
上传日期:2021-11-22 02:07:21
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种仅供娱乐的嵌入式编程语言
(An embeddable programming language just for fun)

Makefile (467, 2021-11-21)
chunk.c (2787, 2021-11-21)
hm3.h (3311, 2021-11-21)
main.c (336, 2021-11-21)
number.c (3755, 2021-11-21)
vm.c (2581, 2021-11-21)

# hm3 A *vapourware* minimalist statically typed 'glue language' that can be embedded in C/C++/Rust projects. The implementation aims to capture the essence of the [lua]( and [janet]( runtimes and combine it with a language that is inspired by [standard ML]( The project is for fun and learning, though help is wanted if you are able. The project name is just a placeholder for now. ## Planned Features - Distributable as a single C file (like the sqlite3 amalgamation). - Easy to extend from C/C++. - Easy to embed in C/C++ programs. - Portable with a small footprint. - Interactive repl. - Type inference. - Compile time code execution. - Distribute statically linked programs (Bundled VM + bytecode + extensions). - Deterministic freeing of resources (like python). - Safe to run untrusted code in a sandbox. ## Ideas to explore - Structural sub typing. - Ergonomic and alterative ways to deal with error values. ## Learning Resources - A guide for implementing interpreters - [Crafting interpreters book]( - Guide on unification for the type system - [Eli Bendersky blog on unification]( - A more efficient unification algorithm - [Yet Another Efficient Unification Algorithm]( - Guide on type inference - [Eli Bendersky blog on type inference]( - Reference counting with cycle detection by trial deletion - [Unified theory of garbage collection section 5.3](


