
上传日期:2023-06-07 22:50:16
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说明:  用Swift编程语言编写的轻量级服务器端服务框架。
(A light-weight server-side service framework written in the Swift programming language.)

.swiftlint.yml (231, 2022-09-23) (311, 2022-09-23) (3574, 2022-09-23)
LICENSE (11358, 2022-09-23)
NOTICE (94, 2022-09-23)
Package.resolved (2836, 2022-09-23)
Package.swift (3628, 2022-09-23)
Sources/ (0, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/ (0, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/ChannelHTTP1ResponseHandler.swift (3185, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/HTTP1ChannelInboundHandler.swift (14325, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/HTTP1RequestHandler.swift (4684, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/HTTP1RequestInvocationContext.swift (968, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/HttpHeaderConstants.swift (857, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/KeepAliveStatus.swift (909, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/SmokeHTTP1Server.swift (4896, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/SmokeInwardsRequestContext.swift (2102, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeHTTP1/StandardSmokeHTTP1Server.swift (20121, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeInvocation/ (0, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeInvocation/GlobalDispatchQueueAsyncInvocationStrategy.swift (1092, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeInvocation/GlobalDispatchQueueSyncInvocationStrategy.swift (1086, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeInvocation/InvocationStrategy.swift (961, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/ (0, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/ErrorWithType.swift (1200, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/InvocationReporting.swift (850, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/JSONDecoder+getFrameworkDecoder.swift (1064, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/JSONEncoder+getFrameworkEncoder.swift (2549, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationDelegate.swift (5628, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationFailure.swift (957, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationHandler+withContextInputNoOutput.swift (4176, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationHandler+withContextInputWithOutput.swift (4520, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationHandler+withInputNoOutput.swift (4411, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationHandler+withInputWithOutput.swift (4758, 2022-09-23)
Sources/SmokeOperations/OperationHandler.swift (14234, 2022-09-23)
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Build - Main Branch Swift 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 Tested Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 Tested CentOS 8 Tested Amazon Linux 2 Tested Join the Smoke Server Side community on gitter Apache 2

# Smoke Framework The Smoke Framework is a light-weight server-side service framework written in Swift and using [SwiftNIO]( for its networking layer by default. The framework can be used for REST-like or RPC-like services and in conjunction with code generators from service models such as [Swagger/OpenAPI]( The framework has built in support for JSON-encoded request and response payloads. ## Support Policy SmokeFramework follows the same support policy as followed by SmokeAWS [here]( # Conceptual Overview The Smoke Framework provides the ability to specify handlers for operations your service application needs to perform. When a request is received, the framework will decode the request into the operation's input. When the handler returns, its response (if any) will be encoded and sent in the response. Each invocation of a handler is also passed an application-specific context, allowing application-scope or invocation-scope entities such as other service clients to be passed to operation handlers. Using the context allows operation handlers to remain *pure* functions (where its return value is determined by the function's logic and input values) and hence easily testable. # SmokeFrameworkExamples See [this repository]( for examples of the Smoke Framework and the related Smoke* repositories in action. # Getting Started using Code Generation The Smoke Framework provides a [code generator]( that will generate a complete Swift Package Manager repository for a SmokeFramework-based service from a Swagger 2.0 specification file. See the instructions in the code generator repository on how to get started. # Getting Started without Code Generation These steps assume you have just created a new swift application using `swift package init --type executable`. ## Step 1: Add the Smoke Framework dependency The Smoke Framework uses the Swift Package Manager. To use the framework, add the following dependency to your Package.swift- ```swift dependencies: [ .package(url: "", from: "2.0.0") ] .target(name: ..., dependencies: [ ..., .product(name: "SmokeOperationsHTTP1Server", package: "smoke-framework"), ]), ``` ## Step 2: Update the runtime dependency requirements of the application If you attempt to compile the application, you will get the error ``` the product 'XXX' requires minimum platform version 10.12 for macos platform ``` This is because SmokeFramework projects have a minimum MacOS version dependency. To correct this there needs to be a couple of additions to to the Package.swift file. ### Step 2a: Update the language version Specify the language versions supported by the application- ```swift targets: [ ... ], swiftLanguageVersions: [.v5] ``` ### Step 2b: Update the supported platforms Specify the platforms supported by the application- ```swift name: "XXX", platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_15), .iOS(.v10) ], products: [ ``` ## Step 2: Add a Context Type An instance of the context type will be passed to each invocation of an operation that needs to be handled. This instance can be setup to be initialized per invocation or once for the application. You will need to create this context type. There are no requirements for a type to be passed as a context. The following code shows an example of creating the context