
上传日期:2023-06-27 03:30:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Manifold是一个Java编译器插件,其功能包括元编程、属性、扩展方法、运算符Ove...
(Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.)

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![latest]( [![slack](]( [![GitHub Repo stars](]( --- ## What is Manifold? Manifold is a Java compiler plugin. It supplements Java with: * Direct, _type-safe_ access to: * [SQL]( _**(New!)**_ * [GraphQL]( * [JSON & JSON Schema](, [YAML](, [XML]( * [CSV]( * [JavaScript]( * etc. * [Extension methods]( * [Delegation]( * [Properties]( * [Tuple expressions]( * [Operator overloading]( * [Unit expressions]( * [A *Java* template engine]( * [A preprocessor]( * ...and more All fully supported in JDK LTS releases 8 - 21 + latest with comprehensive IDE support in **IntelliJ IDEA** and **Android Studio**. Manifold consists of a set of modules, one for each feature. Simply add the Manifold dependencies of your choosing to your existing project and begin taking advantage of them. ># _**What's New...**_ > >### [Type-safe SQL]( > Manifold SQL harnesses your database to let you write native, _type-safe_ SQL _directly_ in your Java code. >- Java interfaces are instantly available as you type native SQL of any complexity in your Java code or in SQL files >- No ORM, No DSL, No wiring, and No code generation build steps >

> ![img_3.png](./docs/images/img_3.png) ## What can you do with Manifold? ### [Meta-programming]( Use the framework to gain direct, type-safe access to *any* type of resource, such as [**SQL**](, [**JSON**](, [**GraphQL**](, [**XML**](, [**YAML**](, [**CSV**](, and even other languages such as [**JavaScript**]( Remove the code gen step in your build process. [ **** Check it out!]( [**SQL:**]( Use _native_ SQL of any complexity _directly_ and _type-safely_ from Java. ```java Language english = "[.sql/]select * from Language where name = 'English'".fetchOne(); Film film = Film.builder("My Movie", english) .withDescription("Nice movie") .withReleaseYear(2023) .build(); MyDatabase.commit(); ``` [**GraphQL:**]( Use types defined in .graphql files *directly*, no code gen steps! Make GraphQL changes and immediately use them with code completion. ```java var query = MovieQuery.builder(Action).build(); var result = query.request("http://com.example/graphql").post(); var actionMovies = result.getMovies(); for (var movie : actionMovies) { out.println( "Title: " + movie.getTitle() + "\n" + "Genre: " + movie.getGenre() + "\n" + "Year: " + movie.getReleaseDate().getYear() + "\n"); } ``` [**JSON:**]( Use .json schema files directly and type-safely, no code gen steps! Find usages of .json properties in your Java code. ```java // From User.json User user = User.builder("myid", "mypassword", "Scott") .withGender(male) .withDob(LocalDate.of(1987, 6, 15)) .build(); User.request("").postOne(user); ``` ### [Extension Methods]( Add your own methods to existing Java classes, even *String*, *List*, and *File*. Eliminate boilerplate code. [ **** Check it out!]( ```java String greeting = "hello"; greeting.myMethod(); // Add your own methods to String! ``` ### [Delegation]( Favor composition over inheritance. Use `@link` and `@part` for automatic interface implementation forwarding and delegation. > ```java > class MyClass implements MyInterface { > @link MyInterface myInterface; // transfers calls on MyInterface to myInterface > > public MyClass(MyInterface myInterface) { > this.myInterface = myInterface; // dynamically configure behavior > } > > // No need to implement MyInterface here, but you can override myInterface as needed > } > ``` ### [Properties]( Eliminate boilerplate getter/setter code, improve your overall dev experience with properties. ```java public interface Book { @var String title; // no more boilerplate code! } // refer to it directly by name book.title = "Daisy"; // calls setter String name = book.title; // calls getter book.title += " chain"; // calls getter & setter ``` Additionally, the feature automatically _**infers**_ properties, both from your existing source files and from compiled classes your project uses. Reduce property use from this: ```java Actor person = result.getMovie().getLeadingRole().getActor(); Likes likes = person.getLikes(); likes.setCount(likes.getCount() + 1); ``` to this: ```java; ``` ### [Operator Overloading]( Implement *operator* methods on any type to directly support arithmetic, relational, index, and unit operators. ```java // BigDecimal expressions if (bigDec1 > bigDec2) { BigDecimal result = bigDec1 + bigDec2; ... } // Implement operators for any type MyType value = myType1 + myType2; ``` ### [Tuple expressions]( Tuple expressions provide concise syntax to group named data items in a lightweight structure. ```java var t = (name: "Bob", age: "35"); System.out.println("Name: " + + " Age: " + t.age); var t = (, person.age); System.out.println("Name: " + + " Age: " + t.age); ``` You can also use tuples with new [`auto` type inference]( to enable multiple return values from a method. ### [Unit Expressions]( Unit or *binding* operations are unique to the Manifold framework. They provide a powerfully concise syntax and can be applied to a wide range of applications. ```java import static*; // kg, m, s, ft, etc ... Length distance = 100 mph * 3 hr; Force f = 5.2 kg m/s/s; // same as 5.2 N Mass infant = 9 lb + 8.71 oz; ``` ### [Ranges]( Easily work with the *Range* API using [unit expressions]( Simply import the *RangeFun* constants to create ranges. ```java // imports the `to`, `step`, and other "binding" constants import static manifold.collections.api.range.RangeFun.*; ... for (int i: 1 to 5) { out.println(i); } for (Mass m: 0kg to 10kg step 22r unit g) { out.println(m); } ``` ### [Science]( Use the [manifold-science]( framework to type-safely incorporate units and precise measurements into your applications. ```java import static*; // kg, m, s, ft, etc. ... Velocity rate = 65mph; Time time = 1min + 3.7sec; Length distance = rate * time; ``` ### [Preprocessor]( Use familiar directives such as **#define** and **#if** to conditionally compile your Java projects. The preprocessor offers a simple and convenient way to support multiple build targets with a single codebase. [ **** Check it out!]( ```java #if JAVA_8_OR_LATER @Override public void setTime(LocalDateTime time) {...} #else @Override public void setTime(Calendar time) {...} #endif ``` ### [Structural Typing]( Unify disparate APIs. Bridge software components you do not control. Access maps through type-safe interfaces. [ **** Check it out!]( ```java Map map = new HashMap<>(); MyThingInterface thing = (MyThingInterface) map; // O_o thing.setFoo(new Foo()); Foo foo = thing.getFoo(); out.println(thing.getClass()); // prints "java.util.HashMap" ``` ### [Type-safe Reflection]( Access private features with @Jailbreak to avoid the drudgery and vulnerability of Java reflection. [ **** Check it out!]( ```java @Jailbreak Foo foo = new Foo(); // Direct, *type-safe* access to *all* foo's members foo.privateMethod(x, y, z); foo.privateField = value; ``` ### [Checked Exception Handling]( You now have an option to make checked exceptions behave like unchecked exceptions! No more unintended exception swallowing. No more *try*/*catch*/*wrap*/*rethrow* boilerplate! ```java List strings = ...; List urls = .map(URL::new) // No need to handle the MalformedURLException! .collect(Collectors.toList()); ``` ### [String Templates]( Inline variables and expressions in String literals, no more clunky string concat! [ **** Check it out!]( ```java int hour = 15; // Simple variable access with '$' String result = "The hour is $hour"; // Yes!!! // Use expressions with '${}' result = "It is ${hour > 12 ? hour-12 : hour} o'clock"; ``` ### [A *Java* Template Engine]( Author template files with the full expressive power of Java, use your templates directly in your code as types. Supports type-safe inclusion of other templates, shared layouts, and more. [ **** Check it out!]( ```java List users = ...; String content = abc.example.UserSample.render(users); ``` A template file *abc/example/UserSample.html.mtl* ```html <%@ import java.util.List %> <%@ import com.example.User %> <%@ params(List users) %> <% for(User user: users) { %> <% if(user.getDateOfBirth() != null) { %> User: ${user.getName()}
DOB: ${user.getDateOfBirth()}
<% } %> <% } %> ``` ## [IDE Support]( Use the [Manifold plugin]( to fully leverage Manifold with **IntelliJ IDEA** and **Android Studio**. The plugin provides comprehensive support for Manifold including code completion, navigation, usage searching, refactoring, incremental compilation, hotswap debugging, full-featured template editing, integrated preprocessor, and more.

