
上传日期:2020-11-13 18:27:58
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用GNU Bash 4编写的函数式编程语言和解释器
(a functional programming language and interpreter written in GNU Bash 4)

LICENSE.txt (1492, 2020-11-13)
core.gk (2435, 2020-11-13)
fib.gk (381, 2020-11-13)
gherkin (28347, 2020-11-13) (389, 2020-11-13)
presentation.gk (2628, 2020-11-13)
read_profile.clj (406, 2020-11-13) (597, 2020-11-13)

> **This project is dormant.** I have not worked on it in years, and am unlikely to continue work on it anytime soon. I encourage you to check out "mal" -- "Make a Lisp" -- by Joel Martin, a project inspired by this one, that includes implementations in dozens of languages, including Bash: While it's missing garbage collection, mal's Bash Lisp is incredibly clean and easy to hack on. For additional historical perspective, see [this article on my homepage]( # gherkin gherkin logo gherkin is a functional programming language and interpreter written in [GNU Bash 4]( designed for extreme portability across *nix platforms. For rationale, see [Why gherkin?]( gherkin is a dialect of [Lisp](, and like other Lisps such as [Clojure]( and [Scheme]( it features homoiconicity, first-class functions, and primitive functions for operating on a variety of data types such as strings, integers, symbols, and lists. As a citizen of *nix and the shell environment, it also provides *nix and shell interoperation facilities. gherkin is currently **alpha** status, but our hope is to continue feature development until gherkin can be used in place of Bash for general purpose *nix scripting. If you're curious about our progress toward our first release, see [our milestones]( ## Try gherkin *gherkin requires GNU Bash version 4 or higher. If you're on Linux, this is probably already your shell. If you're on a Mac, we recommend you install a recent version of Bash with [Homebrew](* #### REPL Start a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop ([REPL]( and evaluate a simple expression: ./gherkin > (+ 1 2) 3 You may exit the REPL with Ctrl-D. #### Running a script Run [fib.gk](fib.gk) to find the 60th [Fibonacci number]( ./gherkin -l fib.gk #### Start a REPL and try a [core library](core.gk) function: ./gherkin > (load-file "core") nil > (map inc '(1 2 3)) (2 3 4) You may also load the core library and start a REPL with `./gherkin -l core.gk -r`. ## Learning more & getting involved gherkin is brand new, under active development, and not yet formally released. As such, its usage is error-prone and its documentation spotty. If you'd like to help us improve gherkin, its documentation, or have any questions, please join us: * In`#gherkin` on ``. * On the [ mailing list]( ## Related tools * [gherkin-mode]( is an [Emacs]( mode for editing gherkin contributed by [Craig Andera]( # Thanks * to [Darius Bacon]( for his version of [awklisp]( which was the basis for the original prototype


