update docs (wiki?) * [x] Migration guide * [x] Publish to npm * [x] Update `twilio-ip-messaging` to reference `twilio-chat` * [ ] 1.0 release * [ ] Testing ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).


