
上传日期:2018-05-03 19:16:30
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  麻省大学洛厄尔校区机器学习课程的项目
(A project for the course Machine Learning at UMass Lowell)

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# Comparision based approach to Sequence Labelling for NLP Tasks ## DESCRIPTION ### Goal We compare two different Machine Learning approaches and their performance and accuracy using pre-trained word vectors from Glove(Stanford) and CONLL-2003 Shared task dataset (English) ### TEAM - Siddharth Sharma ( - Samartha K V ( - Larry Okeke ( ## DETAILS ### Current State-of-Art - Tjong Kim Sang, E. F., & De Meulder, F. (2003, May). Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 shared task: Language-independent named entity recognition. In Proceedings of the seventh conference on Natural language learning at HLT-NAACL 2003-Volume 4 (pp. 142-147). Association for Computational Linguistics. - Tomanek, K., & Hahn, U. (2009, August). Semi-supervised active learning for sequence labeling. In Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP: Volume 2-Volume 2 (pp. 1039-1047). Association for Computational Linguistics. ### Key Design decisions: - Choose a right word embedding model, - How much context length is required to get improved accuracy. - Metric: F1 score ### APPROACH We use two machine learning algorithms, namely Multinomial [Logistic Regression]( and [Multi-Layer Perceptron](, to bring out the differences in performance and accuracy. We check the system for Sequence labeling task over the CONLL-2003 Shared Task English language dataset, to train and test the system. The main goal of this experiment is to perform error analysis and populate the scores over some of the more common tasks of NLP, such as Named Entity Recognition, Parts-Of-Speech Tagging and Chunking. Our dataset is in the form of “WORD NER-tag POS-tag Chunking-tag”. We use the external library vsmlib written in python 3.6 to process the pretrained vectors derived from the [Glove](, load the model and process all the vocabulary. Basic approach – Window based concatenation of Word embeddings 1. Primarily, the program begins by loading the options from the config.yaml. We used a configuration yaml because we want to experiment with different tasks and our system processes the correct column from the dataset depending on the specific task, whether it is NER, POS or chunking. The yaml loader returns a python object, stored into “options” object for use throughout the program. The config file needs to be configured with the following fields: path_vectors Path to word vectors such as GloVe path_dataset Path to the dataset on disk window Context window length for current trial – 1 through 5 task Task to be considered out of NER/POS or chunking algorithm Machine Learning algorithm to be used – LRC or MLP Table 2 – Describing the configuration values The algorithm specific parameters need to be hardcoded at this point. 2. Next, our system loads the word embedding model from the path, i.e. GloVe word embeddings. We used the method vsmlib.model.load_from_dir(options[‘path_vectors’]) to load the model, as shown above. 3. Then, the task is acquired and set from the options[‘task’]. 4. Further, we use the load_data.load() method to load our data and the corresponding values from the labels column depending on the task. This results in the generation of train_set, test_set, valid_set and dic. These sets represent words and their corresponding labels from the task column. These need to be further processed to reflect word embeddings and vectors. The dic holds two dictionary objects, one for word-to-index and other for label-to-index. 5. Then, we use the getinpOutput() method to generate the word ids or indices to context window lists. 6. The next method getX() is used to convert these lists of context windows into word embeddings from those lists of indices. 7. We do this for both the training and testing dataset and to simplify our task, we have extended the training set to include the validation set as well. 8. Next, depending on the algorithm specified in config, we use either MLP classifier or LR classifier to fit and predict on the training and testing dataset. ### DATASET CONLL-2003 ### LEARNING ALGORITHM - Multinomial Logistic Regression (__Solver__: sag(mulitnomial)/liblinear(OVR)) - Multi-Level Perceptron Neural Network ### TOOLKITS - [py3.6]( - [VSMlib]( - [scikit-learn]( ### RESULTS AND TESTING - Task – n-way classification for NER,POS and chunking. - Evaluation metric – F1 score - F1 Score = 2*(Recall * Precision) / (Recall + Precision) - Maximize F1 score ### OTHERS ### TIMELINE - March P 1 Acquiring dataset/Preprocessing - March/April P 2 Working with LR Classifier (One-vs-Rest or Multinomial) - April P 3 Working with MLP Classifier - May P 4 Generate, tabulate and visualize results. ## Pre-Work/ Weekly Upd #### Week 1 1. Read and implement the tutorial here at 2. Read about pandas, scipy, numpy, others. 3. Generate different types of graphs for different datasets. 4. Learn to split the data into test/training sets in numpy or python array. []( #### Week 2 5. Creating logistic regression classifier from sklearn.linear_model 6. Training and testing it with different context width and word vector dimensions #### Week 3 7. Created Linux branch #### Week 4 8. Created mlp classifier 9. Trained and tested MLP classifer #### Week 5 10. Results: - LRC - Accuracy: 70-92 % - Performance: Running Time(fitting): 13-40 mins on target system. - MLP - Accuracy: 90-97 % - Performance: Running Time(fitting): 1-4 mins on target system. 11. Performing error analysis. ### TEAM ROLES ##### Samartha K V - Design and implement code - Performing testing and documentation - Generating results - Error analysis and reasoning. ##### Siddharth Sharma - Coming up with ideas for further applications and research, - Choosing context length and testing with different lengths, - Generating the final report - Error analysis and reasoning ##### Larry Okeke - Evaluating and choosing the correct model, - Applying the concepts picked up in class to our project - Checking the mathematical integrity - Finding current state of the art