type- ```swift public struct MyApplicationContext { let logger: Logger // TODO: Add properties to be accessed by the operation handlers public init(logger: Logger) { self.logger = logger } } ``` ## Step 3: Add an Operation Function The next step to using the Smoke Framework is to define one or more functions that will perform the operations that your application requires. The following code shows an example of such a function- ```swift extension MyApplicationContext { func handleTheOperation(input: OperationInput) throws -> OperationOutput { return OperationOutput() } } ``` This particular operation function accepts the input to the operation and is within an extension of the context (giving it access to any attributes or functions on this type) while returning the output from the operation. For HTTP1, the operation input can conform to [OperationHTTP1InputProtocol](, which defines how the input type is constructed from the HTTP1 request. Similarly, the operation output can conform to [OperationHTTP1OutputProtocol](, which defines how to construct the HTTP1 response from the output type. Both must also conform to the [Validatable]( protocol, giving the opportunity to validate any field constraints. As an alternative, both operation input and output can conform to the `Codable` protocol if they are constructed from only one part of the HTTP1 request and response. The Smoke Framework also supports additional built-in and custom operation function signatures. See the *The Operation Function* and *Extension Points* sections for more information. ## Step 4: Add Handler Selection After defining the required operation handlers, it is time to specify how they are selected for incoming requests. The Smoke Framework provides the [SmokeHTTP1HandlerSelector]( protocol to add handlers to a selector. ```swift import SmokeOperationsHTTP1 public enum MyOperations: String, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible { case theOperation = "TheOperation" public var description: String { return rawValue } public var operationPath: String { switch self { case .theOperation: return "/theOperation" } } } public extension MyOperations { static func addToSmokeServer(selector: inout SelectorType) where SelectorType.ContextType == MyApplicationContext, SelectorType.OperationIdentifer == MyOperations { let allowedErrorsForTheOperation: [(MyApplicationErrors, Int)] = [(.unknownResource, 404)] selector.addHandlerForOperationProvider(.theOperation, httpMethod: .POST, operationProvider: MyApplicationContext.handleTheOperation, allowedErrors: allowedErrorsForTheOperation) } } ``` Each handler added requires the following parameters to be specified: * The operation to be added. This must be of a type conforming to [OperationIdentity]( such as an [enum]( * The HTTP method that must be matched by the incoming request to select the handler. * The function to be invoked. * The errors that can be returned to the caller from this handler. The error type must also conform to `CustomStringConvertible` that returns the identity of the current error. * The location in the HTTP1 request to construct the operation input type from (only required if the input type conforms to `Codable`) * The location in the HTTP1 response that the output type represents (only required if the output type conforms to `Codable`) ## Step 5: Setting up the Application Server The final step is to setup an application as an operation server. ```swift import Foundation import SmokeOperationsHTTP1Server import AsyncHTTPClient import NIO import SmokeHTTP1 struct MyPerInvocationContextInitializer: StandardJSONSmokeServerPerInvocationContextInitializer { typealias ContextType = MyApplicationContext typealias OperationIdentifer = MyOperations let serverName = "MyService" // specify the operations initializer let operationsInitializer: OperationsInitializerType = MyOperations.addToSmokeServer /** On application startup. */ init(eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup) throws { // set up any of the application-wide context } /** On invocation. */ public func getInvocationContext( invocationReporting: SmokeServerInvocationReporting) -> MyApplicationContext { // create an invocation-specific context to be passed to an operation handler return MyApplicationContext(logger: invocationReporting.logger) } /** On application shutdown. */ func onShutdown() throws { // shutdown anything before the application closes } } SmokeHTTP1Server.runAsOperationServer(MyPerInvocationContextInitializer.init) ``` You can now run the application and the server will start up on port 8080. The application will block in the `SmokeHTTP1Server.runAsOperationServer` call. When the server has been fully shutdown and has completed all requests, `onShutdown` will be called. In this function you can close/shutdown any clients or credentials that were created on application startup. ## Step 6: Add Reporting Configuration (Optional) An optional configuration step is to setup the reporting configuration for metrics emitted by the Smoke Framework. This involves overriding the default `reportingConfiguration` attribute on the initializer. For the metrics to be emitted, a `swift-metrics` backend - such as [CloudWatchMetricsFactory]( - will need to be initialized. ```swift ... struct MyPerInvocationContextInitializer: StandardJSONSmokeServerPerInvocationContextInitializer { typealias ContextType = MyApplicationContext typealias OperationIdentifer = MyOperations let reportingConfiguration: SmokeReportingConfiguration let serverName = "MyService" // specify the operations initializer let operationsInitializer: OperationsInitializerType = MyOperations.addToSmokeServer /** On application startup. */ init(eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup) throws { // set up any of the application-wide context // for the server, only report the latency metrics // only report 5XX error counts for TheOperation (even if additional operations are added in the future) // only report 4XX error counts for operations other than TheOperation (as they are added in the future) self.reportingConfiguration = SmokeReportingConfiguration( successCounterMatchingRequests: .none, failure5XXCounterMatchingRequests: .onlyForOperations([.theOperation]), failure4XXCounterMatchingRequests: .exceptForOperations([.theOperation]), requestReadLatencyTimerMatchingRequests: .none, latencyTimerMatchingRequests: .all, serviceLatencyTimerMatchingRequests: .all, outwardServiceCallLatencyTimerMatchingRequests: .all, outwardServiceCallRetryWaitTimerMatchingRequests: .all) } ... } SmokeHTTP1Server.runAsOperationServer(MyPerInvocationContextInitializer.init) ``` # Enabling Distributed Tracing (Swift 5.7 and greater) To have your application participate in distributed traces, add a property `enableTracingWithSwiftConcurrency` with a value of true to your application initializer. ```swift struct MyPerInvocationContextInitializer: StandardJSONSmokeServerPerInvocationContextInitializer { let enableTracingWithSwiftConcurrency = true ... } ``` This will enable tracing for any operation handlers that use Swift Concurrency (async/await). You will also need to setup an Instrumentation backend by following the instructions [here]( # Logging The Smoke Framework provides a Metadata Provider that can be used to decorate any logs emitted from the structured concurrency tree rooted at the operation handlers. What this means is that metadata such as the `internalRequestId` and `incomingOperation` will be added to logs emitted from libraries called from operation handlers even if an explicit logger instance isn't passed into the library function. ```swift import Logging import SmokeOperations ... let metadataProvider = Logging.MetadataProvider.smokeframework let factory = LoggingSystem.bootstrap(factory, metadataProvider: metadataProvider) ``` # Further Concepts ## The Application Context An instance of the application context type is created at application start-up and is passed to each invocation of an operation handler. The framework imposes no restrictions on this type and simply passes it through to the operation handlers. It is *recommended* that this context is immutable as it can potentially be passed to multiple handlers simultaneously. Otherwise, the context type is responsible for handling its own thread safety. It is recommended that applications use a **strongly typed** context rather than a *bag of stuff* such as a Dictionary. ## The Operation Delegate The Operation Delegate handles specifics such as encoding and decoding requests to the handler's input and output. The Smoke Framework provides the [JSONPayloadHTTP1OperationDelegate]( implementation that expects a JSON encoded request body as the handler's input and returns the output as the JSON encoded response body. Each `addHandlerForOperation` invocation can optionally accept an operation delegate to use when that handler is selected. This can be used when operations have specific encoding or decoding requirements. A default operation delegate is set up at server startup to be used for operations without a specific handler or when no handler matches a request. ## The Trace Context The `JSONPayloadHTTP1OperationDelegate` takes a generic parameter conforming to the [HTTP1OperationTraceContext]( protocol. This protocol can be used to providing request-level tracing. The requirements for this protocol are defined [here]( A default implementation - [SmokeInvocationTraceContext]( - provides some basic tracing using request and response headers. ## The Operation Function Each handler provides a function to be invoked when the handler is selected. By default, the Smoke framework provides four function signatures declared on the Context Type that this function can conform to- * `((InputType) throws -> ())`: Synchronous method with no output. * `((InputType) throws -> OutputType)`: Synchronous method with output. * `((InputType, (Swift.Error?) -> ()) throws -> ())`: Asynchronous method with no output. * `((InputType, (Result) -> ()) throws -> ())`: Asynchronous method with output. Due to Swift type inference, a handler can switch between these different signatures without changing the handler selector declaration - simply changing the function signature is sufficient. The synchronous variants will return a response as soon as the function returns either with an empty body or the encoded return value. The asynchronous variants will return a response when the provided result handlers are called. ```swift public protocol Validatable { func validate() throws } ``` In all cases, the InputType and OutputType types must conform to the `Validatable` protocol. This protocol gives a type the opportunity to verify its fields - such as for string length, numeric range validation. The Smoke Framework will call validate on operation inputs before passing it to the handler and operation outputs after receiving from the handler- * If an operation input fails its validation call (by throwing an error), the framework will fail the operation with a 400 ValidationError response, indicating an error by the caller (the framework also logs this event at *Info* level). * If an operation output fails its validation call (by throwing an error), the framework will fail the operation with a 500 Internal Server Error, indicating an error by the service logic (the framework also logs this event at *Error* level). Additionally, the Smoke Framework provides the option to declare operation handlers outside the Context Type as standalone functions. The Context Type is passed in directly to these functions. ```swift func handleTheOperation(input: OperationInput, context: MyApplicationContext) throws -> OperationOutput { return OperationOutput() } ``` Adding the handler selection is slightly different in this case- ```swift import SmokeOperationsHTTP1 public func addOperations(selector: inout SelectorType) where SelectorType.ContextType == MyApplicationContext, SelectorType.OperationIdentifer == MyOperations { let allowedErrorsForTheOperation: [(MyApplicationErrors, Int)] = [(.unknownResource, 404)] selector.addHandlerForOperation(.theOperation, httpMethod: .POST, operation: handleTheOperation, allowedErrors: allowedErrorsForTheOperation) } ``` The four function signatures are also available when using this style of operation handlers. * `((InputType, ContextType) throws -> ())`: Synchronous method with no output. * `((InputType, ContextType) throws -> OutputType)`: Synchronous method with output. * `((InputType, ContextType, (Swift.Error?) -> ()) throws -> ())`: Asynchronous method with no output. * ... ...


