
上传日期:2022-04-23 03:06:54
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  具有基本CRUD功能、新用户输入验证和密码盐析哈希实现的新闻网站
(News website with basic CRUD features, new user input validation and password salting hashing implementation)

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### Nova Scotia Court News Website #### Early concept homepage design: --- ### Contributors: - Adam Melvin - Liam Osler - Rachel Woodside --- ### Hosted Version: - ### How to use our website: - Nova Scotia Legal News is a one-stop shop for court decisions and legal news articles. Recent rulings are pulled from the courts of Nova Scotia and presented to the public in a user friendly manner. We also host articles regarding Nova Scotia law, written by verified journalists and legal professionals. - Our website also allows users to interact with the law by creating accounts, commenting on decisions/articles, and being able to follow other users. - On our frontpage we present some recent rulings/articles, as well as a search bar to look for specific articles. We also have an advance search feature that lets users search articles by title, author or contents. --- ### Contributions: - Milestone 1: Adam, Liam and Rachel all participated in brainstorming website goals and structure. Adam, Liam and Rachel each wrote up 2-3 user stories. Liam formatted the final planning document and generated prototype images of the webpage. - Milestone 2: Adam, Liam and Rachel all participated in the conceptual design of the website. Rachel compiled the design plan into the wireframes and annotated them, with feedback from Adam and Liam. - Milestone 3: Liam designed and set up the database and wrote the skeleton code for the website. Rachel implemented the contact form and comment posting features. Liam implemented the user login and user registration. Adam designed and wrote about.php and footer.php. Liam, Rachel and Adam all contributed to troubleshooting and polishing the website. --- ### Website goals: - Aggregate rulings from the Courts of Nova Scotia, present them in an accessible and easy to read fashion for users from a broad range of demographics. - Index page "newsfeed" that aggregates sources such as the Courts of Nova Scotia's RSS Feed, CanLII's Nova Scotia RSS Feeds and other local news outlets for stories relevant to the court rulings and legislation in Nova Scotia. - Means for users to add comments and/or reactions to the content on the Index page. - Means for users to "follow" a certain topic, ruling, user, or other items. - Provide a forum for discussions about Nova Scotia court rulings, legislation and legal affairs. --- ### Website Users: - #### Administrators: - Elevated user privileges - Manages other user accounts - Manages moderators and users - #### Moderators: - Moderates discussion boards - May hide content as deemed appropriate by the terms of acceptable behaviour outlined in the user agreement to terms and conditions. - #### Registered users (general users or not yet verified users): - Anyone can register for account - Must agree to terms and conditions during registration - User can upload a profile picture that creates their user icon - Can follow a topic or a ruling - Has a userpage that displays the user's activity feed - Items the user has commented on - Items the user has reacted to - Activity feed can be set to public/private according to user preference - #### Verified users (Law professionals, politicians, journalists, etc.) - Must be verified by the website (akin to Twitter verification) - User icon shows a verification symbol - Same features as registered users, but may also publish opinion pieces/articles/announcements --- ### Technology Stack: - PHP - MySQL - JavaScript - CSS - Libraries: - [Bootstrap 4.0]( ### Database Schema: ![Image of Schema](READMEimg/dbschema-2.png) ## Sample Code: ### Registering users ![User Registration Form](READMEimg/registration1.png) ```php 0) { $querySQL = " SELECT `emailAddress` FROM `users` WHERE `emailAddress` = '{$email}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $resultCount+=1; } } //If the email address exists: if($resultCount > 0){ $registrationValid = FALSE; } $username = sanitizeData($_POST["username"]); $resultCount = 0; if (strlen($username)>0) { $querySQL = " SELECT userName, userID FROM users WHERE `userName` = '{$username}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $resultCount+=1; } } //If the username address exists: if($resultCount > 0){ $registrationValid = FALSE; } //Otherwise let the user register: if($registrationValid == TRUE){ $password = sanitizeData($_POST["password"]); $fName = sanitizeData($_POST["fName"]); $lName = sanitizeData($_POST["lName"]); $street = sanitizeData($_POST["street"]); $city = sanitizeData($_POST["city"]); $zip = sanitizeData($_POST["zip"]); $querySQL = " INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (NULL, MD5(UUID()), '{$username}', '{$fName}', '{$lName}', '{$email}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE)"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); $querySQL = " SELECT userName, userID, privateID FROM users WHERE `userName` = '{$username}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $_SESSION["userID"] = $current["userID"]; $privateID = $current["privateID"]; $querySQL = " INSERT INTO `userSaltAndPepper` VALUES ('{$privateID}', LEFT(MD5(UUID()), 8), LEFT(MD5(UUID()), 8)) "; $dbconn->query($querySQL); $querySQL = " SELECT `userSalt`, `userPepper`, `privateID` FROM userSaltAndPepper WHERE `privateID` = '{$privateID}'"; $saltresult = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($saltcurrent = $saltresult->fetch_assoc()){ $userSalt = $saltcurrent["userSalt"]; $userPepper = $saltcurrent["userPepper"]; $querySQL = " INSERT INTO `userHashes` VALUES ('{$privateID}', MD5(CONCAT('{$userSalt}', MD5('{$password}'), '{$userPepper}'))) "; $_SESSION["userName"] = $username; $dbconn->query($querySQL); $dbconn->close(); } } } header("Location: index.php"); ?> ``` ### Checking that inputs conform to standards: ![User Registration Form](READMEimg/registration3.png) ```php
