
上传日期:2021-01-12 15:46:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Azure事件中心Kafka MirrorMaker ACI
(Azure Event Hubs Kafka MirrorMaker ACI)

Dockerfile (235, 2019-03-20)
LICENSE (11357, 2019-03-20)
ehmirror/ (0, 2019-03-20)
ehmirror/mirrorstart.sh (1209, 2019-03-20)
ehmirror/perfstarter.sh (1412, 2019-03-20)

# EventHubsMirrorMaker This sample uses Azure Event Hubs Kafka MirrorMaker running on an Azure Container Instance and then it creates a second container as a load generator. Use the Cloud Shell in the Azure portal to give this a try. This will also work from bash if you have the Azure CLI installed. ## Setup a few variables to make your life infinitely easier ``` rgname=mmrg$RANDOM az group create --name $rgname --location westus SOURCE=myehkafkasource$RANDOM DEST=myehkafkadest$RANDOM ``` ## Create two Azure Event Hubs and get the connection strings ``` az eventhubs namespace create --name $SOURCE --resource-group $rgname -l westus --enable-kafka true az eventhubs namespace create --name $DEST --resource-group $rgname -l westus --enable-kafka true SOURCE_CON_STR=$(az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group $rgname --namespace-name $SOURCE --name RootManageSharedAccessKey --query "primaryConnectionString" --output tsv) DEST_CON_STR=$(az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group $rgname --namespace-name $DEST --name RootManageSharedAccessKey --query "primaryConnectionString" --output tsv) ``` Create a container instance to run the built in Kafka perf test sender. The credentials are injected into the container as environment variables. Check out /ehmirror/perfstarter.sh for more details. The same pattern is used for the MirrorMaker container. ``` az container create --resource-group $rgname --name loadgenerator --image confluentinc/cp-kafka --gitrepo-url https://github.com/djrosanova/EventHubsMirrorMaker --gitrepo-mount-path /mnt/EventHubsMirrorMaker --command-line "/bin/bash ./mnt/EventHubsMirrorMaker/ehmirror/perfstarter.sh -d $SOURCE_CON_STR" --restart-policy OnFailure --environment-variables SOURCE_CON_STR="$SOURCE_CON_STR" ``` Create a container instance to host Mirror Maker. It will see the topic that the above perf container is sending data to and copy it to the second Event Hub / topic. ``` az container create --resource-group $rgname --name mirrormaker --image confluentinc/cp-kafka --gitrepo-url https://github.com/djrosanova/EventHubsMirrorMaker --gitrepo-mount-path /mnt/EventHubsMirrorMaker --command-line "/bin/bash ./mnt/EventHubsMirrorMaker/ehmirror/mirrorstart.sh " --environment-variables SOURCE_CON_STR="$SOURCE_CON_STR" DEST_CON_STR="$DEST_CON_STR" ``` You can see the details from the mirror maker container with this command. ``` az container show --resource-group $rgname --name mirrormaker ``` Take a look at the logs from the container. ``` az container logs --resource-group $rgname --name mirrormaker az container logs --resource-group $rgname --name loadgenerator ``` Clean up all your stuff. ``` az container delete --resource-group $rgname --name mirrormaker az container delete --resource-group $rgname --name loadgenerator az group delete --name $rgname ```


