
开发工具:Vim Script
上传日期:2017-09-24 19:31:05
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Elm编程语言的Vim插件
(Vim plugin for the Elm programming language)

LICENSE (1086, 2016-08-15)
autoload/ (0, 2016-08-15)
autoload/elm/ (0, 2016-08-15)
autoload/elm/io.vim (213, 2016-08-15)
doc/ (0, 2016-08-15)
doc/elm-vim.txt (4144, 2016-08-15)
doc/tags (0, 2016-08-15)
ftdetect/ (0, 2016-08-15)
ftdetect/elm.vim (46, 2016-08-15)
ftplugin/ (0, 2016-08-15)
ftplugin/elm.vim (1865, 2016-08-15)
indent/ (0, 2016-08-15)
indent/elm.vim (3470, 2016-08-15)
syntax/ (0, 2016-08-15)
syntax/elm.vim (2223, 2016-08-15)

# elm.vim Vim plugin for the [Elm programming language](http://elm-lang.org/). ## Installation Just like any other plugin, clone this repository into the `~/.vim/bundle` directory cd ~/.vim/bundle && \ git clone https://github.com/lambdatoast/elm.vim.git If you are unfamiliar with this process, please refer to the [Pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) project. ## System Requirements Nothing other than vim is needed for the syntax highlighting. For the special commands and aliases (for compilation, etc), the plugin expects the following programs to be available: * `elm-make`: The Elm build tool. * `elm-repl`: The Elm REPL. The plugin sends it bits of code for evaluation. ## Usage These are the available commands. To get the most out of them, you should create mappings according to your needs. ### Compilation * `:ElmMakeCurrentFile` compiles the current file. * `:ElmMakeMain` compiles an assumed `Main.elm` file. * `:ElmMakeFile ` compiles `filename`. ### Evaluation * `:ElmEvalLine` evaluates the current line and puts the result as a comment in a new line below it. * `:ElmEvalSelection` evaluates a visual mode selection. ### REPL * `:ElmRepl` switches to `elm-repl`, when closing the REPL you'll get back to vim. ### Example mappings I use the following mappings in my .vimrc at the moment: nnoremap el :ElmEvalLine vnoremap es :ElmEvalSelection nnoremap em :ElmMakeCurrentFile ### Example autocommands Vim autocommands can make your life a lot easier. These are just some examples of what I use sometimes: * Compiling the current file on write: + `:au BufWritePost *.elm ElmMakeCurrentFile` * Usually more useful: Compiling a specific file, e.g. "Main.elm", on file write to any file in the project: + `:au BufWritePost *.elm ElmMakeFile("Main.elm")` Remember you can clear all these afterwards, with e.g. `:au! BufWritePost *.elm` ## TODO * Integration with Elm docs.


