上传日期:2022-12-28 21:35:57
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说明:  Media HTTP File Server,通过浏览器和标准媒体播放器流式传输您自己的音乐和视频库。
(Media HTTP File Server, Stream your own music _and_ video library via your browser _and_ standard media players.)

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Alien-libFLAC/LICENSE (18152, 2022-12-03)
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Alien-libFLAC/Makefile.PL (2114, 2022-12-03)
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# MHFS - Media HTTP File Server #### Stream your own music and video library via your browser and standard media players. - HTTP/1.1 server [keepalive, byte serving, chunked encoding, and more] - Gapless streaming web audio player using AudioWorklet and [miniaudio]( with fallback players for incompatible browsers - server-side audio and video transcoding - Kodi open directory interface for playing from kodi as http source [video only currently] - M3U8 playlist interface for easy streaming in video players such as VLC - [Incomplete] web video players to stream your movies and tv shows in the browser - automatic media library scanning - `youtube-dl` web interface ![screenshot of MHFS Music](MHFS_music_2022_04-21_smaller.png) ## Setup ### Binary Releases If you want to skip the setting up Perl and installing Perl modules steps, check out the `` binary version of MHFS in [releases]( It does not have any of the extension modules, but it should run on most unix-like operating systems as it's packaged into [Actually Portable Perl]( ### [Recommended] Optional Prerequisites - A C compiler (needed for building MHFS::XS encoding module and Alien::Tar::Size library). `apt-get install build-essential` - `ffmpeg` and `sox` somewhere into path. `ffmpeg` is used for transcoding in the MusicLibrary subsystem and for videos in the video subsystem. `sox` is used for resampling in the MusicLibrary subsystem. `apt-get install ffmpeg sox` - libFLAC with headers. libFLAC is required to build the XS module [needed for server-side audio decoding and encoding]. `Alien::libFLAC` will download and build libFLAC from source if not found. `apt-get install libflac-dev` - ssl dev libraries. needed to fetch libFLAC sources using `IO::Socket::SSL` and `Net::SSLeay`, for building the XS module if `libflac-dev` is not installed. `apt-get install libssl-dev libz-dev` ### [Recommended, Security] Create user account for MHFS For security it's recommended to create a user account exclusively for running MHFS. `# adduser --system mhfs` - create the daemon user and home directory `# su - mhfs -s /bin/bash` - switch to the new `mhfs` user to continue installation ### Setup perl Installing packages under system perl is not recommended. `local::lib` is a light-weight solution that installs libraries seperately, but still uses system perl binary. If `perl` is unavailable or you prefer to install a perl version just for mhfs, `perlbrew` is recommended.
Setup local::lib for existing perl [Recommended] Follow the local:: lib bootstrapping technique and be sure to load it into the current shell, i.e: eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)" Install cpanm: `curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus`
Setup perlbrew distribution `export PERLBREW_ROOT=ABSPATHTOREPO/perl5/perlbrew` replacing `ABSPATHTOREPO` with the absolute path to the repo
`curl -L | bash`
`source "$PERLBREW_ROOT/etc/bashrc"`
`perlbrew install perl-5.34.0`
`perlbrew list`
`perlbrew switch perl-5.34.0` where `perl-5.34.0` is the version listed.
`perlbrew install-cpamn` `cd /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && h2ph -r -l . && cd sys && h2ph syscall.h && cd ABSPATHTOREPO` where `/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu` is the kernel header files and `ABSPATHTOREPO` is the absolute path to the repo used before.
### Download and install MHFS ###### Only `App-MHFS` is required, but the other modules are highly recommended. From cpan [Recommended]: `cpanm --with-recommends App::MHFS` From github: Download from [releases]( and extract (`tar -xvf MHFS-VERSIONHERE.tar`). Install the perl modules: `cd MHFS-VERSIONHERE && cpanm Alien-Tar-Size*.tar.gz Alien-libFLAC*.tar.gz MHFS-XS*.tar.gz App-MHFS*.tar.gz` ### Configure settings Start the server, `mhfs` to create the settings file: `` The settings file is created at [$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS](`/mhfs`, by default `$HOME/.config/mhfs`. Fill in your settings as needed. `HOST` - address to bind too, i.e. `''` for localhost or `''` for all interfaces. `PORT` - port to bind too, i.e. `8000`. `ALLOWED_REMOTEIP_HOSTS` - whitelist to specify allowed remote ip addresses, an optional required `Host` header value, and an absolute url override if desired. By default the absolute url is derived from the `Host` header. [CIDR]( notation is supported to allow remote ip address ranges in a single item. ```perl 'ALLOWED_REMOTEIP_HOSTS' => [ # localhost connections for reverse proxy, use to build absolute urls # the optional forth parameter is needed to ensure the the request came from the reverse proxy. # It is checked against X-MHFS-PROXY-KEY request header. It MUST be set for features requiring # headers (X-Forwarded-For, etc) from the reverse proxy such as MHFS::Plugin::BitTorrent::Tracker ['', undef, '', 'SETME_SUPER_SEKRET_PLEASE'], [''], # anyone on our LAN ['', ''] # direct