上传日期:2017-01-05 16:48:31
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  3.新闻传入webhook,,

app.js (952, 2017-01-05)
botApi/ (0, 2017-01-05)
botApi/bot.js (1012, 2017-01-05)
images/ (0, 2017-01-05)
images/bot.png (25554, 2017-01-05)
images/favicon.ico (15086, 2017-01-05)
main/ (0, 2017-01-05)
main/operation.js (1040, 2017-01-05)
package.json (742, 2017-01-05)
views/ (0, 2017-01-05)
views/index.ejs (401, 2017-01-05)

# Welcome to the News-incoming-webhook for [Wizyroom](https://app.wizyroom.io/secured/login?next_uri=Lw%3D%3D) News-incoming-webhook is a Node.js chatbot for [Wizyroom](https://app.wizyroom.io/secured/login?next_uri=Lw%3D%3D). In this example we propose to use [Ngrok](https://ngrok.com/download): a secure introspectable tunnels to your localhost, to test your chatbot locally without deploying it. ![chatbot](https://sites.google.com/a/wizy.io/sand/sandbox/wather.gif) ## Requirement * [News API](https://newsapi.org/) * [Wizyroom account](https://app.wizyroom.io/admin/integrations/chatbots) * [News-incoming-webhook](https://github.com/WizyRoom/3.news-incoming-webhook) * [Ngrok](https://ngrok.com/download) * [Heroku](https://www.heroku.com) ## Installation The application has very minimal dependencies and requirements aside from a typical Node.js stack. 1. Simply clone this repository. 2. Run the prompt command. 3. Install the dependencies via `npm install` under your project root file. 4. Run the chatbot locally via `npm start` it will run on localhost:8080. 5. Download [Ngrok](https://ngrok.com/download) and extract file content in project path. 6. Run the commande prompt and run server via `ngrok http 8080`. ## Development You can retrieve all documentation for Wizyroom API: * [Incomming Webhook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wcpJ4Y7O2OWyGvEmHb4a0mjmh7Nr6ObUlwaIRi1lj5k) * [Outgoing Webhook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WwOL8bmiJLOC57VvnX4qlzInFrX3EN9ZhosJiu6iifI) Learn how to use it and feel free to leave comment. * Create a get request to test the chatbot running ```javascript app.get('/', function(req, res, next) { res.render('index.ejs'); }); ``` * Get the news will run our main function to import news to **Wizyroom** ```javascript app.get('/news', function(req, res){ operation.getNews(req, res) }); ``` * Get your own [NewsAPI](https://newsapi.org/) **API key** from [here](https://newsapi.org/register) and replace it in the code above in `var apiKey`. * This simple application will return news each time /news is called. ```javascript function getNews(req, res){ // News API Key var apiKey = '1d09b3429678432f9ce362e979ee6cab'; //News API key change it with yours // News Path var path = 'https://newsapi.org/v1/sources?language=en&apiKey=' + apiKey + '&category=technology'; request.get( path, { json: {}, headers: {} },function (error, response, body) { console.log(response.statusCode) console.log(error) if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { var lastNews = "Name : " +body.sources[0].name + "\nDescription : " + body.sources[0].description + "\nUrl : " + body.sources[0].url ; botApi.botMessage(lastNews); res.status(200).send("OK"); }else{ console.log("error") res.status(500).send({'body': "server error, conversation not updated", 'status': "error"}); } } ); } ``` * Connect your bot to your **Wizyroom** account ```javascript botMessage: function(message){ var postData = { 'domain_id' : "", // required // can be found here https://app.wizyroom.io/admin/info below Account Details / teamdomain 'workroom_id' : "", // required // can be found in url when you access a room https://app.wizyroom.io/workroom/yourRoomID 'token' : "", // required // can be found here https://app.wizyroom.io/admin/integrations/webhooks 'body' : message // required }; request.post( 'https://public-dot-wizy-workroom.appspot.com/api/v1/messages', { json: postData, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } },function (error, response, body) { console.log(response.statusCode) console.log(error) if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { console.log(body) } } ); } ``` The chatbot will send news every time the url /news is called. ## Deployment In order to be able to deploy your bot we propose to use **Heroku.com**. 1. First of all [Fork](https://github.com/maherwizy/WizyRoom-Sample-Bot/wiki/_new#fork-destination-box) this project to your account 2. Log in or Sign up to Heroku. 3. Go to [dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps). 4. Click new and create a new app. 5. Specify an **App Name** then **Create app**. 6. Use **GitHub** for Deployment method. 7. Connect **GitHub** to **Heroku** and authorize application. 8. Now search for our project **WizyRoom-Sample-Bot** and connect it. 9. Click on **Deploy Branch** Master. 10. Once deployment done you can view your app by clicking on Open app [example](https://wizyroom-weather-bot.herokuapp.com/) ## WizyRoom integration Time to use your bot in Wizyroom and test it. 1. Go to your Wizyroom account [admin panel](https://app.wizyroom.io/admin/integrations/chatbots) 2. Add chatbot 3. Specify all required fields (Server URL is the url of the deployed application on Heroku with **/weather** at the end of URLs) example : https://wizyroom-weather-bot.herokuapp.com/weather ![Wizyroom](https://sites.google.com/a/wizy.io/sand/sandbox/bot_creation_weather.PNG) 4. Go to a room and invite your bot ![inviteBot](https://sites.google.com/a/wizy.io/sand/sandbox/add-bot_weather.PNG) 5. Mention your created bot and start a conversation ![inviteBot](https://sites.google.com/a/wizy.io/sand/sandbox/mention_weather.PNG) ## License The code provided in this sample is licensed under the Wizy.io License.


