
上传日期:2022-03-19 06:50:52
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Commodore 64 KERNAL_和_ BASIC ROM到任天堂娱乐系统的端口
(Port of Commodore 64 KERNAL _and_ BASIC ROMs to the Nintendo Entertainment System)

Makefile (277, 2022-03-18)
src/ (0, 2022-03-18)
src/basic_and_kernal.s (558470, 2022-03-18)
src/ (28671, 2022-03-18)
src/c64_lowercase.s (185, 2022-03-18)
src/ (28672, 2022-03-18)
src/c64_uppercase.s (185, 2022-03-18)
src/mmc5.cfg (1766, 2022-03-18)
src/nes_header.s (1042, 2022-03-18)

# NES 64 A port of Commodore 64 KERNAL and BASIC ROMs to the Nintendo Entertainment System. Much like [Atari 64](, it shows off what's possible when you have two machines from the same era that run on roughly the same CPU. This project is experimental and comes with no warranties, guarantees or any expectations that it serves any useful purpose. Try it at your on risk. The KERNAL and ROM disassembly come from [Project 64 Reloaded](, with annotations by Lee Davison. You can build it yourself, or [download one of the releases]( ## How to Build First, make sure you have `make` set up on your machine, and that you have the `cc65` package installed in your default path. You can get cc65 [here]( The project requires its assembler (`ca65`) and linker (`ld65`). Then simply run `make` from the root directory. It will create a `rom/` subdirectory and put the ROM there. ## Emulator Compatibility NES 64 has been tested on [FCEUX]( 2.6.3 for macOS, [Nintendulator]( 0.985 for 64bit Windows and [Mesen]( 0.9.9 for Linux. It _may_ work on BizHawk as well, but I had issues with keyboard support there when I tested it on Linux. ## Hardware Compatibility I've verified that it works with the [EverDrive N8 PRO Fami]( cartridge running OS v2.12. Of course, you'll also need a Family BASIC Keyboard. If you _really_ want the authentic hardware experience, you can build your own cartridge using programmable ROMs, an [MMC5]( chip and a WRAM chip with at least 32 kB capacity. The usual way is to start with a [donor cartridge with appropriate specs](, and swap out the ROMs. I haven't tested this approach, but I'd expect it to work. If you have any success with it, I'd love to know. ## Current Status You should be able to type and run BASIC programs, but don't expect `POKE`, `PEEK` or `SYS` calls to work exactly as they did on the real Commodore 64. The memory and hardware layouts are totally different. Peripherals (the datasette drive, disk drive, RS232 devices, printers, modems, etc.) are not supported. Text colors are not supported, unless you call out to machine language to change the palettes manually. As on the real Commodore 64, you can toggle between all-caps and mixed case. You can do so by pressing "Esc + Shift". (Esc behaves like the "Commodore Key".) As an bonus feature, you can inspect the output of NES controllers 1 and 2 with `PEEK(221)` and `PEEK(222)` respectively. See [NESDev documentation]( for interpreting the output. ## Known Issues The 32x30 character text screen will likely get cropped when displayed on a real TV. In the future, the window size may change to avoid this problem. FCEUX has an option to display the entire screen. You'll occasionally see some flickering, especially during scrolling. This is a consequence of how the CPU and PPU share the Extended RAM (ExRAM) used for the screen. They can't both read it at the same time, so if a CPU read occurs while the screen is being rendered, the PPU will briefly output blank lines. This can be greatly mitigated in the future by using the PPU's scroll registers to scroll the screen, instead of moving all the characters up one row as it does now. If you're going to run NES 64 on FCEUX, please make sure you're on the latest FCEUX version. FCEUX 2.6.2 has an issue with keyboard support for shifted numbers and symbols. For example, nothing happens most of the time when pressing "shift+1" to type "!". This was fixed in 2.6.3, though some macOS keyboard issues remain. (See the [issue ticket]( for details.) Lines of BASIC code can't span more than one screen line like on the Commodore 64. This may be fixed in the future. You cannot use the CTRL key to slow down scrolling text output in BASIC. This may be fixed in the future. ## Key Mappings CTRL is just another shift key for now, but this may change soon. For now, this means the usual Commodore CTRL key combinations are unavailable. (But many of those are for changing the text color, and that's not supported anyway.) In addition, since the Famicom and Commodore keyboards are not identical, other key substitutions had to be made: | Commodore | Famicom | | --- | -- | | C= | Esc | | | | | ← | _ | | ↑ | ^ | | RESTORE | _Not supported_ | _(The RESTORE key isn't part of the keyboard matrix -- it's wired directly to the CPU to trigger a non-maskable interrupt. So it can't be supported.)_


