
上传日期:2017-09-25 03:18:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  HTML5和Javascript框架,用于(重新)创建20世纪80年代风格的3D、基于回合的、以聚会为中心的RPG
(An HTML5 and Javascript framework for (re)creating 1980 s style 3D, turn- based, party-centric RPGs)

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js/party.js (1669, 2017-09-24)
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js/redist/jquery.min.js (95790, 2017-09-24)
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js/redist/three.min.js (507361, 2017-09-24)
js/viewport-webgl.js (7280, 2017-09-24)
js/viewport.js (8671, 2017-09-24)
package.json (501, 2017-09-24)
... ...

# Introduction Every winter since 1983 I get the urge to play an olde-timey RPG like Wizardry or Bard's Tale. Playing the original Apple //e exposes some of the main design flaws of the UI, so I thought it would be fun to hash out the basic game mechanics. Plus, it is a great way to blow off steam when my current job is stressing me out. Basic level editor is up and running (except for one-way passages and spinners). Specific trigger events still need implementation. Two renderers, one that tries to draw an Apple //e like viewport from the original, and another in [threejs](https://threejs.org). Character editing is underway... I'm not focusing on non-20x20 grids yet, there are bugs in there. Here's a screenshot showing the party, view frustum, darkness, teleporting, doors, secret doors, one way doors, stairs up and down, and a little bitty 3D port all apple-colored... The map is level 1 of the classic [Wizardry I: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizardry:_Proving_Grounds_of_the_Mad_Overlord). I found a Pascal reverse engineer by Thomas William Ewers and I'm doing a port of the game mechanics to JavaScript. Cool. ![Screenshot](https://github.com/petertorelli/OldSchoolRPG/blob/master/img/screen.png)