connections with the correct Host header ], ``` `NETMAP`- a HACK for deciphering routing netmap shenigans, where clients on LAN connect with an alternative address than their real LAN address. Currently just used by `MHFS::Plugin::BitTorrent::Tracker` to properly allow peers to work both on the LAN and the internet. `[FAKE_IPV4_START, REAL_IPV4_START]`, i.e. `[10, 192]`. `PUBLICIP` - Currently just used by `MHFS::Plugin::BitTorrent::Tracker` to expose LAN peers to the internet with the external IP address of network, i.e. `''` `MEDIALIBRARIES` - hash of library to folder path mapping. ```perl 'MEDIALIBRARIES' => { 'movies' => "/path/to/movies", 'tv' => "/path/to/tv", 'music' => "/path/to/music", } ``` Timeouts are used to boot idle or non-responsive connections. `recvrequestimeout` - maximum time [in seconds] to recieve an http request line and headers. Starts when no request is active on connection. default value: `TIMEOUT` `sendresponsetimeout` - maximum time [in seconds] allowed between `send`'s when sending an http response. default value: `TIMEOUT` `TIMEOUT` - the default timeout value [in seconds] for the timeouts. default value: `75` ### [Recommended, Security] Prevent MHFS from modifying its own files In the case of a `mhfs` account, you can just take ownership of it's home directory, but allow it to still own it's temp files `# chown -R YOURUSERNAME:YOURUSERNAME /home/mhfs` - allow your account to manage the files in the `mhfs` account instead `# mkdir -p /home/mhfs/.cache/mhfs && chown -R mhfs:nogroup /home/mhfs/.cache/mhfs`- allow mhfs to manage temp files `# mkdir -p /home/mhfs/.local/share/mhfs && chown -R mhfs:nogroup /home/mhfs/.local/share/mhfs`- allow mhfs to save permanent files ## Usage `mhfs` Navigate to the url, by default `` you are presented with a few different routes: `/music` to enter the music library and player. See below for info on the `MusicLibrary` subsystem. `/video` to enter the movie and tv library and player. See below for info on the `Video` subsystem. ## Advanced Setup ### Reverse Proxy To add TLS and allow access without entering a port in the URL, reverse proxying is recommended. Setup TLS, [Let's Encrypt certbot]( recommended. #### Apache Add the following to your site config i.e. `/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default-le-ssl.conf` replacing `mhfs` with the name you want on your site. Set `X-MHFS-PROXY-KEY` request header to the same secret as before. Keep the trailing slashes [or absense of] the same. ```apache2 RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/mhfs$ mhfs/ [R,L] RequestHeader set X-MHFS-PROXY-KEY SAME_SUPER_SEKRET_AS_SET_IN_CONFIG AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/json AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/wasm ProxyPass "" ``` Reload apache2 `# service apache2 reload`. If it fails install `mod_headers`: maybe `a2enmod headers && service apache2 restart` ### Setup as systemd service A sample service set to use the local::lib is provided. ```bash cp resources/mhfs.service /etc/systemd/system/mhfs.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable mhfs.service systemctl start mhfs.service ``` ## Subsystems ### MusicLibrary subsystem The music player is by default accessed with `/music`. #### Music players `/music?fmt=worklet` - `AudioWorklet` based player. - Gapless streaming of FLAC, WAV, and MP3 without needing server-side decoding support - Shows embedded or file based cover art. - Shows metadata (Trackname, Artist, and Album) instead of file path. - Keyboard based controls and MediaSession support for media key usage. `/music?fmt=legacy` - Legacy browser player. Uses html audio tag to load and play audio. `/music?fmt=musicinc` - Incremental gapless player. Uses `AudioBufferSourceNode`s to play audio. #### API `/music` Request a music player or the music library in a variety of formats. See `MusicLibrary::SendLibrary`. `/music_dl?name=folderpath` Download a track [or part of one] by filename with optional resampling, channel mixing, and encoding. See `MusicLibrary::SendLocalTrack`. `/music_resources?name=folderpath` Download a flac audio track's vorbis comments as json. See `MusicLibrary::SendResources`. ### Video subsystem The video player is accessed with `/video`. For convenience `M3U` playlist files are provided to ease streaming outside of the browser in software such as VLC. Note, this may only work well on LAN. #### Kodi / XBMC Kodi may access media via http sources in kodi. MHFS attempts to provide your libraries with kodi's desired naming structures, so that it will be organized with metadata accurately. `/kodi/movies/` - Kodi formatted *Movies* directory listing `/kodi/tv/` - Kodi formatted *TV* directory listing ## Development Info Install the perl dependencies from `cpanfile` with `cpanm --with-develop --with-configure --installdeps .` emscripten is required to build the web music players (they use Wasm). A full build is done with `make -j4`. `./` allows running MHFS directly from this source code tree `./` terminates instances of MHFS, builds MHFS, and runs `./` ## Thanks [Tejas Rao]( for source code review early on. [mackron]( for great audio libraries and answering questions. ## LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is copyright (c) 2018-2022 by Gavin Hayes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. See LICENSE.


