
上传日期:2022-08-25 16:11:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  BrainC是一种丰富的编程语言。这种语言使脑干变得有用。,
(BrainC is a Enrich Programming Language. This language makes brainfuck useful.,)

Compile.bat (180, 2022-08-25)
brainfuck.exe (51082, 2022-08-25)
glue.exe (91097, 2022-08-25)
img/ (0, 2022-08-25)
img/Compile_Terminal.png (9195, 2022-08-25)
img/logo.png (11079, 2022-08-25)
main.lua (2939, 2022-08-25)
srlua.exe (48784, 2022-08-25)

![Failed to load image]( "BrainC - Brainfuck with C/C++") BrainC is a Enrich Programming Language that makes a ussless language usefull, BrainC **combines Brainfuck and c togetter.** It makes Brainfuck usefull rather *printing text into the command prompt.* How it works is it firslty compiles brainfuck into c code. it will then ask you to compile it and run. (**Brainfuck > C/C++ > Executeable**) > **NOTE:** Also there is **NO automatic garbage** collector for BrainC so don't foget about memory leaks! BrainC only compiles .bf files. any other files are denied to use. ## **How to compile .bf to .c to .exe** ___ 1: Install BrainC, GCC and G++. GCC is for compiling C programs and G++ is for comping C++ Programs. 2: Make the bf file 3: Compile it using: ``` brainc -c ``` > The output name will have the .exe extention added. You can overwrite it by adding a extention > **NOTE: `BrainC Dose NOT Support compliing mutiple files. If you have to do, Disable Autocompile And use like a makefile to run those commands.`** # Supportation These are what brainc supports Program Arguments | Number | Argument | Requried Arguments | Description | ------ | -------- | ------------------ | ----------- | 1 | -h | None | Shows all commands. | 2 | -c | Filename, Outputname| Compiles the files that ends with a spefic extention (Showned in the extention table) to c code. | 3 | -a | None | About BrainC + Credits + Source code # Configuration If you want to configure BrainC create a file. It is in the following list. (Sadly only 2 configurations). | File Name | Description | --------- | ----------- | brainc.cppmode | Dose the same but Compiles with the .cpp rather .c incase if you like C++. | brainc.noautocompile | It only compiles the .bf file and not converting to a exe. This can be usefull incase if you use a diffirent Compiler OR have to compile mutiple files of your project. # Crediting If your a content creator you can credit me (NokoDev) if you want. its a nice optional option for it. There is no license meaning you can do whatever you want with this. # Modifing If you want to edit the source code you only need to download **Choco**. Afther Downloading Choco Run this command as administrator. ``` choco install lua ``` And you are ready to modify. ## Compiling If you are done modifing BrainC or have to test it open `Compile.bat` This sould be instant and it will look like this when it is done compiling: ![Failed to load image]( "BrainC - Brainfuck with C/C++") And a explorer window will open where the files where created. Only 2 files are there: ``` brainc.exe - Main Program brainfuck.exe - Modified Brainfuck Interpeter ``` And that is how you create a functional Modified BrainC.


