
上传日期:2016-01-27 16:18:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Clojure编程语言的Akka包装器。
(Akka wrapper for the Clojure programming language.)

CHANGES.md (1540, 2015-11-19)
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docs/uberdoc.html (194885, 2015-11-19)
project.clj (568, 2015-11-19)
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src/okku/ (0, 2015-11-19)
src/okku/core.clj (8338, 2015-11-19)
test/ (0, 2015-11-19)
test/okku/ (0, 2015-11-19)
test/okku/test/ (0, 2015-11-19)
test/okku/test/core.clj (2609, 2015-11-19)

# Leiningen ```clojure [org.clojure.gaverhae/okku "0.1.5"] ``` Okku is primarily developped and tested on Clojure 1.7.0. It may work on older versions, though; please do not hesitate to report any misbehaviours. # Introduction Okku is a Clojure wrapper for the Akka library. Akka is an Erlang-inspired Scala library implementing the actor model for concurrency and distribution. For explanations on the actor model itself and how and when to use it, see the documentation of either Akka or Erlang. # Usage Okku strives to be as thin a wrapper as possible; for example, Okku functions yield and manipulate unwrapped Akka objects, and Okku tries to stay conceptually close to the Akka model. This means that users of Okku should be able to refer directly to the [Akka documentation](http://akka.io/docs/) for information on how to use Okku. One only has to keep in mind that the ``actor`` macro yields a ``Props`` object while the ``spawn`` macro is basically a wrapper around ``.actorOf``. Example usage of Okku is given in the two tutorials: [pi](https://github.com/gaverhae/okku-pi) and [remote](https://github.com/gaverhae/okku-remote). The tutorials are versioned in sync with the library; you should only use release (i.e. non-SNAPSHOT) versions of the tutorials. ## Very brief introduction to the Akka actor hierarchy The Akka actor system enforces a hierarchical structure. This means that every actor is the child of another actor, and every actor knows its own children. Of course, every actor needing a parent means we have a chicken-and-egg problem, which Akka solves by creating special actors for you, which do not have (user-accessible) parents, and which are called Actor Systems. Basically, an Akka application begins by creating an Actor System, and then tells this Actor System to spawn the required actors for the rest of the computation. Actors from this first generation of manually-created actors are typically thought of as the roots of the actor hierarchy within an application. ## Creating an ActorSystem The creation of an ActorSystem is done through the ``actor-system`` function, which in its most basic form simply takes a name as a parameter. See the documentation (``docs`` folder) for details on the possible options. ## Creating an actor with Okku The first step in creating an actor is to define its behaviour. This is done through the ``actor`` macro, which yields an ``akka.actor.Props`` object (that could then be passed to ``.actorOf`` to create an actor from Akka). It is basically a wrapper around ``proxy``. Okku also defines a few convenience macros to use frequently accessed actor functionalities, such as ``stop``. See the [marginalia](https://github.com/fogus/marginalia/)-generated documentation in the ``docs`` folder for more details. The second step is to use the ``spawn`` macro, which takes an "actor" (a ``Props`` object as yielded by the ``actor`` macro), and a few named arguments to create the actor. If no ``:in`` argument is passed, the new actor is spawned as a child of the "current" actor (which means that the ``:in`` argument is required if called from outside of an actor, though that can only be detected at runtime). ``spawn`` is also used to create an actor on a remote system. With all that said, here is an example code to illustrate the basics, provided the Okku jar is in your classpath: ```clojure (use 'okku.core) (let [as (actor-system "test") echo-actor (spawn (actor (onReceive [msg] (println msg))) :in as)] (.tell echo-actor "Testing..." echo-actor) (.tell echo-actor ["more" {"complex" "object"}] echo-actor)) ``` One restriction of the Akka model is that messages between actors have to be immutable objects. This is the default for Clojure values, but it's still important to bear in mind. ## Configuration through configuration file Configuration through ``application.conf`` is supported by Akka, and thus by Okku. See the [Akka documentation](http://akka.io/docs/) for details. One note of interest: the Okku system adds the possibility of changing the look-up address for a remote actor through configuration, which is not directly supported by Akka (though it is not hard to do through accessing the configuration object, which is exactly what Okku does). To avoid polluting the ``akka`` "namespace" in the configuration file, Okku adds an ``okku.lookup`` namespace for actor look-up. Supported configuration options are: ``` okku.lookup. { protocol actor-system hostname port path } ``` If the path does not begin with a "/", Okku will automaticall add "/user/" in front of it. # Contributors In order of first commit: * Gary Verhaegen ([gaverhae](https://github.com/gaverhae)) * Pedro Antonio Souza Viegas ([pasviegas](https://github.com/pasviegas)) * Jonathan Harrrington ([prio](https://github.com/prio)) * David Orme ([coconutpalm](https://github.com/coconutpalm)) # License Copyright (C) 2015 Gary Verhaegen & contributors (see license for details). Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


