array(4) { [0]=> string(28) "obj/Debug/net6.0/.NETCoreApp" [1]=> string(34) "Version=v6.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs" [2]=> string(3) "189" [3]=> string(21) "2022-10-22 12:54:04 " } Hellmo 联合开发网 -

上传日期:2022-10-22 19:54:04
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种为娱乐而生的十六进制语言。
(A hex language made for fun.)

.vscode/ (0, 2022-10-22)
.vscode/launch.json (452, 2022-10-22)
.vscode/tasks.json (1168, 2022-10-22)
Examples/ (0, 2022-10-22)
Examples/ (168, 2022-10-22)
Examples/ (722, 2022-10-22)
Hellmo.csproj (351, 2022-10-22)
Program.cs (1168, 2022-10-22)
TO DO.txt (88, 2022-10-22) (149, 2022-10-22)
checkArgs.cs (0, 2022-10-22)
config.json (58, 2022-10-22)
image.webp (17112, 2022-10-22)
obj/ (0, 2022-10-22)
obj/Debug/ (0, 2022-10-22)
obj/Debug/net6.0/ (0, 2022-10-22)
obj/Debug/net6.0/apphost.exe (147968, 2022-10-22)
obj/project.assets.json (3270, 2022-10-22)
obj/project.nuget.cache (460, 2022-10-22)
src/ (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Data/ (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Data/Functions.cs (567, 2022-10-22)
src/Lexer/ (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Lexer/Lexer.cs (9955, 2022-10-22)
src/Lexer/Tokens.cs (1005, 2022-10-22)
src/Parser/ (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Parser/Data.cs (7578, 2022-10-22)
src/Parser/Error.cs (721, 2022-10-22)
src/Parser/Mem/ (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Parser/Mem/Data.json (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Parser/Parser.cs (15407, 2022-10-22)
src/Utils/ (0, 2022-10-22)
src/Utils/Bin.cs (125, 2022-10-22)
src/Utils/Hex.cs (3141, 2022-10-22)
src/Utils/Terminal.cs (13, 2022-10-22)
src/Utils/Utils.cs (1555, 2022-10-22) (126, 2022-10-22)
... ...

# Hellmo Elmo welcomes you to hell!
This is a low-to-high-end languge, designed to be flexible.
Much like America, we like to save keystrokes by unnecessarily removing all important things like `+`. And instead of typing `System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");`, you have `0x08 "Hello World!"`
Geting use to this may be hard. But once you get the hang of it, it might get easy to use (depending on who you ask). ### Support Due to the fact that this is a prototype, this project is written in C#, developedd with .Net 6 (soon to be updated with .Net 7 on November 2022), All of the Desktop Operating Systems (and other OSs that have .Net Support) are supported automatically (compilation script coming soon). - [x] Linux - [x] Windows - [x] MacOS ### Documentation
`0x00` return
`0x01` mov up
`0x02` mov down
`0x03` In current script, Jump to this instruction
`0x04` In stack, Jump to this address
`0x05` increment current address by 1
`0x06` decrement current address by 1
`0x07` Set this address to this value
`0x08` Print (To be further developped)
`0x09` if statement `0x0A` `0x0B` Exit (Default hex value/argument: 0x00 (0)) `0x0C` `0x0D` `0x0E` `0x0F` Make a function with the id of `` with arguments of `[ ..., ... ]` #### If statement If the if statement is true, it will jump to the targeted adddress (in this case, if (Address 13 is equal to 14, jump to address 15)). Otherwise, it will skip 3 addresses (in the example below, right after `0xF`) `0x05 0xD 0x0E 0xF`:
"If"  "this addr"  "is this value"  "Jump to this point"
0x05    0xD             0xE                     0xF
if          [13]              [14]                     [15]
#### Jump to and alter address This feature was made so you dont have to keep spamming `0x05` or `0x06` contstantly, flooding the device with instructions, making it slow and highly inefficient. __For instance:__ ``` 0x08 "[Hello World!]" 0x08 "This is a print test script!" 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x01 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x08 stack 0x00 ``` Instead, you have: ``` 0x08 "[Hello World!]" 0x08 "This is a print test script!" 0x07 0x00 0xA 0x01 0x07 0x01 0x18 0x08 stack 0x00 ``` drawing Do note that this is a prototype of the C++ version (which is the actual version) of this project/repo. The actual version will come out at its initial release


