
上传日期:2023-04-25 21:07:27
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  允许您向黑客新闻链接添加角色,以添加社交媒体和OpenGraph预览,以便在......等内容上共享...
(?? Lets you add a character to Hacker News links to add social media and OpenGraph previews for sharing on things like Slack or Twitter.)

.husky/ (0, 2023-02-27)
.husky/pre-commit (69, 2023-02-27)
.prettierignore (5, 2023-02-27)
LICENSE (1211, 2023-02-27)
lib/ (0, 2023-02-27)
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lib/hacker-news.ts (1344, 2023-02-27)
next-env.d.ts (201, 2023-02-27)
next.config.js (226, 2023-02-27)
package.json (1105, 2023-02-27)
pages/ (0, 2023-02-27)
pages/_app.tsx (456, 2023-02-27)
pages/_document.tsx (382, 2023-02-27)
pages/api/ (0, 2023-02-27)
pages/api/item.ts (2336, 2023-02-27)
pages/api/redirect.ts (234, 2023-02-27)
pages/api/slack/ (0, 2023-02-27)
pages/api/slack/callback.ts (1328, 2023-02-27)
pages/api/slack/webhook.ts (3466, 2023-02-27)
pages/index.tsx (5685, 2023-02-27)
public/ (0, 2023-02-27)
public/favicon.ico (7527, 2023-02-27)
public/favicon.png (21756, 2023-02-27)
public/robots.txt (22, 2023-02-27)
public/social-512px.png (4516, 2023-02-27)
tsconfig.json (530, 2023-02-27)
yarn.lock (85729, 2023-02-27)

# news.ycombinator1.com This site is not affiliated with YCombinator or Hacker News. This service lets you add a single character to [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com) links to add social media and OpenGraph previews for sharing on things like Slack or Discord or Twitter or Teams. [Read more about it in the Hacker News announcement here.](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30181167) ## Slack App Install the Slack application to automatically get previews (unfurls) for `news.ycombinator.com` links. [![Add to Slack](https://platform.slack-edge.com/img/add_to_slack.png)](https://slack.com/oauth/v2/authorize?client_id=124731001364.4852465343846&scope=links:read,links:write&user_scope=) It looks like this: screenshot of Slack integration ## Discord / Twitter / Manual Usage Simply add a `1` to your Hacker News link, such as `https://news.ycombinator1.com/item?id=30167605`, and you'll see a rich preview instead of a plain URL. On Slack you'll see: ![Slack preview of story](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/137158/152107529-4aef2e19-3761-4021-9530-e7830373a4b6.png) ...or for a comment: ![Slack preview of comment](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/137158/152107576-c8090184-93cc-4ccf-a5ec-81877081408f.png) On Discord you'll see: ![Discord preview](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/137158/152107677-16301c32-bee1-41b0-8247-5d2bfbdf896b.png) On Twitter you'll see: ![Twitter preview](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/137158/152107766-42a4f926-ee66-4d85-b48a-af14c1fb1c44.png) Powered by [Vercel](https://vercel.com/) and the [Hacker News API](https://github.com/HackerNews/API). [Source on GitHub](https://github.com/statico/ycombinator1.com)