manifold ij plugin

[Get the plugin from JetBrains Marketplace]( ## [Projects]( The Manifold project consists of the core Manifold framework and a collection of sub-projects implementing SPIs provided by the core framework. Each project consists of one or more **dependencies** you can easily add to your project: [Manifold : _Core_](
[Manifold : _Extensions_](
[Manifold : _Delegation_](
[Manifold : _Properties_](
[Manifold : _Tuples_](
[Manifold : _SQL_](
[Manifold : _GraphQL_](
[Manifold : _JSON_](
[Manifold : _XML_](
[Manifold : _YAML_](
[Manifold : _CSV_](
[Manifold : _Property Files_](
[Manifold : _Image_](
[Manifold : _Dark Java_](
[Manifold : _JavaScript_](
[Manifold : _Java Templates_](
[Manifold : _String Interpolation_](
[Manifold : _(Un)checked Exceptions_](
[Manifold : _Preprocessor_](
[Manifold : _Science_](
[Manifold : _Collections_](
[Manifold : _I/0_](
[Manifold : _Text_](
>Experiment with sample projects:
>* [Manifold : _Sample App_](
>* [Manifold : _Sample SQL App_](
>* [Manifold : _Sample GraphQL App_](
>* [Manifold : _Sample REST API App_](
>* [Manifold : _Sample Web App_]( >* [Manifold : _Gradle Example Project_]( >* [Manifold : _Sample Kotlin App_]( ## Platforms Manifold supports: * Java SE (8 - 21) * [Android]( * [Kotlin]( (limited) Comprehensive IDE support is also available for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. ## [Chat]( Join our [Slack Group]( to start a discussion, ask questions, provide feedback, etc. Someone is usually there to help.


