
上传日期:2017-06-10 02:37:49
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用Go编程语言构建编译器
(Building a compiler in Go programming language)

.travis.yml (188, 2017-06-09)
ast/ (0, 2017-06-09)
ast/ast.go (9194, 2017-06-09)
ast/ast_test.go (989, 2017-06-09)
evaluator/ (0, 2017-06-09)
evaluator/evaluator.go (8970, 2017-06-09)
evaluator/evaluator_test.go (7442, 2017-06-09) (271, 2017-06-09)
lexer/ (0, 2017-06-09)
lexer/lexer.go (4450, 2017-06-09)
lexer/lexer_test.go (3605, 2017-06-09)
main.go (326, 2017-06-09)
object/ (0, 2017-06-09)
object/environment.go (918, 2017-06-09)
object/object.go (2907, 2017-06-09)
parser/ (0, 2017-06-09)
parser/parser.go (12113, 2017-06-09)
parser/parser_test.go (19833, 2017-06-09)
parser/parser_tracing.go (1173, 2017-06-09)
parser/parser_tracing_test.go (914, 2017-06-09)
repl/ (0, 2017-06-09)
repl/repl.go (1513, 2017-06-09)
token/ (0, 2017-06-09)
token/token.go (2216, 2017-06-09)
token/token_test.go (474, 2017-06-09)

[![Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( [![Issue Count](]( # Building a compiler in Go programming language This project was developed for building a compiler for own programming language (Beaver language). Note: I use a lot of ideas and boilerplate from awesome book "Writing an interpreter in Go"(Thorsten Ball) to create my own compiler. To see other resources I used within the project, see the resources section. ## Done features #### Lexer: - [x] Parses all the input until the end of the input - [x] Can recognize identifiers: e.g. `hello_world` - [x] Ignores whitespaces - [x] Added numbers (integers only): e.g. `246` - [x] Added keywords: `let`, `function` - [x] Added operators: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `<`, `>`, `|` - [x] Added comparison and logical operators: `==`, `!=` - [x] Brackets and parenthesis support: `{}`, `()` - [x] Added keywords: `if`, `else`, `return` - [x] Recognizes comma and semicolon: `,`, `;` - [x] Recognizes EOF - [x] All not recognized symbols are ILLEGAL tokens: e.g. `$` - [x] Works with strings: `"hello"` #### Parser We used "top down operator precedence" parser, also known as "Pratt parser" ##### Features - [x] Parsing let expressions: `let a = 10;` - [x] Parsing return statements: `return 500;` - [x] Parsing int expressions: `5;` - [x] Prefix operators: `;`, `-10;`, `!true;` Supports two operators: `!` and `-` - [x] Infix operators ``, e.g. `5 + 10`, `2 - 8` Supports 8 operators: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `<`, `>`, `==`, `!=` - [x] Working with operations precedences - [x] Parsing function literals: `function(x, y) {}` - [x] Call expressions: `()` - [x] Works with strings: `"hello"` ##### Samples: * `let` statement ``` let foo = 27; let bar = 50; let foobar = foo + bar; ``` * `return` statement ``` return foo; return foo + bar; return foobar(foo, bar); ``` * prefix operators ``` -5; -100; !true; ``` * infix operators ``` 5 + 100; 5 - 6; 10 / 5; 2 * 90; 4 == 4; 3 != 6; 2 < 87; 5 > 4; ``` #### REPL for interpreter * Uses Beaver parser and prints given tokens from the input Sample of REPL: ``` MacBook-Pro:compiler myuser$ go run main.go Hello myuser! Starting Beaver REPL... REPL (use Beaver commands): beaver>>1 + 100 101 beaver>>true == false false beaver>>(2 + 10) * (5 + 1) 72 beaver>>if (10 > 100) { true } else { false } false beaver>>if (true) { 100 / 5 } 20 beaver>>let x = 10; beaver>>x 10 beaver>>let y = true; beaver>>y true beaver>>if (x == y) { return x; } else { return y; } true beaver>>let hi = "hello, world" beaver>>hi hello, world beaver>>let x 12 * 3 __________ / _ _ \ _/ _ _ \_ |_| | | | | |_| \ |_| |_| / | _ | | | | | | | | |____________| Woops! Something got wrong here: expected next token to be '=', got 'INT' instead ``` #### Evaluator: - [x] Just evaluates statements and expressions in a while - [x] Can evaluate integers expressions - [x] Can evaluate boolean expressions - [x] Can evaluate null - [x] Can evaluate prefix expressions: `!`, `-` - [x] Can evaluate infix expressions for integers: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/` - [x] Can evaluate infix expressions for comparing: `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<` - [x] Can evaluate conditionals: `if (conditional) { consequence }` or `if (conditional) { consequence } else { alternative }` - [x] Can evaluate return statements - [x] Error Handling - [x] Binding & Environments - [x] Evaluates let statements (using environment) - [x] Can evaluate functions calls, functions assigning - [x] Closures ### Types: - [x] Integers - [x] Booleans - [x] Null - [x] Strings - [ ] Arrays - [ ] Objects ## Planned features * C-like syntax * Some elements of functional programming: closures, passing functions as arguments, returning function from function, assigning functions to variables * Types: integer, boolean * Conditions ## Limitations * Only ASCII support ## How to improve: * Add UTF-8 support (using the ) * Add new types: float, double, string, etc. * Add new operators and operations * Consider the space as token ## Getting started: ### Prerequisites To install this software, you need to install Go programming language (depends on OS you have): [Not now] Or you can install this using Docker. In this case read the docs and installation guides ### Installation Clone the project: ``` git clone ``` ### Run REPL Run the REPL: ``` go run ./main.go ``` ### Testing To run all tests in the project use command: `go test ./...