
上传日期:2015-02-05 16:46:56
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  EWMH兼容窗口管理器的启动器,
(Launcher for EWMH compatible window managers,)

PKGBUILD (676, 2015-02-05)
wmgo (4426, 2015-02-05)

# wmgo [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/mnick/wmgo](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/mnick/wmgo?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) wmgo is a dmenu-based launcher for EWMH compatible window managers like [awesome wm](http://awesome.naquadah.org/), [XMonad](http://xmonad.org/), [OpenBox](http://openbox.org/), or [i3](http://i3wm.org/). ### Features wmgo's main features: * Switching to currently opened windows via matching the window's title * Executing desktop files or binaries in $PATH via matching the filename * Optionally, executing commands in new terminal windows to capture the output XDG desktop files and binaries are cached for fast startup times of the launcher. ### Usage By opening wmgo and starting to type, wmgo finds all opened windows and applications which include the entered substring in their window title or filename. Pressing enter will either switch to the opened window or start the application. Obligatory screenshot after launching wmgo and typing `mn`: ![Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/ZruYtmT.png) Furthermore, ending commands with `;` will launch a new terminal winow (xterm by default) and execute the command inside this terminal window. ### Configuration The appearance of wmgo can be customized via the shell variables * `$FONT` to set the font of dmenu * `$DMENU_OPTIONS` to set the remaining dmenu parameters (foreground and background color, etc.) * `$TERMCMD` to set the terminal in which terminal commands should by executed via the `;` modifier For instance, ```bash FONT="Liberation Mono-8" DMENU_OPTIONS="-b" TERMCMD="urxvtc -e sh -c" wmgo ``` would launch wmgo at the bottom of the screen with font Liberation Mono in font size 8. Please note that some fonts require [dmenu with Xft support](http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/xft). Terminal commands would be executed in `urxvtc`. Alternatively, the configuration variables can be set in the file `$HOME/.config/wmgo/config` which is sourced at the start of wmgo. ```bash FONT="Liberation Mono-8" DMENU_OPTIONS="-b" TERMCMD="urxvtc -e sh -c" ``` ### Dependencies wmgo requires the following programms * [dmenu](http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/) (optional [dmenu with Xft support](http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/patches/xft) for antialiased fonts etc.) * [wmctrl](http://tomas.styblo.name/wmctrl/) * [lsx](http://tools.suckless.org/lsx) * [bash](http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) ### Example for Awesome WM First, add keybindings in `rc.lua` to launch wmgo, e.g. ```lua awful.key({ modkey }, ",", function() exec("/usr/bin/wmgo", false) end) ``` Next, reload your configuration. Now, you can switch between opened windows or launch new applications via `Mod4 + ,` and starting to type.


