
上传日期:2023-04-26 11:09:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用React开发的前端新闻文章应用程序,链接到我的后端API项目,
(A front end news article app developed using React, linked to my back end API project,)

package-lock.json (679401, 2023-04-26)
package.json (951, 2023-04-26)
public/ (0, 2023-04-26)
public/_redirects (18, 2023-04-26)
public/favicon.ico (3870, 2023-04-26)
public/index.html (458, 2023-04-26)
public/logo192.png (5347, 2023-04-26)
public/logo512.png (9664, 2023-04-26)
public/manifest.json (492, 2023-04-26)
public/robots.txt (67, 2023-04-26)
src/ (0, 2023-04-26)
src/App.css (1038, 2023-04-26)
src/App.js (738, 2023-04-26)
src/App.test.js (246, 2023-04-26)
src/app.tldr (73663, 2023-04-26)
src/appPlan.png (284113, 2023-04-26)
src/components/ (0, 2023-04-26)
src/components/AddComments.jsx (1202, 2023-04-26)
src/components/ArticleList.jsx (2096, 2023-04-26)
src/components/ArticleVotes.jsx (763, 2023-04-26)
src/components/GetComments.jsx (2198, 2023-04-26)
src/components/Header.jsx (129, 2023-04-26)
src/components/Home.jsx (167, 2023-04-26)
src/components/NavBar.jsx (1303, 2023-04-26)
src/components/SingleArticle.jsx (1978, 2023-04-26)
src/components/TopicsBar.jsx (645, 2023-04-26)
src/components/UserCard.jsx (785, 2023-04-26)
src/components/Users.jsx (1358, 2023-04-26)
src/contexts/ (0, 2023-04-26)
src/contexts/UserContext.js (804, 2023-04-26)
src/index.css (366, 2023-04-26)
src/index.js (390, 2023-04-26)
src/reportWebVitals.js (362, 2023-04-26)
src/setupTests.js (241, 2023-04-26)
src/utils/ (0, 2023-04-26)
src/utils/api.js (1479, 2023-04-26)

# NC-News Here is the hosted link: ## Description This is a news article app build using React. Each article has votes and comments, both of which the user can interact with. You can navigate to specific articles by clicking the relevant articles link, you can also use the navigation bar to view articles by category or head to the user or home page. You have the ability to change the logged in user and only then can you delete comments by that specific user. React-Bootstrap was used to develop the UI. I have used Axios to make HTTP requests to the REST endpoint API developed during my back end project for this app. ## Here is a link to the back end repo: ## Getting Started To run this project on your local machine you first need to fork the repository run the following command `git clone add_url_here` You can then install the required dependencies by running `npm install` in your terminal Run `npm start` to view the app locally in development mode, it will update each time your save any changes Run `npm test` to launch the test runner in the interactive watch mode Run `npm run build` this will build the app for production to the `build` folder. See the section about deployment for more information here :


