
上传日期:2023-03-28 17:17:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个成熟的去中心化事件管理和验证平台。,
(A full fledged decentralized event management and verification platform.,)

.env.example (105, 2023-03-28)
LICENSE (1071, 2023-03-28) (619, 2023-03-28)
config-overrides.js (814, 2023-03-28)
contracts/ (0, 2023-03-28)
contracts/CreateEvent.sol (1715, 2023-03-28)
contracts/CreateUser.sol (680, 2023-03-28)
contracts/Events.sol (1473, 2023-03-28)
contracts/RegisterUser.sol (691, 2023-03-28)
contracts/User.sol (415, 2023-03-28)
contracts/UserInfo.sol (567, 2023-03-28)
hardhat.config.js (146, 2023-03-28)
package.json (1898, 2023-03-28)
public/ (0, 2023-03-28)
public/favicon.ico (3870, 2023-03-28)
public/index.html (1775, 2023-03-28)
public/logo192.png (5347, 2023-03-28)
public/logo512.png (9664, 2023-03-28)
public/manifest.json (492, 2023-03-28)
public/robots.txt (67, 2023-03-28)
scripts/ (0, 2023-03-28)
scripts/deploy.js (1123, 2023-03-28)
src/ (0, 2023-03-28)
src/App.css (564, 2023-03-28)
src/App.js (2962, 2023-03-28)
src/App.test.js (246, 2023-03-28)
src/assets/ (0, 2023-03-28)
src/assets/close.svg (1340, 2023-03-28)
src/assets/index.js (120, 2023-03-28)
src/assets/menu.svg (1088, 2023-03-28)
src/assets/tm.svg (35343, 2023-03-28)
src/components/ (0, 2023-03-28)
src/components/AdminEventsCard.jsx (5296, 2023-03-28)
src/components/CustomButton.jsx (369, 2023-03-28)
src/components/EventCard.jsx (4581, 2023-03-28)
src/components/Footer.jsx (1821, 2023-03-28)
src/components/FormField.jsx (1194, 2023-03-28)
src/components/Main2.jsx (1515, 2023-03-28)
... ...

# Techv3nt Tech3vnt is decentralized platform to find Technicat Events , Meetups , Hackathons & conferences around you ## TechStack Used - React - Tailwind CSS - 5ire - Solidity - NFT Port - ether js - Push Protocol - wagmi - react-router-dom - react-toastify - MUI-Icons - Axios - Rainbow Kit - OpenWeatherMap API - Geolocation ## Local Setup 1. Fork the repo. 2. Clone the repo. ```[YOUR_USER_ACCOUNT]/Techv3nt ``` 3. Generate API keys for Alchemy, Push Protocol, OpenWeatherMap & NFTPort. 4. Create .env file at the root of the project and initiate environment variables of the API keys, Refer `.env.example`. 5. Navigate to the clone ``` cd Techv3nt ``` 6. Install dependencies ``` yarn ``` 7. Start the website locally using ``` yarn start ``` ## Snapshots
image image
image image
## Demo Link ## List of all Smart Contracts deployed on goerli testnet: ``` CreateEvent:- 0x4ADeED62227e1D8490c10cC6fdF82A51CEd88959 ``` ``` CreateUser:- 0x0Df39c36E8e9b462F2672498054E129416a7093D ``` ``` Events:- 0xAeDaA5Ab66cdf3988c99Bb1FC35CE8CA62395753 ``` ``` User:- 0xb0335b5F17b2a80B3D54DD0B937F4a03dF3EE56a ``` ## List of all Smart Contracts deployed on 5ire Blockchain: ``` CreateEvent:- 0x5c4860e038f037Db43d35a563aD1332427b0e4D6 ``` ``` Events:- 0xB2E809aB05191cc2241Bf637Fac2a297c21Aed07 ``` ## List of all Smart Contract deployed on Sepolia Testnet ``` CreateEvent:- 0xa7CE6C01375b0f5208DB08b9b1Fc49426F443E78 ``` ``` Events:- 0x9452C28fC02370a15a279f325C84EC14a8278dA3 ```


