
上传日期:2020-09-20 09:54:24
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  短信调制解调器读取器,,

go.mod (167, 2020-09-05)
go.sum (10196, 2020-09-05)
sms-modem-reader.go (7741, 2020-09-05)
sms/ (0, 2020-09-05)
sms/7bit.go (10259, 2020-09-05)
sms/sms.go (4622, 2020-09-05)
sms/ucs2.go (2005, 2020-09-05)

# Sms modem reader The application reads sms from the gsm huawei modem (tested on models: E173, E352b) using [AT commands]( and sends these sms to the specified webhook using the post request. It also periodically checks the balance and exports it to metrics on uri /metrics in prometheus format. ## Setup ```bash curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/sms-modem-reader chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sms-modem-reader ``` To run: ```bash /usr/local/bin/sms-modem-reader ``` If you need to change the default options, then export the required [environment variables](#environment-variables). For example: ```bash export WEBHOOK_URL= export BALANCE_USSD="*105#" /usr/local/bin/sms-modem-reader ``` For convenience, you can create a systemd service: `/etc/systemd/system/sms-modem-reader.service`: ``` [Unit] Description=Sms modem reader [Install] [Service] EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/sms-modem-reader ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/sms-modem-reader Restart=on-failure ``` Enable service: ```bash systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable sms-modem-reader ``` In this file, you can specify any available [environment variables](#environment-variables) `/etc/default/sms-modem-reader`: ``` WEBHOOK_URL= BALANCE_USSD="*105#" ``` If your modem does not work in modem mode, you can switch it to this mode using the program `usb_modeswitch` (package` usb-modeswitch` in ubuntu/debian). To do this, you can add another udev rule: `/etc/udev/rules.d/99-sms-modem-reader.rules`: ``` ATTRS{idVendor}=="12d1",ATTRS{idProduct}=="1506",RUN+="/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -v 12d1 -p 1506",TAG+="systemd" ``` All udev attributes can be viewed with the command `udevadm info -a / dev / ttyUSB0` `idVendor` and` idProduct` can be found with `lsusb`. For example: ``` # lsusb ... Bus 003 Device 002: ID 12d1:1506 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Modem/Networkcard ... ``` `12d1` - idVendor `1506` - idProduct ## webhook You can specify url using the environment variable `WEBHOOK_URL`. For example: `export WEBHOOK_URL=` Requst type: `POST` Content-type: `application/json` Body: `{"message": "text sms"}` ## Check balance The balance is checked using a USSD request, which can be specified through the environment variable `BALANCE_USSD`. The balance is read using a regular expression, which is specified using the environment variable `BALANCE_REGEXP` in the [golang regex syntax]( The application tries to calculate the balance both from the response to the USSD request and from incoming sms. In regular expression, the first captured group will be considered the balance. ## Environment variables * `METRIC_PORT` (default: "40111") - port for prometheus metrics * `METRIC_LISTEN_IP` (default: "") - ip address of the interface for prometheus metrics * `BALANCE_USSD` (default: "*122#") - USSD request to check balance * `BALANCE_REGEXP` (default: "^.*составляет (-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?) руб.*$") - regex to pull the current balance out of the message. The current balance will be the first captured group in the regular expression (that is, the first parentheses). The syntax used is * `INTERVAL_READ_SMS` (default: "10") - interval in seconds with which you want to check incoming sms * `INTERVAL_CHECK_BALANCE` (default: "86400") - interval in seconds with which to check the current balance * `WEBHOOK_URL` (default: "") - url where sms messages will be sent * `WEBHOOK_BASIC_AUTH` (умолчание: "false") - enables / disables http authentication for sending webhooks * `WEBHOOK_BASIC_AUTH_USER` (умолчание: "admin") - when http authentication is enabled, this user is used * `WEBHOOK_BASIC_AUTH_PASS` (умолчание: "") - when http authentication is enabled, this password is used * `SERIAL_FILE` (default: "/dev/ttyUSB0") - serial port file * `SERIAL_BAUD` (default: "9600") - serial port baud rate (bps) * `SERIAL_STOP_BITS` (default: "1") - the number of stop bits. Possible values: "1", "2", "15" * `SERIAL_PARITY` (default: "N") - indicates the presence and type of parity bit. Possible values: "N", "O", "E", "M", "S" * `SERIAL_SIZE` (default: "8") - the number of bits that frame start and stop bits ## prometheus metrics Metrics can be obtained at url: http://METRIC_LISTEN_IP:METRIC_PORT/metrics | metric | type | description | |--------------------------------|-------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | sms_reader_balance | guage | current balance | | sms_reader_balance_last_check | guage | unix timestamp last check | | sms_reader_sms_last_status | guage | sms last read status, 0 - successful, 1 - failed to read | | sms_reader_webhook_last_status | guage | status of the last submission to webhook, 0 - successful, 1 - failed to send | Example metrics: ``` # HELP sms_reader_balance current balance # TYPE sms_reader_balance gauge sms_reader_balance 350.36 # HELP sms_reader_balance_last_check unix timestamp last check balance # TYPE sms_reader_balance_last_check gauge sms_reader_balance_last_check 1.597837689e+09 # HELP sms_reader_sms_last_status read sms correct, 1 = fail, 0 = success # TYPE sms_reader_sms_last_status gauge sms_reader_sms_last_status 0 # HELP sms_reader_webhook_last_status send webhook last send fail, 1 = fail, 0 = success # TYPE sms_reader_webhook_last_status gauge sms_reader_webhook_last_status 1 ```


