
上传日期:2011-11-04 14:00:50
上 传 者shixing
说明:  多输入多输出的模型预测控制,针对化工多输入多输出系统设计的模型预测控制
(Multiple-input multiple-output model predictive control)

Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\data.mat (768557, 2009-09-14)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\example.m (3155, 2010-11-23)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\getXY.m (1304, 2010-11-23)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\J_LRPI.m (1867, 2010-11-23)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\license.txt (1333, 2010-11-23)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\LM_MIMO.m (3821, 2010-11-23)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center)\MIMO_MRI.zip (772894, 2011-08-23)
Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Predictive Control (from matlab center) (0, 2011-08-23)

Main file: -example.m: The script to run to see the example Other files: -LM_MIMO.m: The minimization function that implements MRI using Levenberg-Marquardt -J_LRPI.m: The MPC Relevant Identification cost function -getXY.m: A script to obtain the regression matrix -data: Identification and validation data sets for the PEMFC example Description Model Predictive Control based on linear models is widely used in the process Industry. A function is provided to fit a local linear model to a data set so that the model obtained is designed to perform predictions within a prediction window. The model is commensurate with the MPC control cost function. Reference: -Title: Model predictive control relevant identification: multiple input multiple output against multiple input single output -Authors: D. Laur¨, J.V. Salcedo, S. Garc¨a-Nieto, M. Mart¨nez -Journal: IET control theory and applications -Year: 2010