``` ### Validating emails are unique: ![User Registration Form](READMEimg//registration2.png) ```php getElementsByTagName('link'); //get the q parameter from URL $email = sanitizeData($_GET["email"]); $resultCount = 0; //If the query is not empty: if (strlen($email)>0) { $querySQL = " SELECT `emailAddress` FROM `users` WHERE `emailAddress` = '{$email}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $resultCount+=1; } } if($resultCount > 0){ echo "Email is already taken"; } else{ echo "Email is valid"; } ?> ``` ### Checking that usernames are unique: ![User Registration Form](READMEimg/registration4.png) ```php getElementsByTagName('link'); $username = sanitizeData($_GET["username"]); $resultCount = 0; if (strlen($username)>0) { $querySQL = " SELECT userName, userID FROM users WHERE `userName` = '{$username}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $resultCount+=1; } } if($resultCount > 0){ echo "Username is already taken"; } else{ echo "Username is valid"; } ?> ``` ### Creating test users in MySQL: Three tables will be used for the login process, the users table, the userSaltAndPepper table and the userHashes table. The userHashes table contains the ```sql CREATE TABLE users ( userID int AUTO_INCREMENT, privateID varchar(255), userName varchar(255), firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255), emailAddress varchar(255), registrationDate datetime, verificationStatus bool, profileVisibility bool, PRIMARY KEY (userID), INDEX NAME (privateID) ); CREATE TABLE userSaltAndPepper( privateID varchar(255), userSalt varchar(32), userPepper varchar(32), PRIMARY KEY (privateID), FOREIGN KEY (privateID) REFERENCES users(privateID) ); CREATE TABLE userHashes( privateID varchar(255), passwordHash varchar(32), PRIMARY KEY (privateID), FOREIGN KEY (privateID) REFERENCES users(privateID) ); ``` Note: the user has both a public "userID", which is a simple incremental value used for the purposes of posting content on the website, and for following other users. The user also has a "privateID" which is used only for the password related purposes. ### Creating some test user accounts Format for insertion is userID (auto incremented so left as null), privateID (randomized string using UUID()), username, first name, last name, email address, time of registration (uses current_timestamp), the user's verification status (true or false), and the user's provile visibility setting (true or false). ```sql INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "Site Administator", "", "", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE), (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "Art", "Arthur", "Kirkland", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE), (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "Frank", "Francis", "Rayford", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE), (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "Henry", "Henry", "Fleming", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE), (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "JayP", "Jay", "Porter", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE), (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "DJ", "Dave", "Jameson", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE), (NULL, MD5(UUID()), "Windy", "Gail", "Packer", "", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TRUE, TRUE); ``` ### Creating some salt and pepper values for test accounts in SQL: Once the test accounts have been added to the database, we can generate random a salt and pepper value for each of the users. In this case I have trimmeda random UUID to 8 characters using ```LEFT(MD5(UUID()), 8)``` ```sql -- Create some random fake salt and pepper values for all the users: INSERT INTO `userSaltAndPepper`(privateID, userSalt, userPepper) SELECT privateID, LEFT(MD5(UUID()), 8), LEFT(MD5(UUID()), 8) FROM `users`; ``` ### Hashing the salt and pepper values together with a password ```sql -- Concat the user salt and peppers together with the word "password" then calculate their MD5 checksum and set it to the user's passwordHash: INSERT INTO `userHashes`(privateID, passwordHash) SELECT privateID, MD5(CONCAT(userSalt, "password", userPepper)) FROM `userSaltAndPepper`; ``` ### User enters their password in the login modal: ![Image of login salt, pepper and hashing](READMEimg/login-2.png) ### Password input check salting routine (with print output) in PHP: ```php "; echo($usernameInput); echo "
"; echo($passwordInput); $querySQL = " SELECT userName, privateID from users WHERE userName = '{$usernameInput}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); $rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result); echo "
