
上传日期:2023-06-27 23:44:03
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  罗兰编程语言
(Roland programming language)

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# Roland Roland is a work-in-progress programming language. Roland was originally created for edification, but I hope that it can become something more production ready. If you're still interested in trying Roland, I highly recommend doing so with WASM-4, as that currently provides the most complete experience. Read on to find out more. ## Getting the compiler Roland does not yet have an official release cycle. However, I do publish binaries built from the most recent git commit: Linux: Windows: (After downloading, ensure that the binary is marked as executable.) Alternatively, you can build `rolandc` yourself by running `cargo build --release` and taking the binary out of the `target/release/` directory. ## Informal Specification Roland is a procedural programming language roughly at the level of C. If you have experience programming in any C-like language, you won't find much surprising here. That being said, here I'll enumerate the fundamentals and notable features. Syntax wise, Roland looks a lot like Rust. This is just because thats what I have the most experience with - **the syntax could change in the future.** ### Notable Syntax Dereferencing in Roland is postfix, and marked with ~. ```roland let x: u8 = 10; let y = &x; y~ = y~ * 2; ``` Logical OR and Logical AND are represented with keywords. ```roland if x and (y or z) { "..." } ``` (bonus: note that parentheses aren't required for if conditions.) ### Types The following primitive types are supported: - `u8` - `u16` - `u32` - `u64` - `usize` - `i8` - `i16` - `i32` - `i64` - `isize` - `f32` - `f64` - `bool` Each numeric type is identified by a prefix: **u**nsigned integer, signed **i**nteger, and **f**loat, followed by the width in bits. `usize` and `isize` are type safe aliases for whatever the pointer width is on your target. Pointer types are an `&` followed by a type. For instance, `&u8` is a pointer to an unsigned 8-bit integer. Array types are composed of a type and an element count. This means that the element count must be known at compile time, as it's part of the type. For instance, `[f32; 10]` is an array of 10 32-bit floating point numbers. #### Procedure Pointers Procedure pointers are created by using the addressof operator on a procedure, although calling them doesn't require a dereference. ```roland let x = &foo_proc; foo_proc(); ``` The written type looks just like a procedure definition, but without any parameter names: ```roland proc sort_ints(x: &[u32; 100], comparator: proc(u32, u32) -> i8); ``` #### User-defined types There are two ways to define new types in Roland: `enum`s and `struct`s. ```roland enum MyEnum { VariantA, VariantB } struct MyStruct { field_one: u8, field_two: MyEnum, } proc main() { let x = MyEnum::VariantB; let y = MyStruct { field_one: 10, field_two: x, }; } ``` #### Strings `String` is a struct defined in the standard library that looks like this: ```roland struct String { pointer: &u8, length: usize, } ``` String literals become instances of `String` and are encoded as UTF-8. String support in the standard library will assume UTF-8 encoding in the future. You can make your own strings just like you can create an instance of any struct. ### Looping There are three ways to loop in Roland. The first way is just by declaring a `loop` block that will inifinitely loop until broken out of: ```roland loop { // ... } ``` The second way is by looping until a condition evaluates to false: ```roland while x { // ... } ``` And finally, you can loop over a range of values: ```roland let my_array = [true, false, true]; for x in 0..my_array.length { // x will be 0, then 1, then 2. my_array[x] = !my_array[x]; } ``` ### Procedures Procedures are defined with the keyword `proc`, and can be called like you expect: ```roland proc reticulate_splines(x: u64) { // ... } proc main() { reticulate_splines(10); } ``` Roland also supports named parameters: ```roland proc do_something_with_options(named also_do_something_else: bool, named also_do_other_thing: bool) { // ... } proc main() { do_something_with_options(also_do_other_thing: true, also_do_something_else: false); } ``` ### Casting There are two kinds of casts. Both kinds are postfix keywords. ```roland x as f32; x transmute i32; ``` #### As `as` casts mathematically between numeric types, or from a bool to an integer. #### Transmute `transmute` allows for re-interpreting memory. It carries the restriction that the source and destination type must be of the same size. ## Compilation Targets Roland currently supports compiling to two different flavors of WebAssembly. ### WASI This is the default target. A `.wasm` file is emitted that can be run directly with `wasmtime`. The only WASI API we support at the moment is printing text to stdout, through the procedure `print`. ### WASM-4 By providing the `--wasm4` flag to the roland compiler, you'll instead compile for [WASM-4]( A `.wasm` file is emitted that can be directly provided to `w4 run`. When compiling for the WASM-4 target, all WASM-4 APIs will be automatically made available to you. No extra configuration is needed. An example WASM-4 game can be viewed here: ## Tooling ### Visual Studio Code Extension There is a VS Code extension for Roland - it's "Roland" on the [vscode marketplace](, published by "". `code --install-extension brickcodes.roland` It should provide the following features: - Syntax Highlighting - Errors as you type - "Goto definition" support (If you develop on mac, the language server won't work for you - please file an issue!) ### Live editor You can compile Roland in the browser at ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


