
上传日期:2021-11-25 23:10:49
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Akamai 2.x传感器数据解密工具。,
(Akamai 2.x sensor data decryption tool.,)

CommandLineOptions.cs (632, 2021-11-25)
NotAnAPI.SensorData.Decryptor.csproj (521, 2021-11-25)
NotAnAPI.SensorData.Decryptor.sln (1137, 2021-11-25)
NotAnAPI.SensorData.Decryptor.sln.DotSettings (704, 2021-11-25)
Program.cs (8467, 2021-11-25)

### CLI Usage The application tries to extract the `sensor_data` from `sensor.txt` file located in the application root directory. To decrypt the `sensor_data`, 2 keys are required. The keys are extracted from the `bm_sz` cookie. The first one is used to encrypt and the second one is used to change the orders. You simply provide the `bm_sz` cookie and the application will extract the keys within it. You can provide the keys too within the `sensor.txt` file in two ways so you will not ever need to execute application with arguments: 1. `sensor_data` at first line, then `bm_sz` cookie value as the second line! or even the 2. `sensor_data` at first line, then `first encryption key` as the second line and `second encryption key` as the third line! Use `--help` to get the usage. ### Found an Issue? If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help by submitting an issue to the [GitHub Repository]( "GitHub Repository"). Even better you can submit a Pull Request with a fix. When submitting an issue please include the following information: - A description of the issue - The exception message and stacktrace if an error was thrown - If possible, please include code that reproduces the issue. DropBox or GitHub's Gist can be used to share large code samples, or you could submit a pull request with the issue reproduced in a new test. The more information you include about the issue, the more likely it is to be fixed! ### Submitting a Pull Request When submitting a pull request to the [GitHub Repository]( "GitHub Repository") make sure to do the following: - Check that new and updated code follows Decryptor's existing code formatting and naming standard ### Discord [Join the Discord server]( "Join the Discord server")


