
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2021-05-07 18:56:01
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  科学中心覆盖率研究的源代码和数据分析
(Source code and data analyses for the Sci-Hub Coverage Study)

00.configuration.json (439, 2020-07-29)
01.catalog-dois.ipynb (21597, 2020-07-29)
02.scihub-coverage.ipynb (31444, 2020-07-29)
03.scihub-access-rates.ipynb (33475, 2020-07-29)
04.libgen-lagtime.ipynb (56717, 2020-07-29)
05.libgen-plots.ipynb (313094, 2020-07-29)
06.visualize-coverage.ipynb (66359, 2020-07-29)
07.journal-prestige.ipynb (343598, 2020-07-29)
08.log-metrics.ipynb (48494, 2020-07-29)
09.log-viz.ipynb (141352, 2020-07-29)
10.state-of-OA.ipynb (436002, 2020-07-29)
11.state-of-OA-viz.ipynb (122454, 2020-07-29)
12.opencitations.ipynb (25973, 2020-07-29)
13.oa-journal-dropoffs.ipynb (408498, 2020-07-29)
14.coverage-venns.ipynb (107841, 2020-07-29) (6953, 2020-07-29)
data/ (0, 2020-07-29)
data/accessed-but-missing-articles.tsv.xz (131, 2020-07-29)
data/coverage-by-category.tsv (296847, 2020-07-29)
data/crossref-types.tsv (692, 2020-07-29)
data/doi.tsv.xz (134, 2020-07-29)
data/journal-accessed-but-missing-counts.tsv (40382, 2020-07-29)
data/journal-coverage.tsv (1407990, 2020-07-29)
data/journal-incite-coverage.tsv (1055042, 2020-07-29)
data/journal-year-coverage.tsv.xz (132, 2020-07-29)
data/libgen-lagtime.tsv.xz (134, 2020-07-29)
data/library-access-dois-500.tsv (21166, 2020-07-29)
data/publisher-coverage.tsv (384897, 2020-07-29)
data/scihub-log-journal-averages.tsv.xz (131, 2020-07-29)
data/scihub-log-journal-quantiles.tsv.xz (132, 2020-07-29)
data/scihub-log-journal-top-articles.tsv.xz (133, 2020-07-29)
data/scihub-log-publisher-averages.tsv (181875, 2020-07-29)
data/scihub-log-publisher-quantiles.tsv.xz (131, 2020-07-29)
data/scihub-log-publisher-top-articles.tsv.xz (132, 2020-07-29)
data/scopus-title-to-doi-map.tsv.xz (133, 2020-07-29)
data/state-of-oa-coverage.tsv (18194, 2020-07-29)
data/state-of-oa-dois.tsv.xz (132, 2020-07-29)
... ...

# Analyses for the Sci-Hub Coverage Study This project investigates the coverage of scholarly literature in the Sci-Hub and LibGen scimag repositories. It's based on using DOIs to uniquely identify articles. For more information, see the corresponding study: > Himmelstein DS, Romero AR, Levernier JG, Munro TA, McLaughlin SR, Greshake Tzovaras B, Greene CS. (2018) [**Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature**]( _eLife_ DOI: 10.7554/eLife.32822 The manuscript for this study is continuously built at [`greenelab/scihub-manuscript`]( with the latest version available at ## Repository structure The [`webapp`](webapp) directory creates the [Sci-Hub Stats Browser](, which is exported to `docs` and hosted via GitHub Pages. ## Environment This repository uses [conda]( to manage its environment as specified in [`environment.yml`](environment.yml). Install the environment with: ```sh conda env create --file=environment.yml ``` Then use `source activate scihub` and `source deactivate` to activate or deactivate the environment. On windows, use `activate scihub` and `deactivate` instead. ## Code Review The Greene Lab has a [code review policy]( However, this repository has not undergone code review by the lab. This notice will be removed once the repository has been reviewed. ## Acknowledgements This work is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery Initiative through Grant [GBMF4552]( to [**@cgreene**]( "Casey Greene on GitHub").