` To test only lexer: `go test ./lexer` To test only parser: `go test ./parser` To test only ast: `go test ./ast` To test tokens: `go test ./tokens` ## Quick intro into Beaver language: ### Syntax: Beaver language supports C-like syntax. Basic rules: * all spaces ignored (maybe will be improved in the future) * each sentence should contain semicolon at the end of the line ### Variables: You can define new variable using `let` keyword. ``` let x = 10; let y = true; ``` You can use English letters and underscore inside variable identifiers ``` let arabica_coffee = 95; let _strength_percent = 50; let camelCase = true; let UpperCamelCase = false; ``` Currently, Beaver language has 4 data types: * integers: `let myInt = 1000;` * booleans: `let myBool = false;` * strings: `let str = "hello, my dear friend"` * null ### Functions The keyword `function` used for defining functions. ``` let multiply = function(a, b) { a * b; } ``` Each function returns the last executed sentence. In the sample above, the result of multiplication will be returned. Functions can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, or can be returned by them. Closures also works. ``` let newAdder = function(x) { return function (y) { return y + x; } }; let addTwo = newAdder(2); return addTwo(2); ``` This sample will produce `4`. ### Conditions In Beaver we can use keywords `if` and `else` to work with conditionals ``` if (temperature > 0) { // it's hot enough } else { // you can mold snowballs } ``` Alternative is optional and you can you `if` even like: ``` if (temperature < 40) { // stop, it's really cold here } ``` ### Operators You can use equal operator `==` for comparing two variables/values with one type: ``` if (number == 1000000) { // perform the action to congratulate the one millionth visitor } ``` Not equal operator `!=` gives you a way to get around: ``` if (column != 1) { // ignore the column } ``` List of available operators: * Arithmetic: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/` * Comparing: `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<` ## Intro into building compiler/interpreter: Whether you are building an interpreter or a compiler most of the steps remain the same. The most common, basic steps are: 1. Lexical Analysis 2. Parsing 3. Semantic Analysis 4. Optimization 5. Code Generation ### 1. Lexical Analysis Code - representation of commands for computers which is most suitable for human reading and writing. First step of building a compiler - performing lexical analysis. Lexical analysis - process of scanning and splitting the code into small independent pieces - tokens. Each token is associated with a literal string (lexeme) that will be used in next steps. Literals (e.g., strings, integers, float numbers), keywords, operators are the main goals to recognize on this step. You can find my implementation of Lexer in `./lexer` folder. Also we use structures from `./token` inside our parser. ### 2. Parsing During this step we are going to give some meanings to the tokens we received on the state of Lexical Analysis. Each token is an object and it's placed into a tree data structure. On this step we need to take care about correct language syntax. For different languages there are list of base rules: tabulation, opening and closing brackets, etc. #### Pratt Parser You can find my implementation of Prett Parser in `./parser` folder. Also we use structures from `./ast` inside our parser. ### 3. Semantic Analysis On this stage we need to take care about correct language semantics. As an example, we need to ensure that when we have some variable with some type and we are going to assign another type to this variable we will get an error. ### 4. Optimization On this stage we need to think about performance of our application. To do this, we should remove overhead constructions and operations. We can choose 1 of the options to perform this operation: 1. At the stage of processing intermediate code 2. At the stage of processing machine code (or other low-level representation) ### 5. Code Generation We use intermediate code to produce targeted low-level code. ## Resources: 1. Writing an interpreter in Go (Thorsten Ball) 2. Compiler Construction by Niklaus Wirth (2014) 3. Series of blog posts about building compilers:


