
上传日期:2022-07-14 20:13:03
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一组开发任务和优化,针对在死机状态下进行新闻应用程序开发的任何人...
(A collection of development tasks and optimizations aimed at anyone doing news application development on tight deadlines in Django.)

.travis.yml (491, 2022-07-14)
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project_name/gzip/temp (8, 2022-07-14)
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project_name/settings/ (20, 2022-07-14)
project_name/settings/ (3684, 2022-07-14)
project_name/settings/local_settings.template (144, 2022-07-14)
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project_name/ (184, 2022-07-14)
project_name/ (426, 2022-07-14)
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requirements/base.txt (201, 2022-07-14)
... ...

# This project has been deprecated and was archived July 2022. --- # Django Project Template [![Build Status](]( [![GitHub version](]( Django Project Template is a collection of development tasks and optimizations aimed at anyone doing news application development on tight deadlines in Django. Highlights include: - Works with our custom built [Yeoman generator]( for even faster front-end scaffolding, development and optimization with [Grunt]( and [Bower]( (__recommended__) - [PostGIS]( setup for geospatial database work - [Fabric]( tasks for development, building and deployment - Preconfigured with [Django Compressor]( for CSS and JS preprocessing, concatenation and minification - Preconfigured deploy chain for baking projects flat with [Django Bakery]( - [Boto]( configuration for easy deployment to [Amazon S3]( - `lib` directory with some of our favorite code snippets and custom Django mangement commands ## Minimum Requirements This project supports Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and Mac OS X Yosemite. It is not tested or supported for the Windows OS. - [Django 1.7+]( - [PostgreSQL 9.3+]( - [PostGIS 2.1+]( - [virtualenvwrapper]( - (optional) [Node.js 0.12.x]( or [io.js 1.2.x]( ## Quickstart ```bash $ mkvirtualenv project_name $ pip install django fabric $ startproject --extension=py,.gitignore --template= project_name $ cd project_name $ fab bootstrap # bootstrap project ``` ### Using Yeoman, Grunt and Bower (__recommended__) While this template works fine out the box, it's recommended you use use our yeoman generator to manage your static assets (HTML, CSS, JS). We built [generator-newsapp]( to work in concert with this project template. For this to work you'll need [Node.js 0.12.x]( or [io.js 1.2.x]( After running the quick start above run `fab scaffold` to install the required node.js libraries and generate the templates needed for frontend development. **Note**: If you already have the npm modules installed, you can skip installing them by running `fab scaffold:skip-install`. ## Deployment This project assumes you have an Amazon S3 bucket where you host your apps. They are static apps with no database calls. Update `settings/` with the various s3 buckets you'll use. We have buckets for staging (testing the application), buckets for media assets and a final bucket publishing. You can use these conventions or change them. You'll also need to add the [Django Bakery views]( you want generated. You'll also need to create a `settings/` file with your AWS secret key and ID. By default this file __will not__ be checked into version control. Keep it that way just in case your open source your project. This ensures you keys won't leak out to the world. With those files configured, run `fab deploy` to publish your application to the world. #### On database- and server-powered applications You can certainly use this template for dynamic applications that use a live server and a database, but currently there is no deployment chain pre-configured at this time. ### PostGIS By default, this project assumes you'll be using PostGIS as your database. If you'd prefer not to, you can set the `USE_POSTGIS` variable in `settings/` to `False` and the project will default to PostgreSQL. :warning: Be sure to do this BEFORE running the quickstart. ### Tasks Here are the various fabric tasks included in the project. See []( to learn more about Fabric and Python task execution. ``` bootstrap DEFAULT: Run commands to setup a new project bower usage: fab bower:, ,


