
上传日期:2015-09-23 08:58:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ESP 8266 WiFi模块的WebSocket服务器,
(A WebSocket Server for the ESP 8266 WiFi Module,)

LICENCE (1085, 2015-09-23)
Makefile (4388, 2015-09-23)
include/ (0, 2015-09-23)
include/espmissingincludes.h (2091, 2015-09-23)
include/httpdconfig.h (261, 2015-09-23)
include/lwipopts.h (55063, 2015-09-23)
include/mem_manager.h (2436, 2015-09-23)
include/uart_hw.h (5842, 2015-09-23)
include/user_config.h (1, 2015-09-23)
user/ (0, 2015-09-23)
user/base64.c (3516, 2015-09-23)
user/base64.h (171, 2015-09-23)
user/sha1.c (4204, 2015-09-23)
user/sha1.h (644, 2015-09-23)
user/uart.c (5734, 2015-09-23)
user/uart.h (2170, 2015-09-23)
user/uart_register.h (4752, 2015-09-23)
user/user_main.c (1808, 2015-09-23)
user/websocketd.c (7214, 2015-09-23)
user/websocketd.h (3296, 2015-09-23)

Websocket Daemon for the ESP 8266 ================================= This is a Websocket implementation based upon the [RFC 6455]( The Library uses a stripped Version of the [esphttpd]( as a base. Even though the Websocket Implementation is fully independent from this code, I used this Project as a starting point. So thanks to the author os this project. The code implements a WebSocket Deamon for the ESP8266 WiFi Module. It supports: * listening for new Clients * doing the handshake * Sending and receiving messages * as plain text * as binary * message unmasking * creating arbitary message frames * callbacks for received messages ToDo: * connect to servers * send as client There are no direct dependencies, as a SHA1 and a Base64 implementation are part of the code. Sample server that just echoes ws frames on the UART (serial) ------------------------------------------------------------- ```c void onWsMessage(WSConnection *connection, const WSFrame *message) { for (int i = 0; i < message->payloadLength; i++) { stdoutPutchar(message->payloadData[i]); } stdoutPutchar('\n'); } void onWsConnection(WSConnection *connection) { connection->onMessage = &onWsMessage; } //Main routine. Initialize stdout, the I/O and the webserver and we're done. void user_init(void) { uart_init(); ioInit(); websocketdInit(8080, &onWsConnection); //Start os task system_os_task(rxLoop, RX_PRIO, user_procTaskQueue, RX_QUEUE_LEN); system_os_post(RX_PRIO, 0, 0 ); os_printf("\nReady\n"); } ``` sample server that echoes the serial data (bidirectional) --------------------------------------------------------- ```c #include "espmissingincludes.h" #include "ets_sys.h" #include "osapi.h" #include "os_type.h" #include "uart.h" #include "websocketd.h" #define RX_PRIO 0 #define RX_QUEUE_LEN 1 #define COMMAND_MAXLEN 1024 os_event_t user_procTaskQueue[RX_QUEUE_LEN]; static char *statusCommand = "STATUS:"; static uint8_t commandMatcher = 0; static uint8_t commandMatched = FALSE; static char command[COMMAND_MAXLEN]; static uint32_t commandPosition = 0; //Main code function static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rxLoop(os_event_t *events) { int c = uart0_rx_one_char(); if (c != -1) { if (commandMatched == TRUE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { broadcastWsMessage(command, commandPosition, FLAG_FIN | OPCODE_TEXT); commandMatched = FALSE; commandPosition = 0; commandMatcher = 0; }else{ command[commandPosition++] = c; } if (commandPosition == COMMAND_MAXLEN) { commandMatched = FALSE; commandPosition = 0; commandMatcher = 0; } } else { if (statusCommand[commandMatcher] == c) { commandMatcher++; if (commandMatcher == strlen(statusCommand)) { commandMatched = TRUE; } } else { commandMatcher = 0; } } } system_os_post(RX_PRIO, 0, 0 ); } void onWsMessage(WSConnection *connection, const WSFrame *message) { for (int i = 0; i < message->payloadLength; i++) { stdoutPutchar(message->payloadData[i]); } stdoutPutchar('\n'); } void onWsConnection(WSConnection *connection) { connection->onMessage = &onWsMessage; } //Main routine. Initialize stdout, the I/O and the webserver and we're done. void user_init(void) { uart_init(); ioInit(); websocketdInit(8080, &onWsConnection); //Start os task system_os_task(rxLoop, RX_PRIO, user_procTaskQueue, RX_QUEUE_LEN); system_os_post(RX_PRIO, 0, 0 ); os_printf("\nReady\n"); } ``` For Build and upload instructions please refer to the `README.esphttpd` of the esphttpd author.


