
上传日期:2016-02-17 20:51:27
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  C++中的银河系文本游戏搭便车指南,
(The hitchhiker s guide to the galaxy text game in C++,)

Debug/ (0, 2016-02-17)
Debug/TextGameOOP.exe (145920, 2016-02-17)
Debug/TextGameOOP.ilk (856024, 2016-02-17)
Debug/TextGameOOP.pdb (2101248, 2016-02-17)
Release/ (0, 2016-02-17)
Release/TextGameOOP.exe (45056, 2016-02-17)
Release/TextGameOOP.exe.lastcodeanalysissucceeded (0, 2016-02-17)
Release/TextGameOOP.pdb (839680, 2016-02-17)
Release/messages.txt (13331, 2016-02-17)
Release/msvcp120.dll (660128, 2016-02-17)
Release/options.txt (1947, 2016-02-17)
Release/song.wav (26913256, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP.sdf (33882112, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP.sln (957, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/ (0, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/ (0, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/Game.obj (235345, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/Message.obj (292335, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/Option.obj (337237, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/Player.obj (255097, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/PlayerBelongings.obj (134384, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.log (2154, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/ (0, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog (64966, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog (11018, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/TextGameOOP.lastbuildstate (189, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/cl.command.1.tlog (3778, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/link.command.1.tlog (2222, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/link.read.1.tlog (4504, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/TextGameOOP.tlog/link.write.1.tlog (1380, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/vc120.idb (396288, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Debug/vc120.pdb (462848, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Game.cpp (4527, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Game.h (348, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/GameObjects.h (583, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Message.cpp (1796, 2016-02-17)
TextGameOOP/Message.h (305, 2016-02-17)
... ...

# The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy ## Description This a text based console game The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy written in C++. It's a course project for the "Object-oriented programming" course in FMI in Sofia University "St.Kliment Ohridski". ## Gameplay The game is pretty simple. There is some text and numbered options below. The player has to choose one of them and enter the number of the chosen option. This scenario reapeats until the player wins or loses the game. In either case there is message and two options: play again or quit. ## The idea behind As you might have guessed (or not) the game is based on the beginning of the first book in the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy book series by Douglas Adams. If you haven't heard of it (shame on you!) [here] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_(novel)) is some information.