"; if($rowcount < 1){ echo("Username or Password Incorrect"); } else{ while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $privateID = $current["privateID"]; echo "
"; echo("Username found, privateID " ); echo "
"; echo($current["userName"] . ", " . $privateID ); echo "
"; //Get the user's salt and peppers for password spicing: $querySQL = " SELECT privateID, userSalt, userPepper from userSaltAndPepper WHERE privateID = '{$privateID}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $userSalt = $current["userSalt"]; $userPepper = $current["userPepper"] ; echo "
"; echo("privateID, userSalt, userPepper" ); echo "
"; echo($current["privateID"] . ", " . $current["userSalt"] . ", " . $current["userPepper"] ); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo("Salted and peppered password input:" ); $saltAndPepperPasswordInput = $userSalt . $passwordInput . $userPepper; echo "
"; echo($saltAndPepperPasswordInput); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo("MD5 checksum of salted and peppered input:" ); echo "
"; $saltAndPepperPasswordInputChecksum = md5($saltAndPepperPasswordInput); echo($saltAndPepperPasswordInputChecksum); //Get the user's password from the database: $querySQL = " SELECT privateID, passwordHash from userHashes WHERE privateID = '{$privateID}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $passwordHash = $current["passwordHash"]; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo("Stored user hash:" ); echo "
"; echo($passwordHash); } } } echo "
"; echo "
"; echo("Parity Check:"); echo "
"; if($saltAndPepperPasswordInputChecksum == $passwordHash){ echo "Password is correct"; }else{ echo "Username or Password Incorrect"; } } ?> ``` ### The output of the code above when the password is correct: ![Image of login salt, pepper and hashing](READMEimg/login-3.png) ### The output of the code above when the password is incorrect: ![Image of login salt, pepper and hashing](READMEimg/login-4.png) ### Explanation: 1. The user's input is displayed (as shown in the figure above, "Art" is the username and "password" is the password) 2. The database is queried for the username, and if it is found the username and the user's privateID are displayed. If the username is not found the string "Username or Password Incorrect" is displayed. 3. The user salt and pepper table is queried for the privateID, and the privateID, the userSalt and the userPepper are displayed on the screen. 4. The user's salt is concatenated to the password input (in this case just the word "password", as above) and the user's pepper, which is written as ``` $saltAndPepperPasswordInput = $userSalt . $passwordInput . $userPepper;``` in the code above. 5. This salt and peppered password is hashed with MD5 6. The userHash database is queried using the username's corresponding privateID and the stored password hash is displayed. 7. A parity check is performed. If the checksum of the salted and peppered input matches the stored password hash, "Password is correct" is displayed. If not "Username or Password is Incorrect" is displayed. ### The same code without console logging: ```php query($querySQL); $rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result); //If the username isn't found no rows will be returned if($rowcount < 1){ //If no username found then Set the username or password incorrect value to TRUE $incorrect = TRUE; } else{ //Get the first result as the current item: while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ //Set the userID, userName and privateID to their own variables: $userID = $current["userID"]; $userName = $current["userName"]; $privateID = $current["privateID"]; //Get the user's salt and peppers for password spicing: $querySQL = " SELECT privateID, userSalt, userPepper from userSaltAndPepper WHERE privateID = '{$privateID}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); //Get the first result as the current item: while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ //Set the user's salt and peppers to their own variables: $userSalt = $current["userSalt"]; $userPepper = $current["userPepper"] ; //Conatenate the salt, password input and the pepper together $saltAndPepperPasswordInput = $userSalt . $passwordInput . $userPepper; //Get the MD5 checksum of $saltAndPepperPasswordInput and set it to a variable: $saltAndPepperPasswordInputChecksum = md5($saltAndPepperPasswordInput); //Get the user's hashed password (with salt and pepper) from the database: $querySQL = " SELECT privateID, passwordHash from userHashes WHERE privateID = '{$privateID}'"; $result = $dbconn->query($querySQL); while ($current = $result->fetch_assoc()){ //Set the user's hashed password to variable: $passwordHash = $current["passwordHash"]; } } } //Check if the hashed input matches the user's hashed password: if($saltAndPepperPasswordInputChecksum == $passwordHash){ //If the password is correct, we can set the SESSION userName and userID values: $_SESSION["userName"] = $userName; $_SESSION["userID"] = $userID; //Redirect the user header("Location: index.php"); }else{ //If password incorrect then Set the username or password incorrect value to TRUE $incorrect = TRUE; } } if($incorrect){ ?> ``` ### When the user logs in ... ...


