
上传日期:2017-04-17 08:43:51
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个极简的面向方面的javascript编程库和jQuery插件
(A minimalistic aspect oriented javascript programming library and jQuery plugin)

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LICENSE.txt (1086, 2017-04-17)
aop.jquery.json (1475, 2017-04-17)
dist/ (0, 2017-04-17)
dist/angular-aop-0.5.3.js (8885, 2017-04-17)
dist/angular-aop-0.5.3.min.js (2454, 2017-04-17)
dist/aop-0.5.3.js (8646, 2017-04-17)
dist/aop-0.5.3.min.js (2317, 2017-04-17)
dist/jquery-aop-0.5.3.js (8781, 2017-04-17)
dist/jquery-aop-0.5.3.min.js (2389, 2017-04-17)
package.json (1468, 2017-04-17)
src/ (0, 2017-04-17)
src/angular-aop.js (238, 2017-04-17)
src/aop.js (8581, 2017-04-17)
src/jquery-aop.js (134, 2017-04-17)
test/ (0, 2017-04-17)
test/aop-test-support.js (1991, 2017-04-17)
test/aop-test.html (607, 2017-04-17)
test/aop-test.js (14990, 2017-04-17)
test/jquery-aop-test.html (615, 2017-04-17)
test/jquery-aop-test.js (826, 2017-04-17)

## AopJS [![Build Status](]( ###### A minimalistic aspect oriented javascript programming library and jQuery/angular plugin. #### Getting started Add the script to your page as a standalone library **OR** after jQuery/angular if you plan to use it as a plugin. You can download it from the dist folder. ```html angular code please review: ``` Functionallity is accesible in the global variable AOP if used as a standalone library or in $.aop if used as a jQuery plugin. An aspect definition takes a target function and some advices, returning a new function with the new expected behaviour. ##### Input ```javascript // Target function function myFunction() { console.log("myFunction"); } // Advice function myAdvice() { console.log("myAdvice"); } // Aspect var myProxy = AOP.aspect(myFunction).after(myAdvice); // standalone // OR as a jQuery plugin // var myProxy = $.aop.aspect(myFunction).after(myAdvice); myProxy(); ``` ##### Output ``` myFunction myAdvice ``` Advices can be of type *before*, *after*, *afterReturning*, *afterThrowing* and *around*. Some jQuery friendly aliases are also provided: *complete* (after), *success* (afterReturning) and *error* (afterThrowing). In the next example both proxies have exactly the same beahaviour ##### Input ```javascript var myProxy1 = AOP.aspect(myFunction).after(myAdvice); var myProxy2 = AOP.aspect(myFunction).complete(myAdvice); ``` Aspect definitions can also take a target object method. In that case we provide also the target object to allow the normal use of *this* inside the method. ##### Input ```javascript var myObject = { myMethod: function () { // do something } } var myProxy = AOP.aspect(myObject.myMethod, myObject).before(myAdvice); ``` When aspect definitions take just a target object all the methods in the object get decorated. ##### Input ```javascript var myObject = { myMethod: function () { console.log("myMethod"); } myOtherMethod: function () { console.log("myOtherMethod"); } } function myAdvice() { console.log("myAdvice"); } AOP.aspect(myObject).after(myAdvice); myObject.myMethod(); myObject.myOtherMethod(); ``` ##### Output ``` myMethod myAdvice myOtherMethod myAdvice ``` Advices can be chained, being the closest to the target function in the definition also the closest in the execution stack. ##### Input ```javascript var myProxy = AOP.aspect(myFunction) .before(myAdvice1) .afterReturning(myAdvice2) .afterThrowing(myAdvice3); ``` Advices can also be precompiled, but it is just a matter of taste, when not precompiled, advices cache their own proxy. ##### Input ```javascript var myAdvice = AOP.around(function(target, args) { var retval; // do something before try { retval = target.apply(this, args); // target invocation // do something after returning } catch (e) { // do something after throwing throw e; } finally { // do something after } return retval }); var myProxy = AOP.aspect(myFunction).advice(myAdvice); ``` In the previous example an around advice is used to do something before and after a target function. It should be noted that the target function invocation is handled in pure javascript syntax to keep things as simple as possible. Other types of advices have access to target, args and retval too. ##### Input ```javascript var add = AOP.aspect(function (arg1, arg2) { return arg1 + arg2; }).before(function (target, args) { console.log(args[0] + " + " + args[1] + " = "); }).after(function (target, args, retval) { console.log(retval); }), returnValue = add(2, 3); // returnValue == 5 ``` ##### Output ``` 2 + 3 = 5 ``` #### Advanced usage Every advice definition method can take a variable number of functions. ##### Input ```javascript var myProxy = AOP.aspect(myFunction) .after(myAdvice1, myAdvice2), myProxy2 = AOP.aspect(myFunction) .after(myAdvice1) .after(myAdvice2); ``` Both calls in the previous example produce the same output. Also remember that myAdvice1 will be invoked before myAdvice2 as the closest advice to the aspect will create the inner most proxy in the execution stack. As stated earlier, precompiling the advices is not a matter of performance but a matter of taste. Still it is rather useful to create advice compositions. ##### Input ```javascript var aroundComposite = AOP.advice() .before(myAdvice1) .afterReturning(myAdvice2) .afterThrowing(myAdvice3) .after(myAdvice4) .around(myAdvice5), // alternative syntax beforePrecompiled = AOP.before(myAdvice1), afterReturningPrecompiled = AOP.afterReturning(myAdvice2), afterThrowingPrecompiled = AOP.afterThrowing(myAdvice3), afterPrecompiled = AOP.after(myAdvice4), aroundPrecompiled = AOP.around(myAdvice5), aroundPrecompiledComposite = AOP.advice(beforePrecompiled, afterReturningPrecompiled, afterThrowingPrecompiled, afterPrecompiled, aroundPrecompiled), myProxy = AOP.aspect(myFunction).advice(aroundComposite), myProxy2 = AOP.aspect(myFunction).advice(aroundPrecompiledComposite); ``` In the previous example both the aroundComposite and the aroundPrecompiledComposite have the same behaviour, they are just syntactic alternatives to create a precompiled advice with the compound behaviour of all the provided advices. Another advanced technique would be the use of currying to create parameterized advices. ##### Input ```javascript function logAdvice(logger) { return logger.log("logAdvice"); } var consoleLogAdvice = logAdvice.curry(console), myProxy = AOP.aspect(myFunction) .after(consoleLogAdvice); myProxy(); ``` ##### Output ``` logAdvice ```


