
上传日期:2023-03-04 06:39:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Codewars是一个名为Kata的网站,程序员可以在这里训练编程挑战。这是我的职业知识库...
(Codewars is a site where programmers can train on programming challenges called Kata. This is a repository for my kata collections in Codewars. Includes kata solutions from 8 kyu to 4 kyu in JavaScript.)

.vscode/ (0, 2022-03-07)
.vscode/settings.json (38, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/ (0, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/.eslintrc.js (273, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/3kyu/ (0, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/3kyu/battleshipFieldValidator.js (5263, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/ (0, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/nextBiggerNumber.js (1859, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/nextSmallerNumber.js (2942, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/snail.js (1562, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/sudokuSolutionValidator.js (3261, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/sumStringAsNumbers.js (1374, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/4kyu/twiceLinear.js (1547, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/ (0, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/calculatingFunctions.js (2192, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/directionsReduction.js (3397, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/doubleCola.js (2804, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/greedIsGood.js (1881, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/hashtagGenerator.js (1679, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/hexToRGB.js (1678, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/maxSubarraySum.js (975, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/movingZeroToEnd.js (650, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/nonRepeatingChar.js (1334, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/perimeterSquareRectangle.js (1249, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/peteTheBaker.js (1916, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/pigLatin.js (882, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/productOfFibNum.js (2009, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/readableTime.js (1157, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/rgbToHex.js (1623, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/rot13.js (1777, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/validParentheses.js (1095, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/weightForWeight.js (2625, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/5kyu/whereMyAnagram.js (1741, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/6kyu/ (0, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/6kyu/aStringOfSorts.js (1204, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/6kyu/arrayDiff.js (1117, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/6kyu/arrayHelpers.js (2304, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/6kyu/buildPileOfCubes.js (990, 2022-03-07)
JavaScript/6kyu/closuresAndScopes.js (1120, 2022-03-07)
... ...

# Codewars Codewars is a site where programmers can train on programming challenges called *Kata*. This is my repository for my kata collections in Codewars. **Feel free to check this repository! Thank you.** []( ### [:crossed_swords: User: andreassosilo ]( ### [:fox_face: Clan: Hacktiv8 ]( ## Solved JavaScript Kata: ### [:open_file_folder: 4 Kyu]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Snail**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Twice linear**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Next bigger number with the same digits**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Next smaller number with the same digits**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sudoku Solution Validator**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sum Strings as Numbers**]( ### [:open_file_folder: 5 Kyu]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Human Readable Time**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Simple Pig Latin**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Moving Zeros To The End**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Valid Parentheses**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Directions Reduction**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Calculating with Functions**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Where my anagrams at?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**RGB To Hex Conversion**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Convert A Hex String To RGB**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Product of consecutive Fib numbers**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Weight for weight**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Perimeter of squares in a rectanglet**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**First non-repeating character**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**The Hashtag Generator**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Maximum subarray sum**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Rot13**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Greed is Good**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Double Cola**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Pete, the baker**]( ### [:open_file_folder: 6 Kyu]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the missing letter**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the odd int**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Consecutive strings**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the unique number**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Shortest steps to a number**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**ThetaFormulation**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Multiples of 3 or 5**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sum of Digits / Digital Root**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Who likes it?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Stop gninnipS My sdroW!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find The Parity Outlier**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Persistent Bugger.**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Create Phone Number**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Array.diff**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Take a Ten Minute Walk**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Dubstep**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Counting Duplicates**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Tribonacci Sequence**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Playing with digits**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**The Supermarket Queue**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Duplicate Encoder**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Which are in?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**A String of Sorts**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Unique In Order**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Decode the Morse code**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Replace With Alphabet Position**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Convert string to camel case**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Is a number prime?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sort the odd**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Detect Pangram**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Build a pile of Cubes**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Reverse or rotate?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Array Helpers**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Make the Deadfish swim**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Closures and Scopes**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Good vs Evil**]( ### [:open_file_folder: 7 Kyu]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the divisors!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**List Filtering**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Isograms**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Reverse Words**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Case Swapping**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Vowel Count**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Get the Middle Character**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Mumbling**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**You're a square!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Disemvowel Trolls**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Highest and Lowest**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Exes and Ohs**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Complementary DNA**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Square Every Digit**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Shortest Word**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Jaden Casing Strings**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Descending Order**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Growth of a Population**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sum of two lowest positive integers**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the next perfect square!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Alphabet symmetry**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Printer Errors**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Remove the minimum**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Friend or Foe?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Is this a triangle?**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Two to One**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Credit Card Mask**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Binary Addition**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Categorize New Member**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Ones and Zeros**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Breaking chocolate problem**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**The highest profit wins!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sort Numbers**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Count the Digit**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Money, Money, Money**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the stray number**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sum of the first nth term of Series**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Factorial**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Two Oldest Ages**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Don't give me five!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Triangular Treasure**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Testing 1-2-3**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the capitals**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sort array by string length**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Fizz Buzz**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Remove anchor from URL**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Power of two**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Speed Control**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Flatten**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Caffeine Script**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Over The Road**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Most digits**]( ### [:open_file_folder: 8 Kyu]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Multiply**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Swap Values**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Simple Multiplication**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Total amount of points**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Convert a String to a Number!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Convert a Number to a String!**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**get ascii value of character**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**get character from ASCII Value**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Square(n) Sum**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sentence Smash**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Even or Odd**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Opposite number**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Find the smallest integer in the array**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Sum of positive**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**String repeat**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Return Negative**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Remove First and Last Character**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Counting sheep...**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Reversed Words**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Remove String Spaces**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Grasshopper - Summation**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Reversed Strings**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**Basic Mathematical Operations**]( - :cherry_blossom: [**J ... ...


