
上传日期:2022-08-31 16:27:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Laravel、Livewire、Filament和Tailwind UI构建的健康中心管理应用程序,
(A health center management app built using Laravel, Livewire, Filament & Tailwind UI,)

.editorconfig (258, 2022-08-31)
.env.example (667, 2022-08-31)
.styleci.yml (272, 2022-08-31)
app/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Fortify/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Fortify/CreateNewUser.php (1104, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Fortify/PasswordValidationRules.php (333, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Fortify/ResetUserPassword.php (696, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Fortify/UpdateUserPassword.php (1101, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Fortify/UpdateUserProfileInformation.php (1758, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Jetstream/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Actions/Jetstream/DeleteUser.php (386, 2022-08-31)
app/Console/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Console/Kernel.php (686, 2022-08-31)
app/Exceptions/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Exceptions/Handler.php (824, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/ (0, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/AnnouncementController.php (934, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/AppointmentController.php (2895, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/BloodDonationRequestController.php (2101, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php (377, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/DashboardController.php (1020, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/DiagnosisController.php (595, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/DoctorScheduleController.php (441, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/DocumentController.php (2532, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/FileController.php (918, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/InvoiceController.php (987, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/OnboardingController.php (382, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/PatientController.php (405, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/PaymentGatewayController.php (373, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/ReportController.php (743, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/SupportController.php (2231, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/SupportMessageController.php (864, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/TestController.php (727, 2022-08-31)
app/Http/Controllers/TimeSlotController.php (782, 2022-08-31)
... ...

![Health Center Light Logo](https://github.com/public/img/logo.png#gh-light-mode-only) ![Health Center Dark Logo](https://github.com/public/img/logo-dark.png#gh-dark-mode-only) # About BilHeal BilHeal is a proposed web app for Bilkent University's Health Center that aims to ease the interaction between patients and the health center's staff. ![Dashboard Screenshot](https://github.com/public/img/dashboard.png) ## Table of contents - [Live Demo](https://github.com#demo) - [Requirements](https://github.com#requirements) - [Installation](https://github.com#installation) - [Development Workflow](https://github.com#development-workflow) - [Packages Used](https://github.com#packages-used) - [Features](https://github.com#features) - [Team Members](https://github.com#team-members) - [Reports](https://github.com#reports) ## Demo The project is hosted live on https://www.bilheal.com The develop branch is reflected on https://staging.bilheal.com ## Requirements Before using this repository, make sure you have the following installed: * PHP 8.1 * Composer 2 * A web server (NGINX/Apache) * MySQL 8 * Node 17 * NPM 8 ## Installation Clone the GitHub repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/thecrazybob/cs319-project.git ``` Install Composer's dependencies: ``` composer install ``` Install NPM's dependencies: ``` npm install ``` Copy .env.example to .env: ``` cp .env.example .env ``` Generate encryption key: ``` php artisan key:generate ``` Next, create a database in your local MySQL and then fill the following values in .env ``` DB_DATABASE=cs319_project_app DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= ``` Run the demo migrations & seeders: ``` php artisan migrate:fresh --seed ``` You should be able to see the website in your browser! ## Development Workflow There are two essential branches on the repository. The `main` and `develop` branch. * `main` branch reflects the production version of the website * `develop` branch reflects the staging version of the website The rest of the branches are created as part of feature development. A modified version of GitFlow pattern was used where every task/feature was separated into a branch and then merged into `develop` using a PR. From the requirement analysis and design reports, a list of tasks were made on Linear. All of the tasks had a priority, category, difficulty level and an assignee. Linear automatically created a GitHub branch name for each task. Once the task was completed, a PR was created from the branch, reviewed by someone else from the team and merged into develop. Once the `develop` branch is stable, it is merged into `main`. ## Packages Used The following Composer packages were used during the development of the web app: * filament/forms * filament/tables * graham-campbell/markdown * kiritokatklian/nova-permission * laravel/jetstream * laravel/nova * laravel/sanctum * livewire/livewire * spatie/laravel-ignition * spatie/laravel-permission * usernotnull/tall-toasts All of them are available on https://packagist.org/ ## Features ### Main Features: * Authentication System * Dashboard * User roles (Doctors, Patients, Nurses, Receptionists) * Appointment Scheduling Feature ### Patient Dashboard * Initial registration form to obtain Medical History * Patient Profile * Basic info (Name, Age, Date of Birth, Nationality) * Blood donation preference * Patient's Tests * Patient's Diagnosis * Patient's Reports * Patient’s Documents * Patient’s Vaccines * Previous Visits * Messaging Feature * Announcements / Notifications * Blood Request * Online Payment Feature * Patient’s Invoices * Patient’s Transactions ### Staff Dashboard (Doctors, Nurses, Receptionists) * List of Doctors * Doctor Schedules * Create/edit/view reports * Create/edit/view announcements * Reply to messages * View patient’s diagnosis ## Team Members * Abdullah Riaz (22001296) * Ahmet Faruk Uluta (21803717) * Dilay Yiit (21602059) * Mohammed Sohail (22001513) * Mostafa Khaled A. Mohamed Higazy (22001062) ## Reports * [Requirement Analysis - Iteration 1](https://github.comreports/ChickenNuggets_RequirementAnalysis_Iteration1.pdf) * [Requirement Analysis - Iteration 2](https://github.comreports/ChickenNuggets_RequirementAnalysis_Iteration2.pdf) * [Design Report - Iteration 1](https://github.comreports/ChickenNuggets_DesignReport_Iteration1.pdf) * [Design Report - Iteration 2](https://github.comreports/ChickenNuggets_DesignReport_Iteration2.pdf) * [Final Report](https://github.comreports/ChickenNuggets_FinalReport.pdf)


