
上传日期:2023-06-07 11:34:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一个使用面向对象编程的VanillaJavaScript项目。
(This is a Vanilla JavaScript Project using Object -oriented programming.)

css/ (0, 2023-06-07)
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img/SVG/plus.svg (422, 2023-06-07)
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img/SVG/stopwatch.svg (1179, 2023-06-07)
img/demo.html (17964, 2023-06-07)
img/icon.png (3704, 2023-06-07)
img/logo-header.png (8531, 2023-06-07)
img/logo-header.svg (313173, 2023-06-07)
img/marker.svg (6483, 2023-06-07)
... ...

# Workout Tracker This is a Vanilla JavaScript Project using Object-oriented programming. ## Table of contents - [Overview]( - [Screenshot]( - [Links]( - [My process]( - [Built with]( - [What I learned]( - [Useful resources]( - [Author]( ## Overview ### Screenshot ![workout-tracker-kappa vercel app_(iMac)]( ### Links - DEMO:[Link]( ## My process ### Built with - [JavaScript (ES6 Classes)]( ### What I learned - Design as a Responsive web - Use of Local Storage API - Geolocation API - Displaying Google map via Leaflet Library - Using custom icons for Leaflet instead of just normal points on the map - Abilities to edit & delete workout and delete all workouts - Ability to sort workouts by certain fields(distance, time) - Position the map to show all workouts - Click on popup, move map to corresponding popup - Map Zoom and View control - Markup and styling for new created submenus & realistic error message Here is a code snippet: ```script.js class Running extends Workout { type = 'running'; constructor(coords, distance, duration, city, country, cadence) { super(coords, distance, duration, city, country); this.cadence = cadence; this._calcPace(); this._setDescription(); } _calcPace() { this.pace = this.duration / this.distance; } } ``` ### Useful resources - [MDN Docs]( - This helped me for creating ES6 classes. - [Leaflet]( - This helped me for showing Google Maps. ## Author - Website - [Marvin Morales Pacis]( - LinkedIn - [@marventures]( - Twitter - [@marventures11](


