
上传日期:2015-11-30 00:54:25
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  黑客新闻摘要,,

EtoTest/ (0, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/App.config (182, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/EtoTest.csproj (3553, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/MyForm.cs (1773, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/Program.cs (311, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/Properties/ (0, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (1408, 2015-11-29)
EtoTest/packages.config (133, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/ (0, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/HiSum.App.csproj (6905, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/app.js.map (967, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/app.nw (8008982, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/archive/ (0, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/archive/9320740.json (24385, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/archive/9320782.json (22962, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/archive/9353998.json (384762, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/archive/9399316.json (5999, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/credits.html (793330, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/ (0, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/jquery.countdown.css (878, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/layouts/ (0, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/layouts/blog-old-ie.css (2590, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/layouts/blog.css (2702, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/layouts/email-old-ie.css (5024, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/layouts/email.css (5535, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/layouts/menus.css (3405, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/pure-min.css (18943, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/css/tabs.css (1811, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/data/ (0, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/data/following.txt (171, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/data/watching.txt (43, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/dll/ (0, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/dll/Eto.dll (437760, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/dll/HiSum.dll (64512, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/dll/NLTKSharp.dll (216064, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/dll/Newtonsoft.Json.dll (513536, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/edgeclient.js (25569, 2015-11-29)
HiSum.App/fancytree.html (1279, 2015-11-29)
... ...

# SkimHN [If you like this app, you might also be interested in a Google Chrome extension I built with some overlapping functionality. Check out https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hngist/jigimhmnilghciamfcdlogbaaokpakim?hl=en-US] SkimHN is a desktop client for Hacker News built with Node-Webkit, edge.js and C#. SkimHN fetches the front page stories and also gives you a quick summary of selected stories. The purpose of SkimHN is to get a quick preview of a story before deciding to read it on the HackerNews website. For each story, you can also see the time you are saving (based on average reading speed) with a countdown timer. __Installation__ Download the Zip file for the project, navigate to the folder called HiSum.App. Click on nw.exe. That's it. __Supported platforms__ Windows 64-bit __Features:__ - See a preview of the important phrases in the comment thread for a given story ![Summary](https://github.com/mcaravind/HackerNewsSummary/blob/master/screenshot_summary.PNG?raw=true "Sentence summary") - See the different users who have commented and see their comments for a given story ![Commenters](https://github.com/mcaravind/HackerNewsSummary/blob/master/screenshot_commenters.PNG?raw=true "See all commenters") - See the top keywords in the current story ![Keywords](https://github.com/mcaravind/HackerNewsSummary/blob/master/screenshot_keywords.PNG?raw=true "Keywords in the story") - Follow users and keywords. When you choose to follow users, fetching a page will automatically notify you if any user you are following has made a comment in one of the stories on that page. (and similarly for keywords you are watching) ![Filters](https://github.com/mcaravind/HackerNewsSummary/blob/master/screenshot_filters.PNG?raw=true "Follow, Watch, Filter") - Get quick summary for individual stories ![Individual Stories](https://github.com/mcaravind/HackerNewsSummary/blob/master/screenshot_individualstory.PNG?raw=true "Individual stories") Installation: Supported platforms: Win64 Not yet supported: Win32, MacOSX, Linux Currently the app works on Windows 64 bit machines but does not work on 32 bit machines. I have not been able to verify if it works on Mac or Linux. __Getting the projects to work on the unsupported platforms is, at least on paper, only as complex as getting the correct edge.node files in place under the node_modules folder.__ Any help getting the node_modules fixed so that the app can become truly cross-platform would be greatly appreciated. See this issue: https://github.com/tjanczuk/edge/issues/61 Notes: On clicking the big blue buttons to fetch the front pages, __it will take a good 10 seconds to fetch all the stories.__ This is really a toy app I am building to learn about Natural Language Processing, so please approach with low expectations :-)


