
上传日期:2023-03-15 06:13:38
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Monkey编程语言的一种方言
(a dialect of The Monkey Programming Language)

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# pua-lang > PUA Programming Language written in Rust. ## What's pua-lang? pua-lang is a dialect of The Monkey Programming Language, intended to mirror the inspirational babble of Alibaba managers ("Aba-aba"). The name "pua" refers to the manipulative way Alibaba treats its employees -- much like how pickup artists treat their trophies. This implementation is a fork of [rs-monkey-lang](https://github.com/wadackel/rs-monkey-lang). `Monkey` is a programming language designed to learn interpreters. It comes from [Writing An Interpreter In Go](https://compilerbook.com/). ## Try pua-lang! ### with wasm playground https://flaneur2020.github.io/pua-lang/ We are aware that the output streams don't quite work. Rust doesn't really have I/O redirection and `wasm32-unknown-unknown` has no I/O by default. ### with REPL ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/flaneur2020/pua-lang.git $ make repl ``` ## Documentation :warning: **Please note that there may be some mistakes.** ### Summary - Everything Monkey has: - C-like syntax - variable bindings - integers and booleans - a string data structure - an array data structure - a hash data structure - arithmetic expressions - built-in functions - first-class and higher-order functions closures - Unicode identifiers (UAX #31, XID) plus monetary extensions (`[$_]`) and an overly-lax definition of Emojis. - Rust-compatible double-quoted string syntax. - Ridiculous naming for the Aba-aba. Comparison with Monkey: |Monkey|pua-lang|Explanation| |---|---|---| |if|细分|"specialization"| |else|路径|"pathway"| |while|闭环|"closed loop"| |true|三七五|"3.75", a passing performance evalulation result| |false|三二五|"3.25", a failing performance evalulation result| |let|赋能|"empower"| |fn|抓手|"handle", as in getting a handle on things| |return|反哺|"repay", used in Alibaba as a general term for feedback in systems| |Array|组合拳|"combo move"; not yet a word in the language| |Hash|载体|"carrier"; not yet a word in the language| |=|对齐|"align"| |+|联动|"linkage"| |-|差异|"difference"| |/|倾斜|"tilt"| |puts|输出|"output"| |quit|淘汰|"eliminate"| |(atoi)|量化|quantify The precise set of renames may change from time to time as we explore new ~~avanues of profit~~ pathways to the full enablement of our ~~shareholders~~ customers. You are encouraged to (ahem) carefully study the spirit of `src/lexer/mod.rs` and `src/evaluator/builtins.rs` in order to align yourself with Ali-speak and maximize your output. ### Syntax overview An example of Fibonacci function. ``` 赋能 fib = 抓手(x) { 细分 (x 对齐 0) { 反哺 0; } 细分 (x 对齐 1) { 反哺 1; } 路径 { 反哺 fib(x - 1) 联动 fib(x - 2); } }; fib(10); ``` #### 细分 细分 supports the general `细分`. `路径` exists, but` 细分 路径` does not exist yet. ``` 细分 (三七五) { 10; } 路径 { 5; } ``` #### 闭环 With the 闭环 we can execute a set of statements as long as a condition is 三七五. ``` 闭环 (三七五) { 输出("年年有抓手"); } ``` #### Operators It supports the general operations. ``` 1 + 2 + (3 * 4) - (10 / 5); !三七五; !三二五; +10; -5; "年年有抓手" + " " + "岁岁有闭环"; ``` #### 反哺 It returns the value immediately. No further processing will be executed. ``` 细分 (三七五) { 反哺; } ``` ``` 赋能 不变 = 抓手(工资p6) { 反哺 工资p6; }; 不变("烧酒"); ``` ### 赋能 赋能, such as those supported by many programming languages, is implemented. Variables can be defined using the `赋能` keyword. **Format:** ``` 赋能 = ; ``` **Example:** ``` 赋能 x = 0; 赋能 y = 10; 赋能 福报 = add(5, 5); 赋能 alias = 福报; 赋能 identity = 抓手(x) { x }; ``` ### Literals Five types of literals are implemented. #### Integer `Integer` represents an integer value. Floating point numbers can not be handled. **Format:** ``` [-+]?[1-9][0-9]*; ``` **Example:** ``` 10; 1234; ``` #### Boolean `Boolean` represents a general boolean type. **Format:** ``` 三七五 | 三二五; ``` **Example:** ``` 三七五; 三二五; 赋能 truthy = !三二五; 赋能 falsy = !三七五; ``` #### String `String` represents a string. Only double quotes can be used. **Format:** ``` ""; ``` **Example:** ``` "Monkey Programming Language"; "Hello" + " " + "World"; ``` #### 组合拳 `组合拳` represents an ordered contiguous element. Each element can contain different data types. **Format:** ``` [, , ...]; ``` **Example:** ``` [1, 2, 3 + 3, fn(x) { x }, add(2, 2), 三七五]; ``` ``` 赋能 组合拳 = [1, 三七五, 抓手(x) { x }]; 组合拳[0]; 组合拳[1]; 组合拳[2](10); 组合拳[1 + 1](10); ``` #### 载体 `载体` expresses data associating keys with values. **Format:** ``` { : , : , ... }; ``` **Example:** ``` 赋能 载体 = { "name": "Jimmy", "age": 72, 三七五: "a boolean", 99: "an integer" }; 载体["name"]; 载体.name; 载体["a" + "ge"]; 载体[三七五]; 载体[99]; 载体[100 - 1]; ``` #### 抓手 `抓手` supports functions like those supported by other programming languages. **Format:** ``` 抓手 (, , ...) { }; ``` **Example:** ``` 赋能 add = 抓手(x, y) { 反哺 x 联动 y; }; add(10, 20); ``` ``` 赋能 add = 抓手(x, y) { x 联动 y; }; add(10, 20); ``` If `反哺` does not exist, it returns the result of the last evaluated expression. ``` 赋能 addThree = 抓手(x) { x + 3 }; 赋能 callTwoTimes = 抓手(x, f) { f(f(x)) }; callTwoTimes(3, addThree); ``` Passing around functions, higher-order functions and closures will also work. ### Built-in Functions You can use 1 built-in function :rocket: #### `输出(, , ...): void` It outputs the specified value to `stdout`. In the case of Playground, it outputs to `console`. ``` 输出("年年有抓手"); 输出("岁岁有闭环!"); ```


