
上传日期:2023-04-09 14:30:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  智能法律合同编程语言
(Programming Language for Smart Legal Contracts)

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## Introduction This is the source code for the Ergo compiler. Ergo is the [Accord Project][apmain] language for Smart Legal Contracts. The Ergo compiler is distributed as an [npm package][npmpkg]. The Ergo compiler is written using the [Coq][coq] proof assistant, with parsing and support code written in [OCaml][OCaml]. It makes extensive use of the [Q*cert compiler][Qcert] for code generation and type checking. Both the Ergo language and its compiler are in early development phase. If you would like to build from source or to contribute, consult the [DEVELOPERS][developers] file. ## Try Ergo online If you want to take a peek at Ergo without installing anything, check out the interactive [REPL][REPL] (read-eval-print-loop) for Ergo stand-alone, or the [Accord Project Template Studio][studio] which illustrates Ergo in Accord Project templates. ## Documentation The most recent Ergo documentation is in the [Ergo Language Guide][docergo]. ## Structure of the Code Repository Top level repository (ergo), with sub packages. Each sub-package is published as an independent npm module using `lerna`: * [ergo-cli]( : Command line interface for the Ergo compiler * [ergo-compiler]( : Core classes for the Ergo compiler * [ergo-engine]( : A Node.js VM based execution engine for Ergo * [ergo-test]( : Cucumber based testing for Ergo ## Installation The easiest way to install Ergo is as a [Node.js][nodejs] package. Once you have Node.js installed on your machine, you can get the Ergo compiler and command-line using the Node.js package manager by typing the following in a terminal: ```sh $ npm install -g @accordproject/ergo-cli ``` This will install the Ergo command-line (`ergo`) and Read-Eval-Print-Loop (`ergotop`). Those will allow you to create, test and compile Ergo contracts. You can check your installed version by typing the following in a terminal: ```sh $ ergo --version ``` Or to get command line help: ```sh $ ergo --help ergo Commands: ergo draft create a contract text from data ergo trigger send a request to the contract ergo invoke invoke a clause of the contract ergo initialize initialize the state for a contract ergo compile compile a contract Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] --verbose, -v [default: false] ``` ### Create contract text To create a contract text from a contract: ```sh $ ergo draft --template ./tests/volumediscount --data ./tests/volumediscount/data.json ``` ### Initialize a contract To obtain the initial state of the contract: ```sh $ ergo initialize --template ./tests/volumediscount --data ./tests/volumediscount/data.json 06:40:29 - info: ``` ### Send a request to a contract To send a request to a contract: ```sh $ ergo trigger --template ./tests/volumediscount --data ./tests/volumediscount/data.json --request ./tests/volumediscount/request.json --state ./tests/volumediscount/state.json 06:40:01 - info: { "clause": "orgXaccordprojectXvolumediscountXVolumeDiscount", "request": { "$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscount.VolumeDiscountRequest", "netAnnualChargeVolume": 10.4 }, "response": { "$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscount.VolumeDiscountResponse", "discountRate": 2.8, "transactionId": "13fa7cb6-03fc-4fd8-8e12-9a85ac8d5eb7", "timestamp": "2019-10-12T23:56:33.688Z" }, "state": { "$class": "org.accordproject.cicero.contract.AccordContractState", "stateId": "1" }, "emit": [] } ``` ### Invoke a clause To invoke a specific clause of the contract: ```sh $ ergo invoke --template ./tests/volumediscount --clauseName volumediscount --data ./tests/volumediscount/data.json --params ./tests/volumediscount/params.json --state ./tests/volumediscount/state.json ``` ### Compile a contract To compile your first Ergo contract to JavaScript: ```sh $ ergo compile ./tests/volumediscount/model/model.cto ./tests/volumediscount/logic/logic.ergo Processing file: ./tests/volumediscount/logic.ergo -- compiled to: ./tests/volumediscount/logic.js ``` By default, Ergo compiles to JavaScript for execution. You can inspect the compiled JavaScript code in `./tests/volumediscount/logic.js` [npmpkg]: [coq]: [OCaml]: [Qcert]: [REPL]: [studio]: [nodejs]: ---

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Accord Project is an open source, non-profit, initiative working to transform contract management and contract automation by digitizing contracts. Accord Project operates under the umbrella of the [Linux Foundation][linuxfound]. The technical charter for the Accord Project can be found [here][charter]. ## Learn More About Accord Project ### [Overview][apmain] ### [Documentation][apdoc] ## Contributing The Accord Project technology is being developed as open source. All the software packages are being actively maintained on GitHub and we encourage organizations and individuals to contribute requirements, documentation, issues, new templates, and code. Find out what’s coming on our [blog][apblog]. Join the Accord Project Technology Working Group [Discord Server][apdiscord] to get involved! For code contributions, read our [CONTRIBUTING guide][contributing] and information for [DEVELOPERS][developers]. ### README Badge Using Accord Project? Add a README badge to let everyone know: [![accord project](]( ``` [![accord project](]( ``` ## License Accord Project source code files are made available under the [Apache License, Version 2.0][apache]. Accord Project documentation files are made available under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License][creativecommons] (CC-BY-4.0). Copyright 2018-2019 Clause, Inc. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. See [LF Projects Trademark Policy]( [linuxfound]: [charter]: [apmain]: [apblog]: [apdoc]: [apdiscord]: [contributing]: [developers]: [apache]: [creativecommons]:


